Dorf's list of funny quotes, phrases, and sayings
Warning:  If you read this, you may need to re-read some of the inspirational quotes, as some of these quotes are a bit derogatory and tend to depress people.
Last night, I played a blank tape at full blast.  The mime next door went nuts.

I have too much hate to focus on one person, so I try to spread it around.

No one is truly happy who isn't dead.

My mom once told me, "If you can't say anything nice, you shouldn't say anything at all."  Since then, I've been a very quiet person.

Everybody should write a suicide note!  You get to claw into the pain of your heart and lay it out for all those people who never understood poor, poor you.
--Bob, the angry flower

No poor, dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.  Wars are won by making the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country.

If at first you don't succeed, buy her another drink.

Chest hair:  the gift that keeps on giving.
--Dylan Scott (if you know him and hadn't guessed who said it then you're dumb...if you don't know 'im, well, then you're lucky lol)

Take my shirt off...NOW!!
--Regina...not too funny until you realize that she's at a party, walks up to her brother, hugs him and tells him this...of course at the time, I was the only person in the room who realized that he borrowed one of her shirts to wear earlier and she didn't want him too...everyone else just assumed it was because we live too close to Missouri...which still might be the case, I wonder about Regina and Aaron sometimes.
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