Hi. I'm a dork. Isn't that fun? No one will actually come to this page, but i have it anyways. Its cool being a dork, because then you get to act anyway you want to and STILL not be rejected by socity like every one else would(but you shouldnt be rude. thats evil)!!! Well, the reason i'm a dork is because i have memorized alomost all the lines to Lord of the Rings, i am obsessesd (thats an understatement) with LotR, and i spaz. (that does not make me a dork yet, but it counts for somthing. just spend a day with me and you'll say "jeez! what a dork!") Well, blah to you too! o well. so, in a nutshell, this site is about how i am obsessed with Lord of the Rings. sign my guestbook if u wanna get your link here. why wont anyone sign? (tear!) i really have nothing interesting to say, do i? (PS cope with this cruddy layout for about 2 more weeks, i'm making a cooler one!!

tag! you're it!


not just characters

secret identity//Arwen

what would Sam do?

Sean Astin for President!.

DISCLAIMER- here is the deal: i dont own any part of Lord of the Rings, or any of it's characters. if i did, i would make it known to the world, and i would probably have a fancier looking site. much fancier.

note- this page was done in all HTML, and all the buttons and such were made by me. so there.