WebTechU Certificates etc.

HTML Course Certificate

I worked hard to get this certificate so I may as well display it,
and I can't think of anywhere better than here!

August 31st 1999: I have managed to complete my first attempt at a website where I have typed in ALL the HTML myself - click on the shield to visit my home village:coat of arms

Tables Course CertificateSeptember 1999: I have now completed the WebTechU Tables course - click here to visit the new site I have created for my new Ranger Guides unit.

September 17th 1999: Guess what! I have just completed the WebTechU "Frames" course- click here to check out my exam test page, and here is the certificate to show that I passed this one as well: Tables Course Certificate

PSP 101 Course CertificateOctober 4th 1999: My latest course has been PSP 101 - the "unique matching set of website graphics" I made for the course is here if you'd like to see it, and I've made some complete sets which you can use - see them here.

September 10th 2000 : a bit of a gap since the last one - but now they've brought out a new PSP 201 course so I've done that as well! PSP 201 certificate
Click here to have a look at my coursework.

Forms 101 certSeptember 18th 2000 : ...and another one in rapid succession, Forms 101 : why not take part in the Survey I compiled for this course, or you can apply for one of my awards.

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