dieter's home

 on the web

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Welcome to my personal home on the web. 

I apologies to any hopeful dieters but as you can see this has absolutely nothing to do with dieting, sorry. 

my reasons for building these pages are as follows

  1. to gain some experience in building web pages

  2. to find a place where I can air my personal views of local and world issues

  3. and last but not least have some fun, by doing something I enjoy doing in my spare time.

it has been a long road to get here and at times I felt like picking up a hammer, like my little friend below. that would have been the easy way out and the sense of achievement would have been lost, so I persevered and here we are.

please feel free to look around and enjoy yourself.

thanking you dieter m.


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This page was last updated on 03/29/02.