Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

In Association with Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons : A Calvin and Hobbes Collection!

The 7th collection, published in 1992..

More adventures with the bicycle on pages 12 - 14.

Dad shares some of his perspective on life with the reader on page 18

Calvin struggles with the bicycle again on page 27.

G.R.O.S.S. meets again from pages 28 - 33. Secret Codes, a light strike force, Calvin and Hobbes kidnap Susie's ``Binky Betsy" doll. Hobbes is kidnapped, prisoners are exchanged.

More Calvin Ball on page 34.

Hobbes helps Calvin with math on page 35. The math story line continues through page 40, and includes an appearance by Spaceman Spiff on pages 38 & 39.

Calvin fights with his food again on pages 45 & 60.

On page 62, Moe once again punches Calvin off the swing and out of his shoes.

On page 63, Calvin makes faces for the camera.

On page 67 we see another "serious" strip, like the one on page 101 of The Revenge of the Baby-Sat. Calvin and Susie play doctor.

In the middle of page 68 is a terrific statement about Calvin's beliefs on the subjects of Theology and Meteorology.

On page 74, Calvin does his impersonation of Dad.

On page 77, a reference to the mysterious "noodle incident".

Another creative snowman on page 83.

The title story begins on page 85, as Calvin brings a snowman to life. The story - line runs through page 90. Calvin learns a lesson. . . . Uh-huh. Yeah.

More creative snowmen and snow-art on page 92, and a snow - snake on page 99, and more snowmen and a snow monster on page101.

On page 100, Calvin's whole world is black & white.

On page 102, there is a great Sunday panel where Calvin is abducted by aliens, and has all his math abilities removed on the operating table. Told entirely in verse.

On page 103, another adventure of Stupendous Man! begins. It involves an increase in the Earth's gravity, and large snowballs. It continues through page 104.

Tracer Bullet returns on page 110, in what is my favorite story. Great monologue by Bullet, excellent film noir atmosphere. It runs through 111.

On pages 118 - 122 Calvin is helped/plagued by an ethical duplicate of himself that he created by adding an ethicator circuit to his duplication box.

More Calvin Ball on page 125.

On the last page is a drawing of Calvin & Hobbes in the treehouse.

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