B i o g r a p h y : S h o r t
DORCHADAS is an Irish Black Metal project in the vein of the early Norwegian greats like DARKTHRONE and GORGOROTH. We play true old school Black Metal exclusively and are one of the few bands in the genre from these shores.

The band currently consists of three members and we are still searching others to complete our lineup. We need a second guitarist and bass player. Thus far we have released one demo entitled "Decay Of The Once Proud" and we have another called "Ancient Blood" currently being recorded.

When we have completed our lineup we intend to make DORCHADAS an active gigging band so if anyone is interested contact the band via Achandara in the contact section of the site
H i s t o r y O f D o r c h a d a s
DORCHADAS is the Irish word for "Darkness", and now it is also the title for the Irish Black Metal project conceived and crafted by myself, ACHANDARA, in the summer of 2002. The word is fitting for the project as it represents much of the thematic content contained in my writings and also, simply from a linguistic perspective, it professes our nationality.

A track named "Pain Inside" was birthed at this early stage in its rawest and purist form and containing simply guitar and vocals. This track was released to a greatly varied reception to a select few on Audio Galaxy. However at this early stage important lessons were learned and criticism was taken intoserious consideration which in turn improved my personal song writing ability.

I came in contact with MISANTHROPE sometime in the Autumn months of the same year and soon after we realised that his method of battery was suited to the DORCHADAS concept. Shortly after we enlisted the aid of NIHILIST on bass in November.

At this early stage there were a few rough preactice sessions, the result of which inspired me to compose the music for a debut demo "Darkened Innocent Bloodlust". This demo was eventually scrapped because of my own displeasure at the weakness of the material, and I felt that it just wasn't what my vision of DORCHADAS was screaming at me to play.

A fourth member was added to the ranks a month later, during the writing and subsequent scrapping of "Darkened Innocent Bloodlust", named AGARWAEN. Unfortunately he didn't work out as we felt he lacked the commitment required to be a member of the band. That and some minor personal disputes led to his departure after only a few months in the band.

The writing process was ever continuing as riff after riff of Black Metal noise was comming from my guitar. However as with "Darkened Innocent Bloodlust" most of the subsequent "As Shadows Rise" material was either scrapped in its entirety or butchered for scrap parts. The title track however is still in the works and incomplete to this very day.

A replacement for AGARWAEN was needed as well as a guitarist to replace me as although I intend to remain the bands primary song writer I feel that I can't deliver my best vocally if playing guitar at the same time. It wasn't until shorly before the summer of 2003 that we found a new member for DORCHADAS in the form of AVAGAR.

Our first demo entitled "Decay Of The Once Proud" was finally released in late October 2003 to a select few people in order for me to receive more beneficial constructive criticism. The entire demo was recorded by myself, including the horrible programmed drums, and was intended as a sampler of the band's material rather than as a finished product. The vast majority of responses, brought upon by us later uploading some tracks for people to download, has been extremely positive.

The followup to "Decay of the Once Proud" was to be recorded in April of 2004 entitled "Ancient Blood". For many reasons however this did not happen, not least of them was the fact that DORCHADAS was once again reduced to a sole member. MISANTHROPE and NIHILIST no longer had the commitment nessecary to decicate their time to achieving the goals I had set for DORCHADAS, and it isfor these reasons that they parted ways with the band. Unfortunately when I relocated to Belfast it also meant that for unavoidable distance reasons AVAGAR was also no longer able to commit himself to DORCHADAS. Before said turmoil in May of 2004 there was a rehersal rerecording of "Beneath a Crimson Moon" which is now available for download on the website.

In the time between May 2004 and January 2005 the tracklisting for "Ancient Blood" has undergone a few changes with the two proposed rerecordings of "Dethroning Mother Nature" and "Beneath A Crimson Moon" being scrapped in favour of a newer song entitled "What Lies Within" and a cover of BATHORY's "Equimanthorn" as a tribute to the now deceased Quorthon. Sometime shortly after the summer in 2004 two new members were recruited to replace those who have departed and they go by the names of ANNIHILUS (Drums) and SRENGACH Guitars).

Additional influences have crept into the DORCHADAS sound in the post-"Ancient Blood" material, not least those from more depressive acts MÜTIILATION, XASTHUR, NORTT and LEVIATHAN. After the recording of "Ancient Blood," which should finally commence shortly, DORCHADAS intend to recruit two more members so that we have a full live lineup in order to enable us to start gigging.

We don't claim to be different, nor do we claim to be original. All we do is play good quality black metal that is atmospherically powerful, honest and convincing. And that is what we shall forever continue to do.

AchandarA - 14/01/2005