Sunset Beach Fan Fiction
Sunset Beach Forever

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am back from my vacation and so is SUNSET BEACH FOREVER!! PS. Send me some feedback on the episodes: What you like or don't like with some suggestions... Enjoy!

Sunset Beach Forever #56

Airdate: 24.03.2000, Friday

South Bay General

Meg: Oh, my God! What is happening? Tyus! Rae! Say something!

Craig runs to Meg.

Craig: Meg, what’s going on?

Meg: Craig, our mom is dying!

Joan’s room

Tyus: Come on, Joan! I don’t want to lose you! Not now, when we have the cure! Come on!

The beach

Antonio: Let me help you! Gabi, you almost hurt yourself!

Gabi: Antonio, how can I learn to be in this damn wheelchair if I never try alone?

Antonio: But let us help you! You won't stay in this wheelchair forever! You are going on a therapy. It helped Ricardo.

Gabi: But we don’t know if it’s going to help me.

Antonio: It will. I am sure of it.

Gabi: Oh my God…

Antonio: What? Something hurts?

Gabi: No! Antonio, where is Benjy?

Antonio turns around and looks around himself but he doesn’t see Benjy.

Maria’s place

Maria and Billy walk in.

Maria: I am so happy! This interview went so well. I feel like they already accepted me.

Billy: You were magnificent! No wonder I love you.

They kiss.

Annie: Hey! I heard you celebrate something! What happened?

Maria: Annie, I think I got the job at UCLA as an art teacher.

Annie: Oh my God, Maria that’s great!

She hugs her.

Maria: I think so to!

Annie: Well guess what? What do you think who is the new partner of Ben Evans, AJ Deschanel and Gregory Richards in Liberty Corporation?

Maria: You? Annie, how did you do it?

Annie: Oh, well…

Maria smiles and hugs Annie again.

Maria: Tonight we celebrate! (She pours some wine in Annie’s, Billy’s and her glass). I toast to Annie's and my new job!

Annie: I toast to that to!

They click glasses and someone is watching them. Someone, wearing a woman’s shoes and a dress.


Los Vegas

Sara: I can't believe we are doing this.

Casey: In just a couple of minutes we are going to be Mr. and Mrs. Casey Mitchum.

Sara: I can't wait!

Casey: Come on, Sara. Let’s go to the chapel.

They exit.

Sara (while they are waking): I wonder what Rae is doing now?

South Bay General

Rae: We are losing her, Tyus!

Tyus: I see that, but we can't lose her. Give her more of Lidocain! (I made this medication up LOL)

Joan’s heart starts pumping again.

Tyus: We got her! Oh thank you, Lord!


Meg: They made it! Yes!

Ben: I knew it!

Craig: Thank you, God!

Tyus and Rae exit.

Meg: Did you give her the cure now?

Tyus: Yes. We used everything that was meant for your father on your mother.

Meg: Well at least you saved her.

Rae: Yes. Oh God! My shift is over. I should be going. Tyus, if you need any help tonight, beep me.

Tyus: I will.

Meg: Rae! Thank you.

Rae just smiles and leaves.

The Deep

Austin: Where the hell is she? Maybe she forgot. Or she did it intentionally. Waiter! Do I have any messages? I am Austin Bourne.

Waiter: No, sir. No messages.

Austin: Thank you. Where are you, Rae?

The beach

Gabi: Antonio, where is Benjy? Benjy!

Antonio: Gabi, stay here. I’ll go find him.

Gabi: I want to…

Antonio: Stay!

Antonio runs away.

Antonio is running over the beach.

Antonio: Benjy! Benjy, where are you?! Benjy! Damn it, where is he?

Maria’s place

Maria, Billy and Annie are laughing.

Maria: This is great! Why don’t we call Gabi and Antonio to? They are watching Benjy and they can bring him back and stay for a while.

Billy: Great idea!

Maria: OK, I’ll just call them.

Maria goes.

Annie: You really like Maria, don’t you?

Billy: Yeah, I do. Do you have a problem with that?

Annie: No. Not at all, but if you hurt Maria in any way… I will come to her defense.

