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Yet another episode in DeMaio's sleazy present...
For the benefit of Haggerty
Jan-3-03 12:27
Mr. Robert C. DeMaio,

Good afternoon Bob, my name is John P. Haggerty.
I'm sure my name doesn't ring any bells for you, but if you would look through your
past actions files, you should find that we have a business contract that hasn't been
fulfilled accordingly.
I have in my possession, a generic loan agreement that was signed by me Feb. 12, 2002
and signed by you Feb. 15, 2002.
The loan was to be used by you for the buyout of Inc.

The terms of the loan agreement was that it would be paid back to me six months from the date
of the loan, which would have been August 15, 2002. The signed agreement also states that it would be paid in full plus 10% interest.

Mr. DeMaio, The contract says that if the buyout was successful, that I would be paid back within 30 days of the said purchase. It also states that I would have the option to convert any or all of the loan into shares of the new company, at 5 cents a share.

The loan agreement states that this loan is personally guaranteed by any and all assets of Robert DeMaio.

Agreed and accepted, signed and dated by both you and myself.

Mr. DeMaio, I first want to tell you that I am a honest, God fearing, Christian man, and in no way
want to lead you to think I am calling anyone in your corporation a crook.
However, it seems to appear that myself and no doubt many others in the big get rich scheme that was proposed to us by yourself and your business companions, have been left out in the cold while you still have not fulfilled your legal obligation to us.

Well Mr. DeMaio, it is now December 21, 2002, and I have yet to hear anything from you or your business accomplices, and now I wish to ask you for an honest answer that can make me feel good about this Christmas season.
Mr. DeMaio, I'd like you to know that I am currently a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, Army National Guard, and I wait each day knowing that soon I will be called to leave my family and go over seas to fight against someone who they tell me is my enemy.
Will you personally explain to me why I have been forgotten about in the big rush of getting rich?
I wait each day for my call to go over seas to fight against the enemy over there, when I find my real enemy is here in the states.
Maybe to people such as yourself the amount of money I've loaned in good faith to you isn't much. But to people like myself, it is part of a life savings account that won't be replaced unless you come clean with your intentions stated in the signed loan agreement.

Mr. DeMaio, I am a fair and honest man and want to give you the benefit of the doubt.
So what I am going to do, is send you a copy of this letter to you and a copy of the signed loan agreement by both you and myself by a FAX.
This way in the possible cause that you may have lost your copy, you will now have a copy of our signed agreement.

Mr. DeMaio, I hope you can receive this with an open mind on my part.
As a member of the military who is spending Christmas knowing that in a few short weeks I may be called away from my loved ones, it would be a real Christmas blessing knowing that this loose end has been tied up and secured.

John P. Haggerty
Fisrt Sergeant, US ARMY
National Guard
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I'm sorry to tell you...
Jan-4-03 00:40
I know some people who bought shares from Bob DeMaio in "LB", better known as "", and they never received a share certificate in return for their hard earned money, no return phone calls, just excuses why they couldn't get what they paid for. Is that considered stealing? fraud? First Sergeant, you sound like a truly honorable man. The most honorable thing for you to do would be to hold Bob DeMaio to his promised. He is not just part of a private corporation any longer - he is on the board of directors for two publicly traded companies now - Dot1web and Norton Motorcycles. Sounds like Enron, MCI, Tyco? The Securities and Exchange Commission governs this type of behavior for public entities, and they are new and improved - you can submit your complaint online at It's quick and easy, and the best way you will ever see your investment returned to you.
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re: I'm sorry to tell you...
Jan-4-03 12:09
First of all, yes it is considered fraud and stealing!, the problem with holding demaio to his promises is that Mr. Demaio has know idea what a promise is, Norton Motorcycles is not traded anymore it is now Dot1Web, LowestBids and Drive4U were merged into the new company called Dot1Web (which was formally Norton Motorcycles) contacting the SEC is a good start, maybe the AG in nevada, or the DA in nevada. Seeing how the First Sgt. got scammed the first thing i would do would be to contact JAG and have them go after the guy, JAG can be extremly effective.

