The following letter is what I emailed to the National Rifle Association of what I emailed to Northern Michigan K9 of what I emailed to Hal Turner, a radio DJ who runs one of the top White Supremist organizations.  Being Jewish, I had to make peace through disclosure of maximal truth and fact because the logic of the separationist is the logic of the Torah.  The hand tool extracted from Matthew unites, and the Torah divides.

From - Thu Mar 13 02:29:34 2008
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Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:29:27 -0700
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Subject: Please send this to the BRASS immediately. This is National Security issue.

Dear NRA:

I need someone to get this to your top brass and once they are done, you are likely going to get this to Charlton Heston double-quick.

I found a computer grade puzzle in the book of Matthew that splits the book into two quests and three tools.  They had to get a message way the hell out of Jerusalem.  They did so through TIME.  One tool teaches you how, with four people or books or MOVIES, to extract timeline date and learn to educate a timeline memory system using the mind’s eye so you learn to see through time.

I have done this by the book, and all US Government agencies are fully informed from over one year of work, of which you can see from my site, where I reprinted what I sent to the CIA, as well as to, because the time for peace must begin here in the USA..

As Mohammed tackled the first quest, for the sake of family honor, I tackled the second quest.  I did this by the book, and what follows is the most recent piece of history, but I have used the internet to mark the actual passage of history so that I could prove that I did what I set out to do, which was to complete the requests of an elder, for titles must be earned, and the only way there could ever be a second coming of "Jesus Christ" was for the Greeks to judge him again as an Annointed Messiah.  This took a year and half, and the Marines will fix this problem but good, and they must.

When we are done with this, we shall all sleep as never before, and then, there’s new commerce and industry out of nowhere, for it turned out that the human mind really was a computer, and as a computer geek, I decided to level the playing field for the poorest of the poor.  I developed tools so that everyone can learn to use hypnosis in their daily lives.  It’s fun, and then, I found this puzzle in Matthew that was written in the stuff I thought I was inventing. 

Surprise!  Family calling.  Well, you know what it is about elders.  Someone sends you a note that Old Uncle Matthew needs some help, what do you do?  You drop everything and help. 

I am on Social Security Disability income, and I dropped everything to raise the honor of this nation, for this nation is hurting because of the White House Putsch, so I had to tackle the strongest role possible, and deliver absolute truth and history so that no one could stop me.   They could kill me, mind you, but no one can stop me.

After this letter is an email of what I sent to Hal Turner at his radio show.  Please read it, and then follow all links.  

Now, the problem is, the argument in Matthew is a hand tool was turned into a Torah.  I’ve tested it for a year.  It’s the most brilliant tool, and it gives access to technology built into us.  We are cyborg.  We’re finally intelligent enough, so I published a book and have a free website (, and I put the first FCC-compliant contractual method to hypnosis into the international public domain so that I can protect the freedoms.  These tools allow us to become super heroes.  I bring the tools for personal and scientific study.  I am dumping them into the public domain because this administration is using mind control techniques, and supposedly, the President has Absolute Power. What the FUCK does a President need with mind control techniques?

I have to teach everyone everything, and so, I published everything on the web.  Go forth and learn, and then, with the scrypnosis standard, and if anyone goes and looks for my marketing plan on my top manifesto page, they will find CEOs that I pre-educated to my stuff years ago, but never delivered content.  I needed to get people to see things when we need them to see, and that demands us to think so far in advance that we make history by being history.

This is a world peace in 48 hours project. The reason it has to be a Judgment Day, as wrapped around the globe, is because we have a virus, a bug, and everyone, with their own hands, will see it in the values of seriously infected people by using a hand tool where one labels one’s fingers, from left index to right index, across the palms, lie, scapegoat, dishonor, torture, steal, overwork, adulterate, kill. 

This is a tool for the now.  The past is GONE.  This tool is tool to protect the future and the now.  As a member of the family of David on paper, the argument, that this was turned into a Torah without permission, is a valid argument.

This logical virus makes people lie AND scapegoat AND dishonor AND torture AND steal AND kill.  This is the antithesis of the Marines.  The honor of the USA is being tarnished by an administration that has lost control.  It has interfaced with a logical virus that is so dangerous, it wrote the Torah.

We are dealing with War of the Worlds in a real sense.  Welcome to Heaven.  Someone wrote a Torah and turned this into hell, and we Jews had no idea.  By someone replicating the logic of the Torah as a virus against the USA, I had to do something because we didn't do this.

There’s only a few people who aren’t making the trip, and they earned their disrespect because they forgot that we Americans put them into office to make us feel safe.  They are playing terror games with us and they have no legal right. 

Marines, this hand tool lets people, for the first time in history, signal our torture.  Please, if you agree, raise your left pinkie to signal that torture to your Marines. 

This hand tool is Judaism’s one shot at Redemption, but it will kill Charlton Heston’s greatest role from reality, for the argument that the Torah is a fabrication, and worse, a weapon of incredibly terrifying implications.  The people who wrote it knew how to see through time, and set us to get our asses kicked while we never were allowed to deliver the right message.  And because of the Torah, we could never go back to Cairo, Greece or China to deliver the hand tool message while the Torah was in play, so to make history, I have used the logic of a computer game programmer to fix history and raise the world’s love of the United States of America.

