"The Wilderness"

All Christians must  pass through the wilderness. A place that will purge us of all the past and prepare us for the future. Our wilderness experiences of doubt, fear, discouragement, grief, anger, or temptation can be turned into joy, peace, contentment, and understanding. The choice is ours. Do we keep wandering through the uncertainties of life or allowourselves the opportunity to meet God at a higher level of spirituality? In order to reach a higher level we must first be willing to walk in the fullness of the level in which we are right now. This walk of obedience will strengthen our prayer life, instill a hunger for God's word, increase our faith, and develope a continuous fellowship with Jesus Christ. These things are accomplished, not through our abilities, but, through the power of the Holy Spirit working within us. "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." The question is not "Can we do it?" but, "Are we willing to commit ourselves as we position our lives where God can do it in us?"

May He purge us of all unrighteousness that we may secure our future in His divine will.

In Jesus' Name, Amen!

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