The problem is this guy is so slippery that the SEC etc dont take it serious there have been a ton of complaints to the SEC, AG, DA, Nevada Securities Division and knowone will do a thing about this guy, it is about time the regular joes that cant afford to be scammed by this guy stand up and say something, its not enough just to send a complaint to the SEC you need to send a Compaint to the SEC every week until someone gets off their butts and does something about this guy. call the media, call your da, call your senator just dont stop until someone does something.
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Jan-4-03 20:29
Yes, another fraud - it wasn't Norton Motorcycles, it was Norton Motor Company and they are currently being accused of fraud by trying to steal the original Norton trademark for fraudulant use in the U.S. Bob DeMaio happens to be on the Minnesota "Norton" corporation's board of directors...but don't take my word for it - here's the link to a press release issued by the ORIGINAL and TRUE Norton Motor Company about this new case of fraud...
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Dot1Web when will people do something about these
Jan-3-03 00:33
The events of the past few years have certainly diminished our ability to trust Corporations. Did anybody see Dot1Web’s CEO, Bob Demaio in the paper recently? Was anyone suckered in by those claims of assets and valuation? Christ, even former Enron CEO, Kenneth Lay was at home screaming "bull$%@#!"

Over the past year, our confidence in the basic institutions of society has suffered blow after blow. The dotcom collapse taught us we can't trust the stock market. Dot1Web taught us we can't trust the regulators who are supposed to supervise it.

The one I really want to see in the hot seat is Bob Demaio, the guy who apparently pulled all those financial deals, with Freedom Motorcycles, that read like Chinese pig Latin. Forget the judicial system, I want to see this guy worked over by a gauntlet of laid-off Dot1Web employees armed with barbed clubs and junior high anatomy manuals. Demaio should be walking like the guy in the Levis Super Bowl commercial.

Magical commodity that is difficult to earn and easy to lose, and a healthy skepticism will always be needed to help you avoid getting conned, because people like Demaio will always produce more crap than a herd of Holsteins grazing in a prune field. I believe it is not enough to point fingers, we must learn from Mr. Demaio as well.

With Dot1web execs hiding losses like they were frozen Three Musketeer bars in Anna Nicole Smith's house, to their CFO shredding paper like Captain Hook rolling a joint, Nevadans are finally putting Demaio under the microscope and they still can't see their investments. Hey, if you were pulling in ten figures a year, and you started to see your dynasty crumble like a Ritz cracker in Jiminy Glick's back pocket, wouldn't you cook the books at 451 degrees Fahrenheit, but you really don’t even have to cook the books anymore, you just have to simmer them, because in the present-day looking glass, Dot1web’s accounting practices read, “Red is the new black”.

Throughout the 80's and 90's, CEO's were treated like rock stars. Unfortunately, we've now reached the point on Behind The Music where the ominous voice says, "But just then, Dot1Web CEO, Bob Demaio, decided they needed to go out for more beer..."

I don't want to see Mr. Demaio going to jail for three years a minimum-security prison that doubles as a Country Club during the day. I want Demaio and his clan to witness the damage that they caused up close. I think they should be sentenced to community service sorting the shoe bin at the local Salvation Army in a low-income neighborhood to get a sense of how real people have to get by. Make Mr. Demaio work the drive-thru at Jack In The Box so I can literally hear that lying bastard's voice coming out of a clown's mouth. Just don't drive away without checking that you got everything you ordered because you will probably get screwed in the drive through.

What I'd actually like to see is these guys do hard time in hard prison. See how they like it when we let the warden get creative with the books keeping their sentences. You want to make sure this doesn't happen again, put these losers in with the general population who are doing 10-20 for stealing a scintilla of what these guys did. Then make sure there is a live "Big Brother" shower-cam feed into every CEO's office in the country. Executives are going to think twice about cheating the numbers as well as your employees and investors, when they spot their CFO all lathered up with a windchime hangin' from his rear end.