Please check me out.  I am poor and I am living in Richland, Washington.  I'm being censored in a weird way.  I can write out.  No one can reach me, or at least, I don't know who they are reaching, but it's not been my family.

I am XXY, not male nor female, at the chromosome level.  I am arguing that the last line of Matthew releases everyone, "for I will be with you until the end of the age." 

Welcome to the end of the age, for this was heaven, and with the hand tool, this is a barrier between fantasy and reality.  No leaders, no books, no burdens, just eight values for reality, and unlimited fantasy as long as you don't bring matter into the game. 

The system has a matter generator connected to your mind already, and you don't need to do anything.  It's automatic.  Someone tore up the instruction manual and wrote a torah.  It's tragic, but what's worse is someone else has replicated the logic of the Torah as a weapon, and they are in the US Administration.

If everyone protected reality from any of these eight violations, we would have universal peace.  However, with the technology in you, there’s a matter generator that will build you anything you want to believe. 

I was running Dungeons and Dragons hypnosis games in the 1980's, and these players swore they were battling real monsters.  The Total Recall "Three week vacation on mars as a Secret Agent," took only five minues, and the Scarface fantasy three-week vacation took about three minutes.   The greatest computer game console you would ever want to buy your already built into your kids.

I started this whole project just to get new commerce going.  I didn’t expect to get stuck lugging around the family tree, but Mohammed is part of the family and he tackled the worst of the two quests.  If Islam believes that I did this right, and when the Marines finish what needs to take place, all of Islam will drop to their knees and never kill again.  This is the day that Jesus does battle with the Devil at the Stone, for by my extracting a puzzle from Matthew that argues that a hand tool was turned into stone tablets on paper, such an author would be a Devil.

This argument demanded a USA to protect me.  At any other time in history, I would have been killed by now.

We have a problem.  Someone has replicated the logic of the Torah as a weapon against  the USA, and we Jews didn’t do it, so I had to tell the Marines that I was the Last Prophet, and we were going with the hand 33tool, for someone has set the USA on a path to another Holocaust, and they are doing exactly what they did to Germany.  

These people knew 100 years before the Nazis that the Torah was a weapon, and they used the logic of the Torah as a weapon against Germany to get Japan into the war so they could give bad advice to FDR for the Japanese internment camps, which they got one terrorist out of the whole project, and he was nurtured through doing the Saudi Arabian Airport, then the World Trade Center, then the Saudi Arabian Treasury, from when he hung up his spurs.

Meanwhile, with the FBI, they and I became we, and we caught Bush will a Tell.  Something didn’t happen on 6/6/6 because I told the FBI something they had overlooked, and I found all this data on the web.  All the attacks came from Sauds.  The explosives were in the building, and you can see it with four stop watches on 9/11 footage.  First plane, start two.  Second plane, stop one, start a third.  First building falls, stop one, start a fourth.  Second falls, stop other two.  Nearly a perfect parallelogram in time.  This does not happen in nature.  This happens with seismographs with countdown timers.

In the 1980's bombing, the van wasn’t completely destroyed by the explosives, and this puzzled the hell out of the FBI.  What they had never considered was that the explosives were already in the building, and the bomb was only to shake the foundation.  It was supposed to set off a domino effect, but they failed.  They did get three to fall, but in calling the FBI and asking, "Have you ever run bomb sniffing dogs through the remaining towers at the World Trade Center?," the agent on the phone went, and I quote, "Uh....UH....UHHHHH!!!  GOODBYE!!!" and slammed down the receiver.  Meanwhile, they catch an Al Qaida unit at the Canadian Border.   Now, watch Mr. Bush from 6/5/6 to 6/7/6.  We gave him a smirkumcision. It’s gone.  It’s magic.  

These Skull and Bones assholes were caught once by Major General Smedley Butler.  We do not have to be nice to these people the second time.

Welcome to Judgment day.  Once Marines and National Guard know the key and what values are tested as all violated at once, we have the unfortunate issue of war of the worlds in a real sense, and the only ones that must go are so dangerous, their own peers will likely do this instantly for they’ve always known this day would come.

I need people to fight to get cannabis decriminalized immediately.  It increases intellect and sustains a subconscious state so that the mind can process much more data. We can write software directly for the human mind with cannabis, and this allows more rapid adaptation to neural interfaces, which will eliminate carpal tunnel syndrome and likely break the 500 word per minute barrier.

Ayn Rand was just squashed, for as Atlas shrugged, the rug was pulled out from under civilization.  We didn’t know that a group had socially engineered for society to fail by missing an evolutionary date so that we would break out in diabetes and other illnesses, all of which can be fixed in two hours on our own with cannabis and hypnosis. 

>From being born XXY, my IQ has shot up.  So, I developed tools so everyone can do this too, for free, because these villains have been using these tools for years, thinking themselves the superior intellect.  They forgot one thing.  Something very intelligent wrote the book, and that author saw the villains and sent tools to stop them, once and for all time.

