My name is David Brager and I live in Richland, Washington.  I need to present everything I have done, for I have been given permission to raise a call to the Marines.  9/11 was engineered, and the entire casefile follows, with all links to actual work accomplished.  The US Govt. let me alone to do this right the first time. 

As of 9:16 A.M. on 28 April 2008, I have faxed the following to NYC city hall, attempted to fax it to the Office of the Inspector General of the Port Authority of NY/NJ (which stopped at three pages), and then faxed it to NYPD Police Chief Joyce Stephen and North Central Bronx Hospital (though afterward, I edited two paragraphs together that didn't read as well in the middle), as well as to the Detectives in the 19th Precinct, the Law office of  Richard Barrett (retired member of the NYPD and attorney for the NYC Verrazano Association), FEMA, and the US Military Academy.

I don't want to panic the general public.  I don't have a problem with panicking the people who remember the bad work from 9/11, but if this isn't stopped by the end of April, the really dangerous disharmonization shit starts in May.  The only way to win is not to play, and an ounce of Prevention...etc.


The US Government has been taken hostage by the US Administration, and with the help of the FBI, on 5 June 2006, we managed to stop a third attack on the World Trade Center on 6/6/6. However, from the day before, to the day after, Mr. President goes from the biggest smirk in history to looking exceedingly worried.  For those of us who play poker, that is what I call a tell.

The content of this email is 18 months of work to develop an instant case, for I need to prove to you something that you have been lied to based on a foundational deception system that was developed intentionally since 1833.  Someone has utilized viral logic to attack the USA, but they replicated an original weapon, of which I can prove is not terrestrial based on common human logic in the most remote third world.  If something never happens even in the Third World, it never happens on Earth.

In November, 2006, I went into the US Marine Corps recruiting office in Kennewick, Washington, and related that I had found that the White House Putsch, of which Major General Smedley Butler had attempted to stop in the 1930's, was still raging, and the Marines were getting the shit kicked out of them by pencil pushers who had found a way to beat the shit out of this country without, they thought, getting caught.   So, as I found a computer-grade level puzzle in the book of Matthew that splits the book into tools, including a tool to teach people how to see through time, I was going to have to develop the fullest set of tools so that I can teach Marines everything, and once they realize my argument is valid, they will realize that I did right for the Marines.  The tools to teach how to see through time are also reprinted on the back of every US one dollar bill.

You understand the difference between doing a job and playing a role.  People in roles get highly scrutinized.  I tackled the highest role I could legally do, and I've completed this mission.  I bring the USA the strongest hand of aces ever created to save the honor of the USA, for we are a team, a family, and we have been attacked by another life force that, using a hand tool of eight fingers, everyone on the planet will judge all.  Good people are two thumbs up and no fingers raised.  The worse of the worst is all four left hand violations, and two specific right-hand violations.  Hitler didn't make this judgment, but Bush and Cheney have, as you will discover.  We have a second life force on this planet, and it's logic spans beyond multiple human lives.  Thanks to the hand tool of instant wisdom we can see and track it, of which, if everyone used the hand tool, we'd have instant peace.  Someone tore up the instruction manual...and wrote a Torah. 

I have to make this argument, and only the USA has been safe enough to make it, for Skull and Bones have replicated the logic of the Torah as if they had written it.  They thought they could play God, but God was watching, and I can now prove something so fucking intelligent that every computer geek on the planet is going to cheer, and there's new commerce and industry out of nowhere, for I'm here to deliver the fucking Rapture.  It took 18 months of work, but this baby is ready to set off.  It's a domino theory set, but using communications instead of matter.  Ideas travel faster than light.  The Torah set our logic into the tabulation, acquisition and movements of matter. 

In the 1980's, I was running Eyes OPEN Dungeons and Dragons hypnosis gaming sessions and players swore they were battling real monsters in real time.  Folks, this was heaven, the greatest computer fantasy simulation system in the universe, and something from within the game managed to get it's logic in place before the rules arrived.  Go listen to the Humyo audio, below, which I sent to the Israelis through the Germans. 