Billy: I’m sure you will.

Maria comes back.

Maria: No one answered. Well I am sure they are out somewhere. I’ll call later.

Las Vegas

Sara and Casey arrive at the chapel.

Priest: Hello. You must be Mr. Casey Mitchum and Miss Sara Cummings.

Casey: Yes. Can we start?

Priest: Yes. Maddie, music!

The music starts playing.

Priest: We don’t have much time so we'll make it quick.

Casey: OK.

Priest: Do you, Casey, take Sara to be your wife? In sickness and in health… bla bla… Do you?

Casey looks weird at Sara and then turns to the priest.

Casey: I do.

Priest: Do you Sara, take Casey to be… well all the same. Do you?

Sara: I do.

Priest: The rings…

Casey and Sara take the rings out.

Priest: Casey, put this ring on Sara’s finger as I say and repeat: With this ring…

Casey: With this ring…

Priest: I am marrying you, Sara…

Casey: I am marrying you, Sara…

Priest: Ok. Now you Sara.

Casey: That’s it?

Priest: Yes. Sara, repeat after me: With this ring…

Sara: With this ring…

Priest: I am marrying you, Casey.

Sara: I am marrying you, Casey.

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Casey and Sara smile and they kiss.

South Bay General

Jude is signing some papers on the receptionist’s desk.

Meg: Jude?

Jude: Yes, Meg?
Meg: I just wanted to say… thank you. If you haven't go to Chicago and got the cure my family would be dead.

Jude: Meg, it’s ok. I was just doing my job.

Meg: Well anyway, thank you.

Away of them

Craig: Ben, I’ll go tell Jamie what happened. I think she would like to know.

Ben: You’re right. Go!

Craig leaves. Tyus comes.

Tyus: Ben…

Ben: Tyus, is there something wrong now?

Tyus: No. Well yes. But not for Joan and Hank. They should be fine. But you see… Michael.

Ben: Michael? Michael Bourne?

Tyus: Yes. We don’t have any cure for him and he is really serious.

Ben: Come on, Tyus! Michael can't die.

Tyus: Well at this point…

The Deep

Rae walks in.

Austin: Finally!

Rae: Well I am sorry. We have a lot of work in the hospital because of the virus.

Austin: Ok, I forgive you.

Rae: Thank you. Now what are we drinking?

Austin: How bout champagne?

Rae: I really don’t have much to celebrate, Austin.

Austin: Oh, but you do!

Rae: I do?

Austin: I heard you got the cure and now my brother and everyone else will be all right! And there is one more thing. You and I…

Rae: First of all, Austin… you and I… we don’t exist. Yet! And considering Michael… we don’t have a cure for him.

Surf Central

Gabi and Antonio come back.

Gabi: I can't believe it! Maria gives Benjy to us once in her life and we blow it!

Antonio: We did not blow it! We will find him.

Gabi: We looked all over the beach and we still didn’t find… oh my God!

Antonio: What?

Gabi: Antonio… the water! Benjy might have went into water and…

Gabi looks worried at Antonio.

Maria’s place

Annie: Maria, don’t you think you should try and call Gabi and Antonio and see when will they come and get Benjy back.

Maria: You are right. I will call them now.

Just as Maria approaches the phone it rings.

Maria: Hello?

Voice: Hello, Maria.

Maria: You!

Billy: Maria? Who is it?

Voice: Guess who is with me?

Maria: What?

Benjy’s voice: Mommy!

Maria: OH, my God, Benjy! You bastard! Give me back my son! Benjy!

Billy: Maria!

Person laughs and hangs up.

Maria: Noooo!!

Billy: Maria, what’s wrong? Who was it?

Maria: It was him! He took Benjy!

Billy: What?

Maria: The person that has been calling me has Benjy!

South Bay General – Jamie’s room

Craig: Hey!

Jamie: Hey! Did they get the cure?
Craig: Yes. And there were some problems but everything is ok now.

Jamie: What happened?

Craig: Oh mom had an attack. But they managed to save her. She is ok. Just like dad.

