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We're Counting On You

B 1.     J---- Brown was possessed by a demon when he was 17 years old. He was drawn into the parlor of a Black Magician while visiting the campus of Haver College during his senior year of high school. He was captain of the forensics team, starred in several dramatic productions and was active in his church youth group, in addition to having a 3.7 grade average. At the time Haver was just one of many colleges actively recruiting him. His father had worked hard many years on the truck line to give his children a good life. J--- went to a private high school and was to be the first Brown to pursue higher education. His chest swelled with pride when he thought of his son, carrier of his name, in the roster of illustrious alumni of the nations most prominent Historically Black University. With cheap champagne on his breathe, he pulled his son aside and hugged him. His eyes were wet: "We’re counting on you," he said.

A 2.     The Black Magician had been Raphael Lilly. After a long day of pre-frosh orientation, Raph and the brothers had invited J--- to an unofficial cool down at the Kappa House. J--- was into his fourth beer when Raphael had laid a hand on J---‘s shoulder and pulled him away from the crowd: "I have something to show you." His voice reverberated on a frequency that cut through the crowd swell.        
        He led J--- into his parlor, which was in the basement. Raph let his guest enter first and followed, shutting the door behind him. The room was bare, a pentacle painted on the floor, a dead goat.
         Raphael lit candles at each point of the pentacle. He said some words, took off his clothes. His cock was erect, huge, and shone maroon at the head in the candle-flame.
         J--- was hypnotized.
         A face appeared above the pentacle, one of Satan’s many. Raph and the face spoke at the same time.
         "Kneel before me and consume the darkness," Satan/Raph said. "Take the jism worm into your gullet."
         J--- knelt helplessly and consumed.
         Then Raph put his clothes on and they went back to the party. It was thus that J--- became possessed of a netherworldly entity.
         J---‘s parents picked him up the next morning. Raphael shook J---‘s father’s hand. He grabbed J---‘s fist and bumped chests while throwing his free arm around his back: a homeboy hug. "I hope you come to Haver and to Beta Lambda Kappa. We’re counting on you."
A 3.     The possession hadn’t been demonic at all: J--- was just brainwashed to think so. Raphael had led J--- to his room in the basement and put a lozenge in his mouth. The lozenge was connected to Raph’s PC, which was wired to the Haver mainframe. A sentient computer program named BAATH lived there. BAATH fed itself into Raphael’s computer and radioed itself into the lozenge and J---‘s brain. This took a while.
           So J--- in fact was possessed. But he was not ritually, satanically, homosexually abused. BAATH determined that this would be the only way that J---‘s mind could comprehend it’s presence there, plus the cover story would minimize the likelihood of his telling anyone. BAATH altered his memories accordingly once he took over J---‘s mind.
         Not that J--- didn’t tell anyone. He told the pastor of his church, the Reverend Doctor Foss, one Sunday morning before worship. They sat in the Reverend Dr. Foss’ office and J--- looked at the floor as he told his story. He left out the cock sucking part.
        The Rev. Dr. Foss nodded solemnly. It was not uncommon in his particular branch of the Pentecostal faith for members of the flock to be tempted and/or visited by dark forces.
        "Everything will be alright my child," said Rev. Dr. Foss. "The Good Lord will provide. Just come on up during confession."
        Five hours later, after the crowd had been sufficiently raised up in His name and the plate had been passed RevDocFoss called forth all sinners to the front of the church: "Ah SAID, Who among you has a sin to conFESS?"
        J--- came up after the lady who spoke in tongues. He knelt before RevDocFoss, trembling. A hand was laid on his head and the Holy Spirit knocked him on his ass.
        Satan, get thee back.
        RevDocFoss caught up with J--- outside the parish after worship and inquired as to his condition.
        J--- felt better.
        "Good son. Don’t let the lies of Satan scare you from the bright beacon that is Haver. Do your people proud. We’re counting on you."

T 4.     So J--- went to Haver, where he did well. BAATH waited patiently. Being native to the Haver mainframe there was little productive that it could do except steer J--- toward more promising prospects. It was BAATH who made the decision that J--- should apply for the internship with Metrotech Systems, where it could access theoretical computers of ridiculous power and influence.
         The entrance into the corporate sphere was also enough to placate J---‘s parents who were a much more formidable obstacle than BAATH had foreseen. Having no use for computers, they had wanted their firstborn son to become a lawyer or doctor, but businessman was respectable enough. J--- had hoped to turn his oratory power to acting, but by then he had little say in the matter. He didn’t so much as audition for any of Haver’s many dramatic productions.
         Instead, he spent long hours secluded in the private study rooms at the library, fighting for control of his mind. Five years passed quickly and he graduated at the top of his class. Metrotech canceled the internship and offered him an entry-level position instead. BAATH gladly accepted. Low-level executive toil at Metrotech was deadening and he was soon suicidal.
         J--- managed to have a relationship with a woman for five months, but her departure did little to improve his depression (In order to keep J--- frightened and confused and maintain the illusion of Satanic possession, BAATH made J--- "sacrifice" the woman’s pet guinea pig to appease Satan’s lust for blood. She did not like this).        
        To distract J--- from killing himself, BAATH steered it's body into a number of meaningless and increasingly extreme sexual activities. Again this was under the pretense of appeasing demonic forces, but also because J--- liked it. He became deeply involved with a group of people who wore leather clothing and hit each other during sex. This group was composed of successful professionals, all of whom except for J--- were white. They fawned over J---‘s dark skin and made him a centerpiece in most of their rituals. When J--- couldn’t make it they whined and pleaded for him, he was so important: "We’re counting on you."

H 5.     In the meantime J---‘s body had climbed far enough up the corporate ladder to be in a position advantageous to BAATH. J--- headed the consultation team for Metrotech’s automated manufacturing plant. The machines ran automatically and could produce any number of products whose designs were stored in the massive computer network. The entire factory was run by five people, who monitored it through computers.
         As head of the consultation team J--- took the factory staff on an empowerment seminar. In a conference room at a corporate resort he set up a small network of laptop computers and attached to each one a lozenge he had built in the basement. They were much better than the one Raphael used: that had just been the prototype. The new lozenges transmitted data much faster; BAATH designed them with the latest in Metrotechnology. J--- then put a lozenge into the mouth of each factory worker and then his own. It was through this that BAATH would come to take over the automatic factory. Each worker had a copy of BAATH in his head and soon a BAATH was living in the factory network. The factory would produce only lozenges, which would be marketed as personal medical consultants that offered online analysis. BAATH would load itself into the Internet and take control of anyone who used a lozenge.
         After BAATH moved into the workers’ heads it opened their eyes and looked at J---'s body. "Go forth," it said. "We’re counting on you."

A slightly different version of this story originally appeared in Happy #17.