I need to level the playing field so that the world will love the USA and not fear us.  This so-called Administration has two idiots, and as a low IQ person, this is my approach to undoing the damage of this dork so that the world will stand in absolute awe of the USA and behold such wonder of the future.  

These Bush people did the Manchurian Candidate project on Marines to get the public to be afraid of hypnosis.  I must tell you how much I want to see the Marines get this one chance to avenge the Honor of the Corps and specifically Major General Smedley Butler, for he was absolutely right.  War is a racket, and the Bush are history.

Please let Mr Heston know of my sincerity.  We have to unwag the dog, and we have to pull the whole team together, for we have been duped into a double-cross, and these people are caught.



I sent the following to the Northern Michigan K9 (who helped me set a trap for Mr. Bush, which let all news places catch him, and I'm sure lots of folks, with tells on 6/6/6), of a letter I sent to Hal Turner, the nazi radio geek, because I discovered the logic of a double-cross in the works, and these folks are using the logic of the Torah as if they had written it, against the Jews, and the USA.  This is our one shot at total redemption, so I took it.

>From - Wed Mar 12 03:50:17 2008
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Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 03:50:03 -0700
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Subject: Dear Mr. Gregory:
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

On 6/5/6, I called and talked to you, and obtained contact info for the FBI anti-terrorism unit in NYC, to then go and ask if they'd ever run bomb-sniffing dogs through the remaining towers at WTC.  By the 7 June 2006, Mr. President's smirk, that had appeared inhumanly huge on the 5th, had disappeared and he looked downright worried.  Mr. President has a tell.

I spent the past two years working on this project because I found tools in the most unlikely of places.

I sent the following to Hal Turner, the most vicious radical radio White Supremist, just yesterday in an attempt to make peace, because I found a way to prove something worse than High Treason into this white house.

I hope you find this interesting.  I did this by the book, but with grace and finesse, for I have to humble the President and VP, for they have lost control.

Thank you for your help.  Please, check this out.


David Brager

From - Tue Mar 11 09:09:34 2008
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Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 09:09:16 -0700
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Subject: Dear Mr. Turner:

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I found that someone's been fucking with White America using the logic of the Torah as a weapon for a huge double-cross.

I wonder if you would take in an article entitled, "Marines! Save The USA From An Infected Administration!"

I think you will find that this approach is more courageous to world peace because that crap of "Total War" is the logic of the Torah being used unfairly against people who hate the Torah without telling them that the Torah was the original source of the logic.

Sir, there is a huge double-cross that goes all the way into the White House, and they are intentionally abusing you to make their case.  In fact, the matter of doing 9/11 on  the birthday of William Luther Pierce II was a slick attempt to a second scapegoat, but on 6/6/6, with the help of the FBI, Mr. President lost his smirk because he has a tell, and we caught him knowing too much.

I need to teach you how to see through time.  Elijah had to get nailed to a cross to get a message carried through time so that when civilization was intelligent enough to comprehend, there's a second layer to the book that includes a tool for snap wisdom, a tool for teaching advanced hypnosis, and a tool for teaching remote viewing.  The reason these must arrive now is the bad guys are using these tools as weapons against this world, and they're fucking White America with Toratic logic, which is unethical, and I told this in email to Don Black last year.

In finding the puzzle in Matthew, being of the family of David on paper from a third-party source, and testing the hand tool for over a year, I had to take the argument to the American Jewish Congress that the hand tool is was infinitely wiser than the Torah, and, side by side, we now have our first and second proofs of extra-terrestrial logic, that being massively more advanced than had existed in the normal flow of civilization on this planet.  The hand tool has NO LEADERSHIP, no mind control, no other books, no one speaking for it, and no limits for fantasy.  The Torah becomes a terrifying weapon of intentionally defective values to hurt everyone, especially those who have to lug the damned thing around.

Had we Jews arrived with the hand tool, we would have assimilated and the world would have been much different.  This is the type of challenge that the US Constitution let me feel safe enough to attempt for the honor of this world.

As screamed from the cross, "Forgive them for they know not what they do!," we had no idea that the Torah was a weapon of edited values done to hurt the entire planet.  However, Skull and Bones, since 1833, when President Andrew Jackson just closed the first US Bank, attacked the USA in a way we never saw it coming.  They used the Torah as a viral signature to usurp the powers of the US Constitution just as a Torah usurps the powers of a hand tool without any leadership.  They know damned will what they do.

Please check out my article above, and then these three posts:
For Letter to Brigadier General Richard M. Lake, please click here.
The entire timeline of the project is what I sent ten law schools -- Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, U. Michigan, U. Pennsylvania, Vanderbuilt,
NYU, Loyola, George Washington University, and Columbia University -- please click here.
For what I sent to Marines on the day the clocks were set ahead three weeks early, please click her

Sir, the United States of America functions best when we LISTEN to one another, rather than kill one another. 

I have tackled this project to undo the dishonor that this administration has delivered because I found a way to prove something worse than high treason into this White House, and we don't have time to waste.  They are intentionally trying to disharmonize this nation so they can sell opium.  The Bush have been in opium for over 100 years.

Peace, and freedom, forever.

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173