Jamie: And Ken?

Craig: Ken? I don’t know. Nobody said anything about him.

Jamie: My God! Maybe he died!

Ken’s room

Tyus enters.

Tyus: It’s time for your medicine, Mr. Hanson.

Tyus injects him the cure.

Tyus waits to see how will Ken react.

Tyus: Come on, Ken! Open your eyes!


Surf Central

Furious Maria storms in Surf Central followed by Billy and Annie.

Maria: Where is Benjy? Tell me he is here with you! Tell me!

Antonio: Maria…

Maria: Antonio, just say it!

Antonio: I can't! He is not here!

Maria: No… Benjy…

Billy: What happened, Antonio?

Gabi: We were on the beach and I fell out and Antonio turned to help me and… he was gone!

Maria: No…

Annie: That’s great! Can't you watch him?

Gabi: It wasn’t our fault! And besides we are sorry!

Annie: You are sorry? Some crazy maniac has Benjy!

Antonio: What is she talking about?

Billy: Someone called Maria and said he has Benjy.

Gabi: Oh my God…

Antonio: Damn it! Well why are we here? Let’s go find him!

Billy: Now we can't do anything, but wait. And we should go to your house, Maria. He will call again and we need to be there.

Maria (crying): OK.

They all exit.

Las Vegas

Sara: We had the strangest wedding but I am glad we did.

Casey: Yeah, so am I. You are finally Mrs. Mitchum.

He kisses her.

Sara: Now let’s have fun!

Casey: Yeah! Let’s!

They enter the casino.

The Deep

Austin: You are saying that my brother might die although the cure is here?

Rae: Yes. Austin, many people are sick. And we don’t have so much cures for everybody.

Austin: But… Rae, why didn’t you give Michael the medicine first? You are dating me!

Rae: I am not dating you! This is our first date. Is that why you are with me? So Michael would get a medicine first? Is it, Austin?!

South Bay General

Craig: I am sure that Ken is not dead. But why would someone tell me how Ken is?

Jamie: You are right. I am panicking for nothing. I would like to get out of this damn room!

Craig: Soon you will. Now that they have the cure… in a minute you’ll be out with Ken and having fun on the beach.

Jamie: We are going to have a great summer, aren't we?

Craig: The best!

Jamie: I won't have good summer if… if my high school past comes out. You can't tell anyone, Craig!

Craig: I won't! I swore to you hundred times.

Jamie: Casey won't tell anyone I know that.

Craig: No one will find out.

Meg: Find out what?

Maria’s house

They all walk in.

Annie: Billy, you think we should call the police?

Billy: No, not yet.

Maria: Why? He could hurt him!

Billy: No, Maria! We need to hear his conditions. Look I know what I am doing.

Antonio: Billy is right. He knows what to do.

Maria: My poor Benjy… he is going through this again.

Billy: Again?

Maria: Yeah. He was kidnapped once before. By a kidnapper named Jake. But Tess Marin hired him.

Billy: Could it be Tess again?

Annie: No. Jude and I checked the computer, she is still in jail.

Maria: Then who? Who could it be?

Kidnapper’s lair

Benjy is sitting on the bed. Someone walks in. Camera shows legs. It starts to go up. It shows the man’s face. It is a man, some guy we never saw before.

Benjy: Where is my mommy?!

Man: Shut up, kid! You are staying here until I don’t get what I need!

Ken’s room

Tyus: It can't be! You can't be in virus coma! Come on, open your eyes.

Suddenly Ken starts to open them slowly.

Tyus: Yes! Good morning, Mr. Hanson.

Ken: Oh my God… what happened?

Tyus: You had the virus.

Ken: I had?

Tyus: Yeah. It’s going away now.

Ken: They found a cure?

Tyus: Yes.

Ken smiles.

Ken: How is…

Tyus: Relax! You can't talk too much now. Jamie? Jamie is fine. She was never actually serious.

Ken: When can I see her?

Tyus: In morning probably.

Ken: OK.

Tyus: Now I’ll go tell her you woke up. She is going to be thrilled!

Ken smiles and Tyus exits.

