Last SHOW Post This was Dr. Abortion’s last post in SHOW. Bez decided to retire, and that was probably the last thing holding myself and a couple others from jumping ship. Forever and ever this has been on my computer as a document called “showend,” and I never noticed it, and finally uploaded it Christmas Eve 2005. It’s forced me to take a load of other posts that were all lumped together under one html page, break them up and re-arrange them to fit this in. Previously the “Return of Dr. A” page included various posts from Dr. A’s actual return to him going to the NGPW, like, 6 months later. That didn’t make much sense. Anyway, after this post, Dr. Abortion heads off to the HCW for a month.

Just Call me Mr. Undefeated.

Tony: Well fans… I can’t believe it. Our asses have been canned.

Harry: That’s right. I’m packing the things from my office in cardboard boxes while I’m not out here to call my last few matches.

Tony: It was a great ride in the SHOW, but at least I know one thing. No matter what happens to me, I’ll always be proud of-

“Bad Medicine” by the Thrash-Metal band Bon Jovi begins to play.

Tony: Oh damn! He did it again! Can that guy come out without cutting me off?

Dr. A, flanked by Roe and Wade, walks down the entrance ramp holding… Uno… Dos… TRES titles over his shoulder. He slides into the ring and coldcocks the ring announcer in the face.

Dr. A takes the mic.

Dr. A: Ladies and Gents, inbetweens such as Whitelight… It is I, Dr. Abortion… your… OoOoOohhhh… TRIPLE CHAMPION once again!

The Crowd boos.

Tony: Triple Champ? What is he talking about?

Dr. A: As you can clearly see… I have this amazing Dedication Title, a role-playing title… a title for talented people. Obviously since the new staff here does not wish to hire talent, they are disposing of the title. They have no desire for it. So Its mine. I’ll hang it on my wall. Right next to my Bar Room Brawl Title.

The Audience laughs and points at the deluded Dr. A, who was shamefully kicked out of the first round by a guy from… ugh… Cyberbrawls.

Dr. A: Next are these two babies… the STAR HEAT Title and the SHOW Heavyweight Title. Since I was at the TSOB, the new commish couldn’t swap my old title for the new one. So when I arrived in my locker room, I found this new replacement title laying there. I’m sure it was there under the condition that I return the other title. Nope. Not going to happen.

I am keeping my STAR HEAT Title to show I am the STAR HEAT Champ, undefeated, forever. As well as Undefeated Dedication Champ and Undefeated SHOW Heavyweight Champ.

Tony: Two of those titles are de-commissioned. He’s not a triple champ.

Harry: What do you mean? You see three titles on him – don’t you?

Dr. A: Ahh… one title for each shoulder. But it won’t be staying that way for long. These two bad boys I’m keeping. This one… ugh… I’m just going to drop this title while I’m still undefeated with it. ie: never have had a match to defend it.

Dr. Abortion drops the SHOW Heavyweight Title on the mat floor. The audience has a mixed reaction – they don’t know whether they're happy because he’s not the champ – or if they’re angry at him disrespecting the belt.

Dr. A: It means nothing. This is going to be one of those fruity, “the hardcore is more important than the heavyweight” feds. Yeah… that says the same thing to me as a “licking sacs if more important than wrestling” fed.

He takes a second to stop and look at his watch.

Dr. A: Ooo… look! So little time left before my free agency begins. Hey... wait... its a bit off.

Roe: It's a sundial.

He throws the STAR HEAT and Dedication Titles in his gym bag. His invisible and invincible bag – one that cannot be seen or penetrated – therefore no man may ever take these titles away from him.

Dr. A: Oh… and if someone, anyone… *cough*STORMFIRE*cough*… wants to come out here and pick up the SHOW Heavyweight Title… then you can pick it up, declare yourself the champ, and then leave in a day anyway so you too can be the Undefeated Heavyweight Champ.

But before I go to clean out my locker room… let me say thanks. Thanks to Bez, thanks to Canadian Kid, Mystery Man X, Evolver, Killall, Chevalier, Maximum Michael Gold, Benny Blair, Baby Bubba, The Return, Dows-tropos, Barrister, Jericho, Genocide, Storm, Nature Boy, Stormfire, Holyevil, Spite, Toaster, Prototype, Von, yes – even Whitelight. Whether I liked you, hated you, or was indifferent to you – you were the only reason that the SHOW meant one ounce of crap. Its not the name of the titles or who had them, its not my impressive wins over you all, its not the name of the announcers or the polices or any of that which made the SHOW great. The SHOW is nothing without us… whether ye be friend or foe. The SHOW didn’t make the SHOW, we made the SHOW. To those of you who jumped ship when the iceberg hit, to those who went down with it like me. It’s over.

The crowd hushes for a few seconds. Thinking. And then there is applause. A tribute to the past of the SHOW, an ominous feeling about the future. Dr. A gets a little respect.

Dr. A: Oh yeah… I also Kill babies. I AM THE DOC FROM DC, I am the Practical Practitioner, I am the Maniacal Medic, I am the Big Bad, Baby Butcher, and I am the PHYSICIAN ON A MISSION.

The crowd boos again after the baby killing stuff. Yeah. The doc’s music hits and he walks up the ramp, Heavyweight title left in the ring.