That’s just the way I see it.
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Jan-2-03 14:50
What is really sad is alot of innocent people have been scammed out of their hard earned cash that they will never see again. I am talking about the investors that were promised millions in return.
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Bobby Boucher, thats pronounced Booshay
Jan-2-03 23:21
I got into the Washoe Co. Superior Ct. website and guess what I found? Big Bob has a laundry list 69,000 miles long.
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dot1web lies
Jan-2-03 22:25
this isn't the first time DeMaio has had mass layoffs and unpaid layoff/payroll checks - go to the Nevada Labor Commission and check for filings made over the last three years against: LowestBids,, Drive4u,, Robert C. DeMaio, or Bob DeMaio...pretty interesting what you will find...two of my close friends were stiffed and had to threaten to take this guy to court for back wages, and at one point were offered stock in lieu of pay (their paychecks bounced). Not enough funds at the bank? My ass. They cashed their paychecks because they were afraid of them bouncing. And as far as fear - this dude threatens to sue anyone who crosses him - so much for feeling rotten about laying off a bunch of employees right before Christmas! I am truly sick of this guy getting away with the stuff that he has, and I wonder why the Attorney General or other state departments haven't come after him for bad checks, just like they would any other check bouncing criminal - as for his fancy car - seems he would rather drive a status symbol than pay his rent and see 60 plus employees put food in the mouths of their children for the holidays. Great guy - hope you enjoy sticking up for someone who doesn't even have the courage to admit that he has handled his business poorly he changes the name of his business and moves somewhere else every time the going gets rough...have at it - you can't change bank records, and you can't run forever.
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lets not forget his other "FAMOUS" companies
Jan-3-03 00:44
Yucatans Fresh Mexican Grill, in Stateline, Nevada, County of Eldorado
also known as:
Yucatans Fresh Mex Grill, Yucatans Fresh Mexico Grill, Yucantans Fresh Mexican Grill, Yucantans Fresh Mex Grill, and Yucantans Fresh Mexico Grill, as well as a limousine company? Styline Limousine?????

Other names you may want to research would include:
Robert C. Demaio, Robert Demaio, Robert D. Demaio, Bob Demaio and Bob C. Demaio
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Jan-2-03 01:35
Looks to me that these guys will be doing some prison time in the near future. What does everybody else think?
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Jan-2-03 11:07
It will be you in prison once the authorities catch up with you. We know who you are SMILE
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It's me BARNEY, not SMILE
Jan-2-03 19:10
You got it wrong dude!
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Yeah, I am sure he is really afraid.
Jan-2-03 11:46
Wow you are pretty tough you want to threaten somebody with jail, and might I add FOR WHAT, because he is talking crap about your company, welcome to the wonderfull world of being publicly traded doesnt matter if he is a x-employee or not about the most you could do is sue him, and its pretty hard to sue someone for slander/defamation when they are speaking the truth. It's a lawsuit that you will never win. and will never go to jail for posting on this message board, so why do you crawl back to the hole in incline village you and the rest of your dot1web lackies are hiding!
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Its a shame
Concerned party
Jan-2-03 14:23
...All this could have been avoided if Bob DeMaio did the right thing. Its even sadder when they start threatening their ex-employees. Is this a company that you want to give your money to? Would you what your company name associated with them? A company that doesn't pay and then makes threats to their ex-employees! I don't know about you folks but I would cancel your accounts and get your money back befor they go out of business, and your left out in the cold just like their employees.

P.S Read these articles.
[url=] Dot1web CEO says company strong, employees being paid back[/url]
[url=] Laid-off employees left out in the cold[/url]
[url=] Money woes for local DotOne continue to emerge[/url]
[url=]Incline Village ISP trying to overcome financial woes[/url]
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If They Show No Accountability, Make Them Accounta
Jan-2-03 16:50
If anyone has received a payroll check and/or reimbursement check from a company that had insufficient funds in their account, I suggest that they go to the Sherrif's Dept. and report this. It is also wise to write a complaint to the District Attorney.
Writing Bad Checks (especially habitual), over $250.00 is a felony and punishble by law. It is important that if this has happened to you, you report it, sounds like this has gone on a long time, and it won't stop unless VICTOMS speak out.

I was curious what type of threats have been made to ex employees as well. This is also an act that may hold some sort of liability to this company and it's officers.

You can also call the Washoe County, Carson City, Douglas County, and Eldorado County Recorders office, to find public documents on person(s) and/or companies(You may also find them on the internet) . As well as

When looking up information on a company remember to look up any name that they have used in the past as well. Or any company they may have had in the past. I completed a simple search on, Inc., as well as, Inc. and found numerous judgements and lawsuits including a tax lien from the IRS. This is all public information, although many may not have been privy to this until now.

Hope this helps.
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Jan-2-03 17:01
It is actually , sorry for any confusion, and again I hope this helps some of you out there that need resources!!!!
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Dec-28-02 19:28
All, I used to work in Engineering for Dot1Web until they laid us ALL off a week ago. Yesterday, they finally locked the doors to the business. All employees have not been paid for 2-3 weeks and many of their paychecks are still bouncing at the bank. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!
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WebWide Sleaze Dot Com
Jan-1-03 11:03
Webwide ISP is just the latest iteration of dot bomb sleaze from Northern Nevada. This is not about a few disgruntled employees who were canned shortly before Christmas. This is about a company that has routinely bounced checks to employees, to suppliers, and even to the lawyers defending his sorry ass. This is about a man who fired his CFO who dared suggest that it was wrong to issue bum checks.