Jamie’s room

Jamie: Meg!

Meg: What were you two talking about? Who can't find out what?

Craig: Oh, it’s just… a surprise! Now that this horror is over we are planing to make a surprise.

Meg: Oh?

Jamie: Yeah. And since it’s a surprise, we can't tell you!

Meg: Ok. I just came to see how you’re doing.

Jamie: Great!

Meg: OK. I have to go home now. I came to say goodbye.

Jamie: Good night, Meg. (Meg exits) Great! Now we have to make a surprise…

The Deep

Austin: I am not with you because of that, but I thought you would do that for me.

Rae: Well I can't! I don’t decide who gets the medicine. First the serious patients and then the others.

Austin: Michael is serious!

Rae: But not as serious as the others! Look, just be patient. They will send us more of that cure and Michael will walk again.

Austin: I hope you’re right.

Rae: Now let’s take a drink.

Austin: No! Let’s dance.

Rae: OK…

They start dancing. Just as Austin and Rae were about to kiss, her beeper beeps.

Rae: Damn!

Austin: Why don’t you throw that thing? It always ruins the moment.

Rae: I have…

Austin: You have to go! Yeah, of course.

Rae: I’m sorry. We’ll do this some other time.

Austin: Of course.

Rae takes her things and leaves.

Maria’s place

Maria: This is exactly the same thing that happened last year! It is Tess' style! Everything is the same! Meg and Casey were on the beach with Benjy and when they turned their heads for just a second, the man hired by Tess kidnapped Benjy.

Billy: So I'm sure it's Tess!

Annie: I told you that she's in jail!

Maria: Why isn't he calling?

Billy: He will!

The phone rings.

Maria: Hello?

Voice: You are fast, Maria.

Maria: Why are you doing this? What do you want?

Voice: Oh… just… some money.

Maria: Money? How much?

Voice: 5 000 000 $.

Maria: I can't get that much! Wait! Why did you pick on me? I am not rich.

Voice: Let’s say we have something together.

Maria: And what’s that?

Voice: A-a! Not yet! Now can you get me that money tonight or Benjy dies!

Evans’ house

Meg and Ben come in.

Ben: I’ll go take a shower.

Meg: OK.

Phone rings.

Meg: Hello?

Sara: Meg?

Meg: Sara, where are you? We’ve been looking for you!

Sara: Why? What happened?

Meg: Mom and dad both got the virus.

Sara: Oh my God!

Meg: But they are fine now. The found a cure.

Sara: Thank God.

Meg: Where are you? What’s that noise?

Sara: Meg, I am in Vegas. And guess what?

Meg: In Vegas? What… oh my God! Don’t tell me! You and Casey…

Sara: Yeah, Meg! We got married!

Meg: Oh Sara that’s so great!

Ben comes behind Meg and she doesn’t see him.

Sara: How are you?

Meg: You mean, have I told Ben that I slept with Ricardo and that baby might be his? No.

Ben knocks the lamp over and Meg turns around in shock.

Meg: Oh my God, Ben!


Sunset Beach Forever #57

Airdate: 27.03.2000, Monday



South Bay General

Jamie walks in Ken’s room. She smiles when she sees him sitting on his bed and smiling back at her. She runs to him and hugs him.

Jamie: You are fine! Thank God!

Evans’ house

Meg wakes up and goes to the kitchen and takes some coffee. She remembers her last night conversation with Sara.

Sara: How are you?

Meg: You mean, have I told Ben that I slept with Ricardo and that baby might be his? No.

Ben knocks the lamp over and Meg turns around in shock.

Meg: Oh my God, Ben!

She stops remembering when she hears Ben.

Meg: Good morning, Ben…

He says nothing.

Meg: Ben…

He still doesn’t say a thing.

Meg: Ben, say something!

Ben: What do you want me to say? That I am happy cause my wife is pregnant with someone else?

Meg: I am not pregnant with Ricardo!

Ben: Well that’s not what you’ve told Sara last night.

Meg: I don’t know if this baby is Ricardo’s. It could be yours!