I'm a peacemaker, and the USA is my family.  We have been attacked by domestic terrorism, and it's all the way into the White House.  Please read, and disseminate to everyone who worked on 9/11 crap.  If you don't want to do that again, you need to read this and then raise a call to the Marines, immediately.  They know what's up.  Those who act FASTEST make history, and those who don't, are caught.

Dear New York:

Being of the longest recorded family tree in all of Judaism, the world looking like Revelations, and the USA needing someone with courage to play the strongest hand to international diplomacy ever, I told the Marines that I was tackling the post of Jewish Prophet for pure honor, for Skull and Bones had attacked the USA using tools they found in the Gospels and the viral logic of the Torah as if they had written the Torah.  How can these people be "Good Christians" when they are using such tools as weapons against their own nation?

In finding the puzzle in Matthew, I found two quests of which it is clear that Mohammed tackled the first.  For honor, and as the late Gary Gygax, inventor of Dungeons and Dragons, gave me a nice blurb for the back of my book (on the printed copy), I decided to tackle the second quest, and test the hand tool for maximal wisdom, for the tool allows instant chivalry.

I have discovered three innate abilities that humans are not fully utilizing, including an ability to build a time-line memory so that one can extract factual data about the future from no less than three stories with the same basic underlying logic.  The  template for the tool is printed on the back of every US One Dollar Bill thanks to the Freemasons, who used these tools to design good government in the form of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The second innate ability has to do with a hand tool for instant wisdom, based on our cranial design.  Etherial conceps are noted on the left hand based on right-brain logic, and so forth.

The third is an advanced set of applications for hypnosis, which, after 25 years of research, I have turned into human computational communications, for it turned out that hypnosis was COMPUTER LOGIC in standard human language.  The human mind really is a computer.  So, I developed a public domain FCC-compliant contractual method so that new commerce and industry can erupt out of nowhere --  a new tool for streaming media-- and my book, The Future's Toolkit, of which anyone can freely read online or download a PDF copy at my website, (or at least until my bandwidth runs out), is the first on how to write computer software directly for the human mind so that we can eliminate computer graphics and utilize, instead, pure belief systems.  This is also a way to elminate all the hard drugs from the world, for all these one-high drugs will be replaced by human computational communications, for the human mind can do more with advanced states of imagination. 

In studying time-view, I found a bunch of ruthless bastards, right up into this administration, using these tools against their own nation.  It is here that I figured out how they did all this, and so, to humble the President of the USA, I told the Marines that, since I was from the longest recorded family tree in all Judaism, and having found that the Bush administration was using viral logic to create intentionally defective government to slowly usurp the powers of the US Constitution, as they had replicated the logic of the Torah as if they had written it, as a weapon against the USA using viral logic beginning in 1833, just as President Andrew Jackson killed the first US Bank, to raise the honor of this game, I was forced to tackle the role of Jewish Prophet, for this administration has set us up the USA for a Holocaust.  This one will be by the Chinese against the USA because Bush managed to get them to purchase our national debt, which nearly slumped their stock market.  If the USA gets disharmonized, the Chinese will likely send nukes to protect their investment as our military is clearly outside of the country.  I had to play the game with only honor.

I sent the following audio to the German Press, and asked that they send it to the German Chancellor to send it to the Israelis.  The next day, and this was about three weeks ago, the tearful address was made from the German Chancellor to the Israelis, just as I'd asked.

The Torah turned out to be a weapon, as the Freemasons long knew.  The only way this situation could stop from being a "Separation of Church and State" issue was with the involvement of a Jewish Prophet to argue that a hand tool had been edited.  Only in the USA has this argument been safely argued without the person making the argument ending up dead.  Thank you, Marines, for you make me feel safe.

Please go to Humyo and listen to this audio argument.  It spans 32 minutes, and afterward, you will never see the world the same way again.  I discovered a huge double-cross in the process, where people were being fed hatred based on the logic of the Torah, but once you learn the hand tool, you will see the reason I had to take the leap.  The hand tool is infinitely wiser, and with a unified set, with all people using the same tools together, you can instantly see what the problem is with this administration.

I stopped all commercial aspirations, for I am on Social Security Disability income, and I want the world to love the USA again.  I am broke like you might not imagine, but until I can get an audience of the media, and the Marines, to see the hand I have to deliver, I must be humble.