This is about a man who contracted to buy an office building, defaulted on the down payment, and "extended" the purchase contract by paying monthly rent, and was ultimately evicted because he couldn't make the monthly rent. This is a about a man who hired a staff to do nothing but mostly sit around and look pretty for months so he could feel important (and for his sexual stimulation).

This is about a man who, in three years, has less than $21,000 in sales, but has lost $4 million in investor funds doing what? Developing a half-assed auction website and ISP that anyone with an HTML reference book and some kiddie script could put together and run from a two-car garage.

This is about a man who lies for his living, who has received cease and desist letters from various jurisdictions to halt illegal trading of unregistered stock through his merry band of gullible midwest "network marketing" sheople.

This is about a man who has already filed for bankruptcy twice. After the last bankruptcy, this guy has stiffed dozens of suppliers for millions of dollars. A few have gone after him and obtained judgments which, for reasons known only to DeMaio, are never listed in the financial statements.

This is about a man who thinks it is OK to take investor funds to buy a $230,000 car, live in a 6700 foot mansion near the beach of Lake Tahoe, and wine and dine girlfriends while his wife and children stay home and employees go without paychecks.

Yeah. This is a great man and a great company. I would not hesitate to prepay this guy for a full year of Internet access. Go to it folks. You all deserve to be scammed once in your life.
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Webwide ISP
Dec-30-02 21:57
I am here to tell all that Webwide ISP is as good as ever and the lowest price of major ISP's for unlimited access.

We have downsized our staff as we move towards profitability.
Estimated to be in first quarter of 2003.

As with any downsizing, you will have some disgruntled employees.

We still offer 24 hour live instant help.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email us at

Thanks to all of you who enjoy our ISP service.
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"Disgruntled Employees"
Bah Hum Bub, Demaio
Jan-3-03 16:35
Good Lord, what do you expect when you lay off employees after bouncing their checks and offering the crap stock in return of actual cash, expecially during the Christmas season. When most parents are able to buy presents for their children, these people had to figure out how they were going to keep a roof over their head and food in their mouths??????

Shame on you, Bob Demaio!!
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This is more then disgruntled employees
Dot1_2manydots4me... .. .
Jan-3-03 23:40
The fact is that the whole Dot1web newtork is a fraud. There auction site is fake all thier auction items and bidders are fake. They have never sold 1 real item. Go to their site and look [url][/url], all there auction items are $1 dollar below the sellers asking price. Their auction items never go away the same items have been for sale forever, they just keep re listing them! Their instant web advertising is a joke no one is going to see your advertisements there aren't that many users on their ISP, below a thousand and a lot of thoughs users are also investors. Instant web site creations is also a lame web hosting site its only compatible with IE5.5 or higher, you can't build the site yourself you have to user their wysiwyg interface which only allows you work within a predefined table layout. Most of the business that are singed up with and don't even know it! doesn't work probably never has. I could go on and on but there is to much to point out I don't know why nobody noticed before. Basically everything about the dot1web has been phony, poorly done, and looks like shit! Oh yeah one more thing before I end my rant their ISP sucks too!
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Alive And Kicking? I THINK NOT
Dec-31-02 19:45
According to this article i would be cautious as hell!!

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Dec-31-02 15:58
Be careful people. I'm not or have never been a disgruntled employee of Webwide IS, just someone looking for a reasonably priced ISP. After looking over the signup page, I had questions, so clicked on WWISP's Technical Help link. I posted my questions and waited patiently for their "Live Instant Help," but never got a response, so either they were asleep or Live Instant Help was downsized to 0. Then I e-mailed them twice using the above link, and both were returned with the message that WW is an unkown user. Something is definitely wrong here, so just a word of caution.
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DOT1WEB-Bob Demaio
Dec-30-02 22:15
DOT1WEB crappy OTC penny stock shows exactly how they are doing. Not too damn good.
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Dec-30-02 21:59
I am here to tell all that Webwide ISP is as good as ever and the lowest price of major ISP's for unlimited access.

We have downsized our staff as we move towards profitability.
Estimated to be in first quarter of 2003.

As with any downsizing, you will have some disgruntled employees.

