Welcome to my site devoted to fishing and boating on my local waterway, the Manning River of northern New South Wales, Australia. I will use this site to show everyone how nice an area it is that i live in, and hopefully teach you something that you didnt know. So if you have got this far you must be interested in the content so don't be afraid to look around. Also, if you live in the same area as me and have something you would like to contribute to this site, please don't be afraid to email me. See you on the Manning River.

Last Updated: 31, March 2002

UPDATED: Some slight page format changes.

You are now required to have a Recreational Fishing License to fish all NSW waters, make sure you pick yours up from your local tackle store or the NSW Fisheries website.

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The Manning Valley


I took the boat out on Christmas day for a bit of fun, didnt do any fishing. We just cruised around for most of the day and had a BBQ lunch. Saw some dolphins at Manning Point which was nice.

Ive been mucking around with ISP's for the last few months so i was not bothering puting the site up. My boat has been fixed for a few months, and is now running better than it ever has, but i have not got out for much fishing. Ive mostly just been cruising the river, and checking out some new places.

Fished the Lansdowne River from the bank
2 Black Bream (28cm 500g, 32cm 750g)
both caught with bread bait and heavy burlying on the run out tide.

Started fishing at around 8:30am and fished all morning, the water was back to its normal colour after all the rain we have had lately. Got the first fish at around 10am after some heavy burlying with bread, got the next fish at around 10:30am. We had another fish take a bait but was lost in a snag.

Had a quick fish from the Lansdowne boat ramp. I used a lime green Mister Twister rubber lure and didnt get a bite, the water was very muddy so i didnt stick around for very long.

Finaly an update. I have found out what has been causing me so much mechanical problems, the engine was running lean and has blown a piston. The boat is currently out of action and i havent been fishing for a few months, the reason for no updates. Im hoping to have it going again by the end of this month at the earliest and the end of next month at the latest.

Fished the Lansdowne River from my boat
4 Flathead (3 35, 1 45cm) All kept
2 Bream (Undersize) Both thrown back
1 Toadfish, thrown back

Very warm day, still no rain so the water was very clean, unfortunately, due to more mechanical trouble we only had a morning of fishing, around the same area as last week, which was mostly very slow with the exception of 5 min when we got 3 flathead in a row.

Fished the Lansdowne River from my boat
2 Flathead (35, 45cm) Both kept
4 Bream (2 27cm, 2 undersize) Undersize fish thrown back others kept
1 Tailor (undersize) Thrown back

Very nice weather for fishing, very clean water due to no rain for a few weeks. We fished the area of about 2-4km's downstream of Lansdowne Reserve. The action was pretty fast and we kept moving around all day trying to find the best spots.

Fished from my boat around the Harrington inlet, the water was very clear and we could see lots of good size bream and flathead and hundreds of mullet around the Manning Point baths, but unfortunately we could not get them to bite. Mechanical problems with my boat also caused us a few hassles (which ended up with me swimming to shore with a rope so that i could pull the boat back in, LOL!!) so we were unable to move around much.

Went fishing from shore around the humpy bridge on Harrington Rd, spent all morning getting a few bites but was way too snagy. After lunch we moved to south side of Crowdy Head and fished off the rocks, caught a few small rock species. We then moved to the Crowdy Head harbor and fished the outside wall, caught one small rock species and an unidentified species of wrass. My friend caught a few small bream inside the harbor.

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