If the Marines use my participation wisely, I bring the tools to get all of Islam to lay down their weapons forever and go in a new direction, for Islam is doing all their killing because Jesus asked Mohammed for help.  All Mohammed's people will stop killing "on the day that Jesus does battle with the devil at the stone."  By turning hand tools into stone tablets in an uncommissioned Torah, such an author would be a Devil.  What I discovered demanded I follow absolute protocol!

With 9/11 footage, take four stop watches and you’ll find something that does not happen in nature.   Start two at the first impact.  At the second impact, stop one and start a third.  When the first tower falls, stop one and start a fourth.  When the other falls, stop the other two.   You find nearly a perfect parallelogram in time. That doesn't happen in nature.  That happens with seismographs attached to countdown timers to explosives.

Because of this, we now realize that these explosives also didn’t go off on the first bombing, so it must have been a failure, too, but look who was President.  Daddy.  This is a family affair, and the Bush family have always been in the opium business, for over 100 years.  These people in the White House Putsch had the building designed by a Japanese internment terrorist that did Saudi Arabian projects before and after the World Trade Center project, and all attackers came from Saudi Arabia.  What do they know that we don’t know? 

Worse, we need to have biological terrorism HAZMAT teams to scour the WTC, for there's no reason why someone would return to the WTC unless there is something much worse in the remaining towers, and they have been SEEPING as these were "supposed" to have gone off in the 1980's.  Clearly, these assholes are entrenched in healthcare.  Thus, these buildings ARE biological terrorism weapons utilizing an airborne delivery system.  Do not look at the terrorists.  Look at the flow of logic that brought them there.

By the way, since we finally have a virus that has a DIGITAL SIGNATURE of 42, based on the fact that fingers are called digits, I contacted the NIH 10/23/07 as well as 04/09/08 to ask that they open a file on Logical Viral Infections, for this administration has caught one, and it's deadly to all who suffer beneath it's logic.  These people are entrenched in healthcare, so we should use the tools they developed upon these bastards, for this is an international health issue.  This infects the logic of those who let it, and once it's in control, it doesn't let go.

The US Administration has hijacked the US Government because the Patriot Act was written long before 9/11 and it is holding the government hostage.  The reason I have been given permission, and allowed to impact so many people on this project

...without any US government involvement or stoppage, is because I am doing this to save the honor of the nation and the world.  You will find, in this collection of actions, my blog, where I reposted what I sent to key people, including the director of the CIA.  I have the paper trail to beat the band.

I set out to be peacemaker between All Americans, for We the People are ONE.  We don't need to be dissected into tiny disharmonized groups, but the administration is working to divide and conquer their own nation.  That's why there were Skull and Bones members for both candidates in the last election but none in this election because they think they are going to win.  We cannot let 232 years of honor get destroyed by 175 years of evil.

I cannot, in good conscious, go commercial until someone comes to my house and sees what my family and I live within.  I told the Marines that because I was born XXY, with disabilities, the best I could ever hope to earn would be the title of National Treasure, for it is one level down from the best of the best, that being a US Marine.

My emails have been re-routed, probably by NSA.  I don't get phone calls to my house from outside the area, though I've put my phone number on everything, so I don't know if the number is being misrouted, but I'm in Richland.  Please come to my house and see my hovel.

The USA is a system, a flow of life and energy.  We have built our civilization on a trust system that our foundation is pure and our leaders are sound.  With these tools, I find great fear easy to entertain, but this only forced my footsteps to continue my quest, for the US Declaration of Independence has a LOOPHOLE.  Everything is Under God.  This was done by Freemasons to protect the USA.  They knew that someday, the Jews would challenge the Torah, and this would demand an instant Constitutional Convention, forcing all other laws to cease to exist.  This will save the USA from this upcoming disharmonization.

I need to get the hand tool to be realized for it's brilliance, for it gives one access to an inner network.  Only those who maintain in the now to never violate the eight -bit error channel that the hand tool represents, get access, and this is for defensive use only.

