My Journal Page

Friday March 10, 2006:
Exciting times here. We had about 3 inches of snow Thursday morning when I left for work and it was still snowing heavily. The freeways were clear though so the trip to work was ok. Once I got into Beaverton, there was just a dusting of snow. It has snw a little off and on since then including while I was on my walk tonight but nothing is accumulating.

Look like I will be going to our DR site in a couple of weeks so I will need to check a few things like tire pressure and water in the batteries before I go. This time I need to remember to run the generator on the trip down or back. It has been a while since I have used it and it needs to get some exercise.

Monday March 6, 2006:
Been busy at work and I don't usually like to get on the computer at night. Sorry for the lack of entries for the last week. Last Thursday I went to our DR site to do some testing. Just spent the day so I did a lot of traveling. I was able to get everything done that I had planned though and it was a good test. Later on in the month I will be moving down there for a week and do a full test. Had to go to the dentist Friday to get a crown replaced. Not my favorite activity!

Saturday I cleaned the RV and picked up some more bird seed for my birds. Can't let them go hungry in the spring! Went for a long walk in the afternoon since the weather was great. Sunday I went shopping for some new jeans because my old ones were getting too big. Always nice to drop a size. Took another long walk in the balmy weather we have been having.

Today I had another session with my trainer so I will probably be sore again tomorrow.

Sunday February 26, 2006:
Weather is getting better here. Back to normal except we have not had a lot of rain. Temps in the 40's at night and 50's during the day.

Spent yesterday shopping for a few things. Got more bird seed for my feeders and batteries for my electronic stuff. Also got a plastic thing for in my rear window of my RV. A cheap substitute for a backup camera. Now I can see my car when I am towing it. Today I have a lot of computer stuff to do. I need to get my taxes ready to go and look up a few things. Also I haven't checked my favorite forums in quite a while.

I ordered a kit to raise up my seat at the dinette table a little while ago and decided to put it on yesterday. It took a bit of figuring to get it put on as the instructions were not too good but I managed it. The hardest part was lifting that heavy seat to take it off the base and then put it back on. The seat is a better height for working at the table but my feet no longer reach the floor. Not sure if I like it or not. Guess I could get a small stool to put my feet on. I can easily take it off again if I decide I don't want it on. It is easier to get out of it though, I don't have to pull myself up so far. Guess that's it for today.

Tuesday February 21, 2006:
I am back from the beach. I did not have internet access down there so was not able to update. It was a nice sunny weekend. The only problem was it got down in the 20's every night. Lots of water pipes freezing down there. I just put some water in my tank and didn't hook up my hose so I didn't have any problems.

Saw lots of frozen waterfalls on the banks along the beach and frozen water on the sand where it was flowing down to the ocean. It warmed up during the day and things thawed out though. Had some excellent beach walks and went up and over the dune at Pacific City. Always a good challenging hike.

I arrived back in town Monday and after hooking up and getting things settled in again, I took a short rest and then went for my workout with my trainer. After coming back home from that I collapsed for the night. This morning it was back to the ole grind again. At least it will be a short week.

Thursday February 16, 2006:
Brrr its cold here. It was 27 degrees when I left for work this morning. It is supposed to get down to 22 tonight or tomorrow night. I forget which. I am all ready to head to the beach tomorrow. It should be 4 degrees warmer there! Did my washing and grocery shopping tonight. Also took care of some paperwork and stowed some stuff so it shouldn't take too long to get ready to head out tomorrow. I am ready for a long weekend of relaxing in the warm sun at the beach. Oh wait a minute that's the freezing cold sun at the beach!

Wednesday February 15, 2006:
Been busy lately, Saturday I went to lunch with the Portland Single Sams. After that I checked my tire pressure and water in my RV batteries. Sunday I washed the RV. This was all in preparation for going to the beach this weekend. It has been really cold here however and we may or may not get snow on Friday. So my trip may have to be cancelled. I sure hope not, I was planning on getting the oil changed in my RV Friday morning before I head out and I wanted to get that done. I ran into some snow on Tuesday on my way home from work. It was snowing and hailing so hard that it was sticking on the road but where we were driving it was just a wet slush. Tonight and tomorrow night I need to get things ready to roll and get my washing done for the week. Not sure if I will have internet access over the weekend but will try to update if I do.

Thursday February 9, 2006:
I am back into my workout schedule again. I have been doing either a session with my trainer or a 5 1/2 mile walk everyday. Only problem is doing all that work makes me hungry. The weather has been beautiful all week. Sure hope it lasts until the weekend. I am hoping to go to a lunch Saturday with the Portland Single Sam group. After that I need to check tires and batteries in the RV to get ready for my 4 day weekend trip the next weekend. Will be nice to get away for the weekend. I haven't had a camping trip since Thanksgiving.

Monday February 6, 2006:
It was a beautiful day today. Sunshine the entire day. That sun sure felt good. Unfortunately I was inside most of the day. I did take a 2 mile walk at noon though. After work I had a workout session with my trainer. The first since December before I got sick. It was not too bad. He took it easy on me. Wednesday he said he will bump it up a notch.

Sunday February 5, 2006:
Go up late yesterday, guess I needed the sleep. At some point after I was up and around, the sun came out and I thought it would be a great time to take a walk. I only got about 3/4 of the way around the campground and it started pouring again with high winds. The clouds that were off on the horizon when I started really came up fast. So I bailed on my walk and headed home. Later in the day I finally went out and took a long walk in the area.

Today I got up early and did a thorough cleaning of the inside of my RV. The sun was shining so I took the opportunity to shake out my rugs good and vacuum the carpet. After that I took a long walk managing to get in over 12,000 steps. I swept the concrete pad so it looked nice an neat and even sat out in my chair in the sun for a while. Overall, I had a nice relaxing weekend. Tomorrow I start back with my trainer at Bally Fitness again.

Thursday February 2, 2006:
Not too much happening here. Lots of rain and wind. I have been very busy upgrading software at work which makes the time fly. After work I have been taking walks through the RV park. Three time is over 5000 steps. I figure with what I walk the rest of the day, that gets me close to the 10,000 steps we are supposed to walk to be healthy.

Tonight I turned off my water hookup so I can use the water I put in my fresh water tank in case my water hose froze up. Of course, when I watched the weather tonight, they said next week would be dry and cold! I doubt I need to worry about a hard freeze anymore. Maybe I shouldn't put that in writing! LOL! We will probably have the coldest February on record! My hose is still insulated so I should be ok and I can always fill up my tank again if I need to. I am hoping to get in a long weekend at the beach near the end of February if things are not too hectic at work. I don't want to haul a full tank of water over there. I also want to take weekend trips in this area to check out the parks within driving distance of work. I need to make sure I can get broadband access before I move to any of them.

January 2006 journal entries.

December 2005 journal entries.

Prior journal entries.