The Dorfian News
Everything you need to know about the Dorf books, games and more!
Game news
  The Dorf's Quest game has been completed and is up for download at:
Tell us what you think at the message board!
Click here to see Dorf from the game!
  Book News
     >>>Spirits of Ambrigon<<<

     The prequel to Dorf's Quest is being written at the moment. Based about 14 years before the first story, it is about Dorf on a large island named Ambrigon. He lives in a small village with Leonard, his stupid human friend, who buys a run-down tavern with all of Dorf's money. Once they get there, the adventure begins, and they start on the quest to find all nine spirits of Ambrigon; needed to open the seal to Intego's world.
      >>>New Book!<<<<

The sequel to Quest for the "Golden Gauntlet" is now being started!

Oookkee Noowww!!!!

Feb. 3,  2002

I added a demo of Skelton's Revenge to the Games and Fun stuff page!!!

Added a Gmaker Guestmap!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!Wahoo!!!!

Skelton's Revenge has been completed! Ookeee Noowww!!!!

I've changed some stuff on the front page! I've also added a screenshot of                                       This site is finally updated again! I think it is a pretty good update! Do you think so too?
Dorf's Quest Fighter

I've added the "Bakaza Project"! Oh yeah!  Also, a new DQ affiliate button! And that's not all! there are two new mods on my forum! TheMnomen and Neo Gamer0012! Congrats!

The Official Version of the Dorf's Quest book is being written currently by DQ mastermind, Jonathan Bennett.
As for being released completed on the web, we are not that sure. Maybe a few chapters, but the plan right this moment is to get it published. Who knows where Dorf's Quest will go from here...

There is now another Dorf's Quest site meant for hosting my games. You can view it at
This Link.
I've also added a new message board, which you can see at the link on the main page.
As for Games, I'm still working on Dorf's Quest 3: Quest for the Golden Gauntlet. Keep your eyes open for a potential demo sometime...