We still offer 24 hour live instant help.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email us at

Thanks to all of you who enjoy our ISP service.
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Jan-4-03 11:47
I just email you guys at and the email was sent back to me. If everything is OK then where are you located now? How can I get a hold of Bob? We gave him a personal loan and he has never paid it. I want my money back!
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Dot1 2manydots4m
Jan-4-03 18:29
Try emailing them at or
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Sounds So Familiar
Bah Hum Bug, Bob
Jan-4-03 12:12
Please complain to the District Attorney, attach and correspondence with Demaio and Company as well with you complaint. Then you need to write a complaint to the SEC, with your "loan agreement" and correspondence attached.
If people continue to complain, the SEC and the District Attorney have no other choice than to open a case to at least investigate this company and Demaio.
As you can see by this post, you are not the only one who has been swindled. And it is sad to see that Bob is driving your investment around Incline (TahoeBonanzaNewspaperArticle -Bob's Lamborghini).
I am sure that you will not have been the first to complain, but maybe if you did, it would prove to be not just a one time or several time occurance for this company and Demaio. And hopefully something will be done
Good Luck....
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DOT1WEB-Bob Demaio
Dec-30-02 16:34
Is Bob Demaio just another scam artist or what?
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This ISP
Dec-24-02 10:39
Webwide ISP is the best ISP that I have seen for a long time. Its fast connection, friendly and fast online tech support and user friendly interface, makes this one of the most desireable ISP's.

Add to it the $6.25 /month and you have, unmatching quality. New people you should try this and you will not be sorry.

Thank you folks at Webwide and on for more achievements.
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Dec-28-02 19:26
All, I used to work in Engineering for Dot1Web until they laid us ALL off a week ago. Yesterday, they finally locked the doors to the business. All employees have not been paid for 2-3 weeks and many of their paychecks are still bouncing at the bank. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!
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Webwide Isp
Dec-24-02 18:59
I just downloaded their free Webbar. It is great. Realtime bidding in auctions as well as a organizer that works wireless. This is a great tool. I think it really compliments their ISP
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Re: Webwide Isp
Jan-1-03 16:05
"It is great. Realtime bidding in auctions as well as a organizer that works wireless."

Take a look at all the auctions on there <a href="">site</a> they are all fake auctions. All of the auctions on their site are just $1 dollar below the sellers asking price. The Dot1web bar is s cheezey program that only works with IE5.5 or higher, and does not work with an wireless devices! This whole company is a fraud all you have to do is scratch just alittle below the surface to find out.
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Dec-10-02 13:03
I've been using Webwide ISP for about 5 months now. I have never had any major problems. Twice one of my local access numbers was down but I have 6 to choose from. No problem. I still cant beleive that there are people out there paying 20 some odd bucks a month for dial up access. Either they haven't done their homework, or they're just plain stupid. I used to have NetZero's 9.95 a month access. It was a joke. They sent me a letter after 2 months stating that the cost of telecommunications in my area was too expensive and they would have to cancel my account. They suck! United Online customers are paying too much. 9.95 for a banner at the bottom of your screen and a stupid TV that you have to stare at when dialing in... I don't think so. I'll take 6.95 a month for unlimited access.
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There are lower
Jan-4-03 11:35
Hey rental-look around 6.95 is not the lowest-and by what people are saying on this board your 6.95 a month looks like it might mjust go away.
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add note
Dec-10-02 13:08
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I'm very happy
Dec-9-02 13:08
No ad banner, no ISP generated pop-ups, unlimited access, no getting booted off downloading from KaZaa, $6.95 / mo., Its great.
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Web Wide ISP rocks
Phil Quagliariello
Dec-7-02 12:18
WW ISP is great. I signed up and within 5 minutes I was online. Great Real time customer service online. After terrible experience with Talent Group (don't sign up!!), WWISP is refreshing, and for $6.95 a month you can't beat it.
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tech support asleep!
Dec-31-02 15:38
I have been cruising for a new ISP, so went to WWISP's signup page. Since I had questions not anwered there, like, what kind of speeds can I expect with my V.92? is tech support available by phone?, and, etc., and even though I waited a lengthy time, I never received a response. Live Instant Help? I think not. They must have been asleep! I have always had immediate help by phone with any ISP I've had, so what do people do when they need help with WWISP? If they normally answer promptly, what does one do when there are connectivity issues? I sent an e-mail to the address posted on this site to ask my questions, but it was returned with the message that the user was unknown. With this many problems all ready, I can't wait to sign up to experience the difficulties I would have then! You get what you pay for, comes to mind.
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look it on Sep. 11th
Sep-11-02 16:51
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