Ben: Well I want it to be mine! Not anyone else’s but it is! It is Ricardo’s!
Maria’s house

Annie: Maria, you haven't slept at all.

Maria: How do you expect me to sleep at this moment, Annie? My son in missing and he is been kidnapped by some crazy person! He wanted money last night and I didn’t give it to him so that means Benjy could be dead by now!

Annie: Benjy is not dead! Maria, Billy will get you some good news when he gets back.

Billy enters. His face is dark.

Annie: Or maybe not…

Maria: You are bringing me some more bad news, aren't you?

Billy: I’m afraid so…

Java Web

Sean is reading the papers. Emily walks in.

Emily: Hi!

Sean: Hey! I was just thinking about you.

Emily: You have? Hmm… what could it be? A nice romantic night or wild game on the beach?

Sean: Neither of that. A romantic cruise…

Emily: Oh no! Not a romantic cruise! Last one was not romantic at all!

Sean: No, no… listen! We’ll take my father’s boat and just the two of us we’ll sail around Sunset Beach. Come on! We can't live trough two tidal waves!

Leo: Hi, guys! Planing a cruise?

Richards’ house

AJ comes in.

AJ: Gregory, I can't believe you hired Annie again!

Gregory: AJ, good morning to you to.

AJ: No time for that! I want to know why is Annie back in Liberty Corporation.


Richards’ house

Gregory: I am not in the mode for your problems, AJ.

AJ: My problems? Annie is your problem as much as mine!

Gregory: AJ, my daughter has been locked up and I can't think straight now. Can you leave this for some other day?

AJ: I am sorry, Gregory. I love Caitlin, but this is important.

Gregory (yelling): Oh the hell with it! Fire Annie! Send me to jail! AJ, do it! Go tell Annie she is fired and I am going to prison and I don’t care cause I don’t have my princess anymore (almost crying)…

AJ is shocked by Gregory’s behavior. He has never seen him like that before.

Java Web

Sean: Yes, Leo, we are! But when did you come back?

Leo: Oh, yesterday. So… do you mind if I join you?

Sean: A… Leo…

Emily: Leo, you see this is a… sort of … a romantic cruise for two.

Leo: Oh… I’m sorry. I am a fool!

Sean: No, no… it’s ok. So Em, when do you want to go?

Sean turns to Emily and turns his back to Leo.

Leo’s voice: Damn you, Sean! I want Emily! And I will never have her.

South Bay General

Ken: I am so happy to finally see you and kiss you.

Jamie: I know how you feel.

Ken: Jamie… I thought all night about this and I have decided.

Jamie: You were thinking about what?

Ken: I am quitting CIA agent job.

Evans’ house

Meg: Ben, please… I love you! I don’t love Ricardo!

Ben: Yes, but you have his baby!

Meg: But this might not be his baby. It might be yours and I know it’s yours!

Ben: How can you know? We slept about the same time you slept with Ricardo.

Meg: Ben, how do you know when I slept with Ricardo? I never told you when that happened.

Ben: I…

Meg: Answer me, Ben! How do you know when that happened?

Maria’s house

Billy: I have been talking to some friends at the station and… they can't do anything yet but to search for them. I mean that’s what they can do. And we can only wait.

Maria: I am not going to wait! I am going to get that phone call tracer and I will find out from where he is calling me.

Annie: Good idea! I have one in my room. I used it while Gregory was blackmailing Caitlin and me.

Annie goes upstairs to get it.

Billy comes closer to Maria and hugs her.

Billy: Maria, it’s going to be ok.

Maria: How can you say that? Nothing is ok!

Billy: It will be! We will find Benjy. Alive! I promise you that!

Maria: You promise?

Billy: I promise.

Billy hugs Maria.

Maria: Oh God! I have to call Ben and tell him!

She moves Billy’s arms away and goes to call him.

Evans’ house

Meg: Ben, answer! How did you know when have Ricardo and me made love?

Ben: I… (The phone rings and Ben runs to answer it)

Meg: Great! Saved by the bell!

Ben: Maria…

Meg: Perfect!

Ben: What? Oh my God! I am coming right away!

