Headline News!!!!

Hey everybody, this site is just starting off on, uh...*checks calendar* 5:13 PM, January 19, 2002. Wow, it's been a good year so far. Not really. Too many people are quitting, and the BD chats are getting worse and worse. But, sckum is still here to help record all that stuff. :D By the way, this is sckum lol :D
Courtesy of Neoitems.net for the Backgrounds


February 4, 2002 - Oh my God, do I have to update. By the way, vote for Opaka the Shoyru! Sushichou submitted a great pic, here it is! Vote for Donna's pet, Holographica!!!!!! Pweeze, do it for me ;)

January 31, 2002 - Okay, so I'm lazy, but TODAY I'll try to finish staff, links, and interviews, lol, sorry all.

January 30, 2002
- Bombed math midterm, won't be able to be on as much for like two weeks or so...updating staff page, and a few interviews.

January 28, 2002
- Screenshot page replaced the Reg List (too hard :P), seirraheat e-mailed me a great massive damage pic :D Send yours to dj_of_chile@yahoo.com! Also, I am planning on creating a Wall of Shame (battledome rules breakers and withdrawers), and maybe an AIM SN/MSN list :P Also....*pauses for dramatic effect* I am revealing all the staff's usernames! Just in case ya wanna give them a neomail or two (or three, four, five).

January 27, 2002
- errrr, too many ppl are asking me to interview them. New rule. I will interview people every three days. There's a waiting list right now, check inside the Player Interviews link.
HEADLINE NEWS: Many of you see that HynFaerie is very weak. This is because someone created a pet with the same name, just without the caps. This creates a glitch which duplicates the pet. Do not worry, The Neopets Team will fix it

January 26, 2002
- Updated Picture Gallery and Player Interviews. Still waiting for some kewl articles :D

January 25, 2002
- I don't know about you guys, but midterms are OVER! :D Three day weekend, no parents, ahhh that's the life. I think I finished the BD Dictionary, tell me if I'm missing some stuff. And if you submit a cool article about the BD Chats, I'll put it under "Submitted Articles" and give you a faerie and a codestone! So start writing! Send your articles to dj_of_chile@yahoo.com

January 22, 2002
- I'm frozen. I don't know why. I e-mailed neopets, no response yet. Was I frozen for inflation? I don't know, if I was, I wasn't pre-warned in anyway. If ya wanna help, e-mail them. I lost over 2 million in items and np, and my favorite pet, worth more than anything, crimson_cow...

January 19, 2002
- The site is born! Hooray! Mark it on your calendars, this site is going to snotball, I can feel it. Currently adding things such as "Dictionary and Acronyms", "Reg List", etc. Well, maybe not the reg list yet lol. P.S. Most of the links don't work yet.
Player Interviews
Picture Gallery
BD Dictionary
Top 10 Lists ;)
BD Help :D
Submitted Articles
Chat Smileys
Staff Info
What an awesome pic! Click here to vote for Opaka the Shoyru!