This is my friend Wanda Faye, and her husband Dorsey, found me after 34 years.

And 8-15-01 we finally meet for the first time in years. It was great to meet her husband and seeing my bloodsister again it brought back so many good and happy memories of my childhood.And the midi Jonhnny Angel, we use to sing all the time.Can you beleave I wrote her on toilet paper and she brought it with some old letters I wrote her. What a bloodsister, I am so shocked and was tickled to death to see and read it after all these years.

I just want you to know that I promise to be your friend for life.

I'll always be there, and I'll always care.

There is no friend like the old friend's

Here is a picture of us on 8-15-01 When Wanda and Dorsey came to Jacksonville, FL.

Wanda and myself

My husband Randy and me

There are many people that we meet in our lives but only a very few will make a lasting impression on our minds and hearts It is these people that we will think of often and who will always remain important to us as true friends

Poem by Susan Polis Schutz