Meg: You are going to her? Ben, we are having a serious problem here!

Ben: Benjy has been kidnapped!

Meg: What?

Ben: I have to go!

Meg: Ben…

Ben leaves.

Meg: Great!

Ken’s room

Jamie: You are quitting? Why? Ken, you love that job!

Ken: I have to. I have trusted them that this virus wasn’t dangerous and look what happened! They used me. And I can't work for them. I will move here completely and I will start a new life here. With you.

Jamie: I am so happy.

Ken: Not as half-happy as I am!

Jamie: I love you.

Ken: I love you to. Jamie…

Jamie: Yeah?
Ken: This might not be the great time or place for me to ask, but… will you marry me?

Jamie smiles in shock.

Jamie: Ken…

Ken: Does that mean yes?

Jamie: No. No, Ken. I can't!

Ken is shocked and he looks at Jamie.

Richards’ house

AJ: Gregory… my God…

Olivia (entering): Gregory, darling… what happ… AJ!

AJ: Hello, Olivia.

Gregory: I need some air.

Gregory exits through the terrace.

Olivia: What happened to Gregory?

AJ: He is hurt because of Caitlin.

Olivia: Oh… of course. What a silly question to ask.

AJ: And he is being blackmailed by Annie.

Olivia: What?!

AJ: I don’t how but she is blackmailing him and I will find out.

Olivia: AJ!

AJ leaves.

Olivia: Damn, Annie! Always doing something useless…

Maria’s house

Annie comes down the stairs.

Annie: I got it! Here, Maria.

Maria: I just called Ben.

Annie: Oh, yes! He should definitely know about this!

Billy: Yeah, sure.

Ben runs in.

Ben: Maria, Maria! Where is Benjy? Is he ok? Have you found him?

Maria: No. We don’t even know where he is.

Ben: Oh…

Ben hugs Maria. Billy looks at them and Meg walks in.

On the street

Leo is walking down the street. AJ sees him and comes to him.

AJ: Hello, son! Nice morning, huh?

Leo: Not exactly.

AJ: Well to me either. I was trying to be nice. Trouble with Emily and Sean?

Leo: Yes. Dad, you have to help me!

AJ: I can't, Leo. I already told you. I don’t want to break up Sean and Emily. Son, there are so many other girls. Why did you pick on Emily?

Leo: Emily is special. The reason I came here besides Cole, was Emily! I love her, dad!

AJ: I’m sorry, Leo, but I can't help you.

Leo: Why?

AJ: Emily is Bette’s daughter. And besides she loves Sean.

Leo: But I have an idea!

AJ: Oh, Leo… Ok, fine. Let’s hear it.

Java Web

Emily: So when are we planing to go on that cruise?

Sean: Today. This afternoon.

Emily: Should I bring something with me?

Sean: You just bring yourself. This is going to be perfect!

Emily: Unless there is a storm coming.

Sean: No, I checked the weather. Hot and sunny.

Emily smiles. They kiss.

Ken’s room

Ken: Why not? I thought you love me and you want to marry me.

Jamie: I do love you and I do want to marry you, but not now. Not yet…

Ken: What do you mean?

Jamie: Ken, we don’t know each other very long, and I am still on collage. I want to get to know you better and I want to finish my collage.

Ken: I see… But you still want to be with me?

Jamie: Of course! Definitely!

They kiss.

Ken: I’m sorry, if I was going fast.

Jamie: It’s ok.

Tyus comes in.

Tyus: We got the test results back. Ken, you can go home tomorrow morning.

Jamie and Ken smile.

Maria’s house

Maria: Meg… I didn’t know you are here.

Meg: Hello, Maria. Looks like you are using every opportunity to be with my husband.

Maria: Excuse me?

Ben: Meg, don’t!

Meg: No, I am sick of it! Every time you need something or something happens you call Ben.

Maria: Ben is Benjy’s father. He has a right to know that Benjy is kidnapped.

Meg: I know that and I know he has to be here, but that doesn’t mean you should hug him and touch him! You are dating Billy, as I recall.