As the USA is being attacked by a battery of individuals whose intellects are such that they, as a team, act as if a virus, and thus, their advice only creates chaos, war, casualties, and death, their usefulness is invalid based on the hand tool's system.  They will "stick out like sore thumbs," for people baby their sore thumbs, and thus, have all fingers up.  Such persons, based on the hand tool, are infected by logical viruses, and if you track their effective actions, it is literally as if of one mind over time.

This is the USA's first instant of War of the Worlds.  I shit you not.  The US Marines have been duped by people who are infected by a secondary mindset that lives beyond one human lifetime.  It's logic, as you track it, is as if of a huge swarm of deadly bees all possessing of one mind, but each is in it's own car somewhere on the planet.  They can be distant by space, but all exist in the same time of the same complex intellect.

The bad guys are heavily entrenched in the health care industry.  That's what really fucking pisses me off.  The racket is to make casualties so to sell long-term opium use.  However, if cannabis was decriminalized, we can run software that eliminates pain processing and write software to trigger healing on contact.  We can also replicate any feeling, and attach these to sounds and blend feelings, and all sorts of fun stuff, and it's all free because YOUR CREATOR put it in you.

I am a computer hacker who has hacked and mapped the matrix.  It's eight-dimensional, and the tools are printed on the internet at the article, "Marines!  Save the USA from an Infected Administration!"

Cannabis is going to be decriminalized.  The White House Putsch made it illegal to dumb down the cops while making opium illegal to turn 20,000 US Citizens into illegal junkies while driving the price of their opium through the roof, and then set a rule that no one in the FBI can ever have used cannabis.  Why?  Because it awakens the mind's eye and develops this innate ability to see time..

The fun of cannabis diminishes when you have to learn to think in eight dimensions, but it makes the logic flow better, and makes comprehending quantum mechanics a whole lot easier, for you can then track the movements of logic through each dimension independently, which increases intellect.   This is why Jesus is freaking out "Build your treasures in heaven."  Ideas travel faster than matter.

I told the Marines I was tackling the post of Prophet, which is complete, and then to tackle the White House Putsch, and then to run for President of the USA.  It's a dream.  Anywho, there won't be another President unless the Putsch is stopped, so I had to do this anyway.

This needs 48 hours of immediate dissemination and crying out for our Marines to kill the infected leadership, for the heads of the Free World have lost control, and by the hand tool's judgment, are using inhuman logic.  This is a world crisis.  No wonder it had to be a Judgment Day.  We're dealing with a virus, and we need to kill it from humankind.

The Marines caught the White House Putsch people once before.  We the People should not have to be nice to these infected assholes this time.

I'm a humorist who found something not funny happening to my nation, so scary, in fact, because the Torah is not a terrestrial weapon, as argued in the audio.  I want my granddaughter to grow up in the USA, but until I know that Skull and Bones are through playing with something they have no comprehension how powerful the outcomes of what they are setting into motion might be, I must continue on this quest.  The only way to win is not to play, and the best way to do that is to teach everything to those who protect so they know who is honest and who is full of shit.

The remote view of these events include War Games, Star Wars:  Return of the Jedi, The Matrix III, The Three Musketeers, and Harry Potter films.  The more you interface with the hand tool's values and raise the value of goodness in your world, the more others will see you in their dreams, their stories, and their memories.

Since putting my phone number, and address, on everything, I have received NO phone calls in over 18 months, outside this area, with the exception of one US Secret Service agent, John Nierincky of their Spokane Office.  Please send the PRESS!!!

Humankind is about to evolve.  Let it be through the best of humankindness.  Please let me show you all I have, for it's cool, it's fun, and it's free.  I want to get to work.  If there's anyone who wants to do business with me, my address follows.  Please contact Gavin De Becker and Associates for a Marine Detail security.  He's been on my email sends for a while, and he wrote a good book called, "Less Fear."  I am doing this project to accomplish his task.  If we act fast, and ounce of prevention will save a few megatons of cure. 

Here's a marketing plan I did, of which I have all the names of folks that have been primed to my logic from direct contact:

Please get someone to my house.  We need to brainstorm with all police, and you need to get stoned.  This is a FOOD, not a drug.  It allows ideas to travel multi-dimensionally so that you can track using quantum mechanics.

"This is my Kobayoshi Maru.  How do you like my solution?"

Peace and freedom,

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173