Thanks to:
This page is simply for me to thank the people in my life who've been there for me, or impacted my life in a good way (obviously). Some of them may never read this, but that's ok.

I'll try and go by order of who I met first so no one feels lesser. If you're not on here, I'm sorry. I probably just couldn't think of something to say...
Mom: You're one of the strongest people I know. I've learned so much just from witnessing your strength after all you've been through. You got me hooked on books when I was little and I'm now a grammar nut and a compulsive spell-checker... Thanks! I may not show it sometimes, but I do love you so much.
You've always been such a great male role model for me, and I am so proud of you for quitting smoking. I am so happy that you found happiness with Ruth. My respect for you grows every day, and my love grows every second. You'll always have it, no matter what.
Ian: Even though I never admitted it, you were always a great older brother when we were growing up. You would protect me when I needed it most, but gave me room to grow and learn on my own. You introduced me to fantasy/sci fi books and computer games, and I'm not sure if I should thank you or blame you. Your advice is always wise, if not exactly what I need nor applicable to me. Thank you for always being there, with a joke or a tease. Without you there would be a huge hole in my life where there used to be laughter and love. One day you will be someone big, and you had better not forget about me then. I love you, Ian.
You've been my best friend for what, 12 years now? If I could chose one person to be my sister, it would be you. You always know the right thing to say to cheer me up when I'm in one of my rare bad moods. You know exactly when to control my hyperness and when to join in. And when you join in... oh man. How many times have we nearly choked or peed our pants? And no matter how long it's been since we've really talked, it never feels like we've grown apart. We've gone seperate ways after highschool but it's always like we never parted when we meet again... I'd be lost without your friendship! I love you, man!
What can I say? You have always, always been there for me, even though I haven't always been there for you. You are beautiful all the way through; never let anyone convince you otherwise.
Hurrah for midgets! You and I have always been the small ones around, and if anyone makes fun of our height.. we'll bite their ankles! Whether you're tired or hyper, you're always a bucket of fun. (Except in Chem 11... what a bitch.. just kidding). I'm so glad that I've had the chance to get closer to you over the past year or so, as our friendship has grown stronger. You are such a strong person, and I can see how much stronger Erick has made you. Don't you dare lose an ounce of the strength you have, my dear. You rock, and you always will!
With the body and mind of a 19 year old male, a female intellect, and wisdom far beyond your years, you've always been there to help me figure things out. You helped guide me through some of the most difficult years of a young person's life, all the while making me laugh. You're a rare gem of a person, and if things had turned out differently and I lived over there... I'd have claimed you long ago. Stay as precious as you are and you'll never fail to touch people in ways they can't grasp.
You always seem to get what I'm saying when all you have to work from are letters on a screen. You're always willing to give me invaluable advise when it's needed the most. You know me so well and yet we've only met twice. You've been there for me and I'm only too glad to be there for you when you need me. I love you as a friend, but you feel like a sister to me.
You're the brother who's not related to my parents, and who I've never met. We were close for so long; friends then more than, then back to friends, back to more than, and friends briefly before you disappeared. What a confusing relationship... I'm glad that you've resurfaced, seemingly for good, and so happy that you've found love once again! Best wishes, my bro.
If I need to vent, you're there to listen and I love ya for it. You and I are so much alike that it's almost scary sometimes; which only gives me hope because, since you're so likeable, I must be the same. :D And yes, if things were different... but they are not and I like them the way they are. Thanks for being there when I need someone.
You were and still are the crazy one who never fails to make me laugh. You've taught me the meaning of strength just from seeing what you've gone through and where you are now. I'm so happy for you!
You may not believe me when I saw this but you've affected me too. You seem to be able to bounce back from anything thrown your way. You're always bugging me about one thing or another, but that's just served to teach me tolerence.
How could I have known back in grade 8 that you'd be such a great friend? You've been there for me whenever I needed someone since then, and hopefully I've been there when you needed someone. Believe in yourself and have confidence, and you'll find the right guy. And use that gorgeous smile!
It all started back in Fine Arts 8. Oh how young we were... but we stuck it through (you more than me, and I regret it so much) and look where we got to... Utopia! You're good for a laugh even if you're tired, and especially if you're hyper. Stay sweet, hun!
Wow... words can't describe. You taught me a whole big lot about a lot of things, both good and bad. I wouldn't erase a single thing that happened between us, even if a lot of it hurt. I learned invaluable lessons from you, about strength, honour, honesty, pain, and love. Thank you.
I hated you before I even met you, which is the most selfish, unfair thing a person can do. Gradually I matured and came to realise that I had to at least meet you and give you a chance. The minute you opened your mouth, you started to find your way into my heart. I've gotten to know you rather well over the three and a half years since I met you and I know that you're absolutely insane, but so am I so it all works out. Eres el corazón de mi padre, y una luz hermosa en mi vida. Te amo.
Eric (Finney): I can't pinpoint the exact day we started to be friends but it seems like from the moment you came to Handsworth you've always been around, and always been so happy. I made it my mission to make you angry this year and I failed every time. Your capacity for joy has amazed me, although many would argue that I have the same capacity. You seem to always have a smile on your face and a laugh ready to go. Thank you for the gift your constant happiness has been to me.
Adam: Ah, Dumbo. What can I say about Dumbo... Just kidding hun, the size of your ears adds an endearing quality to your good looks. You seem so arrogant a lot of the time, and can be sometimes although not in an entirely bad way. Yet you have surprised me on so many occasions with caring, concern for others, gentleness and a lot of kindness. I hope you keep pleasantly surprising me with even more aspects to your character. Keep it up man, you'll go so far. And you better get me free flights when you're a pilot, cause I'll hook you up with tickets when I'm a bigtime star.
Morgan: You have become one of my close friends in such a short time, and I am so happy you moved to Vancouver. Since you arrived things have been so much fun, especially our grade 12 year when we finally became friends. You're an amazing friend, and hilarious to be around. I wish you all the best of luck with your man problems, and give you a huge hug and a big kiss. I love you, sweetie!
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