Maria: This was a friendly hug.

Meg: I don’t care! I don’t want you on my husband! Understand?

Maria: I am sorry, Meg. It won't happen again.

Meg turns to Ben.

Meg: That goes for you to. (She turns to everyone else) I hope you find Benjy.

Then she exits.

Annie: Woo! Little Mary Sunshine is angry!

Ben: Shut up, Annie!

Annie just smiles.

Richards’ house

Olivia walks to Gregory who is sitting on the terrace.

Olivia: Gregory?

Gregory: Do you know how it feels when your princess is gone?

Olivia: Of course, Gregory. Caitlin is my daughter to! I feel the pain to, but Gregory, you are acting like our daughter is dead! She will be back to us, healthy and well.

Gregory: You see, Olivia, you are wrong.

Olivia: What? You don’t think Cait will be ok?

Gregory: No, not that. Caitlin wasn’t your little princess. She was my little princess. Only mine!

Olivia: But still, she was my daughter and I think we should deal with this together, Gregory.

Gregory: I can't. I have to be alone.

Olivia: That’s exactly how it happened when I lost our first child. You didn’t want my help and we separated. Then when we thought Trey was gone, we did the same and we divorced. Now when we need each other again, we do the same mistake. Actually you are doing it, Gregory.

Gregory: I am? Well I don’t care, Olivia.

Olivia: You don’t? Well fine then…

Olivia goes into the house and goes upstairs.

She walks in her room and starts packing. Gregory comes in.

Gregory: What are you doing?

Olivia: Well I realized that we are obviously not mature enough to be with each other so I am leaving.

Gregory: Don’t go, Livvy. I … need you.

Olivia looks at Gregory with tears in her eyes. She hugs him real hard.

Olivia: Don’t let go… Don’t ever let me go…

She starts crying as Gregory holds her in his arms.

Java Web

Leo comes back.

Leo: Hey, guys! Guess what? I am going on cruise to!

Sean: Hey that’s great! Maybe we’ll see each other somewhere on the sea.

Leo: Oh you will see me…

Leo smiles.

Emily: Look I have to go and pack some food.

Sean: Meet you at marina?

Emily: Ok. (She kisses Sean) Bye, Leo!
Leo: Bye!

Sean: Well I have to go to. I have to visit my sister.

Leo: Hey, I heard. I am sorry.

Sean: Thanks.

Sean exits.

Leo: Of course we’ll see each other, Sean. I’ll be on the same boat as you are… with about 100 other people.

Leo smiles.

Ken’s room

Ken: You mean…

Tyus: It’s almost gone! By the morning it will all be gone and you are going to be a healthy man!

Ken: It’s good to know that.

Jamie: It certainly is. What about me?

Tyus: Oh you just need one small dose of the medicine and you can go tomorrow morning to.

Jamie: Great! When can I get the medicine?

Tyus: Right now. Follow me!

Jamie: Ok. See you, babe!

Jamie and Tyus leave and Ken smiles happily!

Maria’s house

Carmen walks in.

Carmen: Maria, Hija! I heard! Is Benjy OK?

Maria: No, mama. We still can't find him.

Carmen: I am so sorry, Hija. I looked the cards for you.

Maria: Mama, not now, please.

Carmen: But…

Maria (yell): Mama, no!

Everyone look at Maria.

Ben: Maria, it’s ok.

Maria: It’s not Ok! Nothing’s ok! Nothing!

Maria runs out of the house.

Ben starts to go after her, but Billy grabs his arm.

Billy: Don’t… She needs some time alone.


Maria is running and crying. She fells on the sand.

Then she sees Meg entering Java Web. She follows her.

Java Web

Meg: Can I use your phone?

Waitress: Sure.

Meg dials.

Meg: Room 574, please. Thank you. (Waits) Sara, hi!

Maria walks behind her and Meg doesn’t see her.

Meg: I’m sorry I hang up last night but Ben heard everything……… Yes, everything! About how I slept with Ricardo and how this baby could be his…

Maria (in shock): You did what?

Meg is shocked and turns to see Maria's shocked face.

