Your source for up-to-date info on the upcoming Dorf's Quest games!

Here we are, with this cool new section on the site! The Bakaza Project!!!! Here, you can get in-depth histories and profiles of the characters you will meet, and see screenshots of what you will see! So far today, I have a short profile of Elentian, the Seon.
Name: Elentian------Race: Seon
He falls from the sky one night on the Gauntlet journey as a blue ball of light, and emerges as Elentian! He is a Seon from the skies, and comes because of destiny to aid Glen on his journey. Elentian has the ability to crawl up into his ball and shoot green blasts of Acidic light! You shall know that he is there when you hear his other-worldly battle cry!
I'll add more as I make more! Oookee Nooww!!!!