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Semester V Syllabus

531. NUMERICAL METHODS (Syllabus common with other branches)

  • UNIT I:Empirical laws and curve fitting - The linear law - Laws reducible to the linear law - Method of group averages - Principle of least squares - Fitting a straight line - Fitting a parabola - Fitting an exponen- tial curve - Fitting a curve of the form Y = axb - Calculation of the sum of the squares of the residuals - Method of moments - Relation between the roots and the coefficients of the equation f (x) = O - Equations with real coefficients and imaginary roots - Equations with rational coefficients and irrational roots - Symmetric functions of the roots - Transformation of equations - Reciprocal equations - Formation of equation whose roots are given. (10)
  • UNIT II:Solution of numerical algebraic and transcendental equations, The bisection method - Integration method - Regular false method - Newton - Raphson method - Convergence method Horner's method - Gauss Elimina- tion method - Inversion of a matrix using Gauss elimination method - Method of triangularisation - Crout's method - Gauss - Jacobi method - Gauss - Seidel method - Relaxation method. (10)
  • UNIT III:Finite differences: First and Higher order differences - Forward differences and backward differences - Properties of operator - Dif- ferences of a polynomial - Factorial polynomials - Error propagation in difference table - Operator E - Relation between E and D - Summa- tion of series - Interpolation Newton backward interpolation formula - Equidistant terms with one or more missing values - Gauss forward interpolation formula - Gauss backward interpolation formula - Bes- sel's formula - Laplace Everett formula.
  • UNIT IV:Interpolation with unequal intervals - Divided differences - Newton's divided difference formula - Lagrange's interpolation formula - In- verse interpolation - Numerical differentiation and integration - Newton's forward and backward differences to computer derivatives - Derivatives using Stirling formula - The Trapezoidal rule - Truncation error - Romberg's method - Simpson's one third rule - Simpson's rule - Truncation error - Difference equations - Linear difference equations - Linear homogeneous difference equations with constant coefficients - Non - homogeneous linear difference equations with constant coeffi- cients.
  • UNIT V:Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations - Power series approximations - Solution by Taylor series - Picard's method of suc- cessive approximations - Euler's method - Improved and modified Euler method - Runge - Kutta methods - Predictor - Corrector methods - Numerical solutions of Partial differential equations- Difference quotients - Classification of partial differential equations of their second order Laplace's equation and its solution by Liebmann's process - Solution of Poisons' equation - Solutions of parabolic and hyperbol- ic equations - Solution by the method of relaxation. (10)

  • TEXT BOOKS:1. Numerical methods in Science and Engineering by Dr.M.K.Venkataraman The National Publishing Co., 1991 - Second Edition (Revised).

  • REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Computer Oriented Statistical and Numerical Methods - by E.Balagu- rusamy, Macmillan India Ltd., 1988. 2. Numerical methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation - by M.K.Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar, R.K.Jain, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1987, 2nd edition.


  • UNIT I:Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design: Data Abstraction, Encapsnla- tion, classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism, class Hierarchies. Designing an Object-Oriented System: Idenfifying the classes, Assign- ing Attributes and Behaviour, finding Relationship between classes, Arranging classes into hierarchies: A design example.
  • UNIT II:A first look at C++: Using streams for input and output. C++ enhancements to C: Default Function Arguments, Placement of varia- ble declarations, the scope resolution opeator, the "Const" Qualifier, overloaded function. References: References as Aliases, references and pointers- similarities and differences, references as function parameters, references as return values.
  • UNIT III:Introduction to classes: declaring and using classes, class members, creation and destruction of objects, accessing data members, returning a reference, "Const" objects and member function. Classes and dynamic memory allocation: New, delete operators, "this" pointer. Static members, friends, array of class objects.
  • UNIT IV:Inheritance and polymorphism: derived class and base class, derived class constructors, overriding member functions, public and private inheritance, virtual functions, polymorphism, multiple inheritance, classes within classes.
  • UNIT V:Operator overloading: overloading unary operator, overloading binary operator, data conversion. Microsoft foundation classes: strings, files, data structure classes, serialization.

  • TEXT BOOKS:1. Object-Orinted Programming By Barkakati.
  • REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Object-Oriented Programming in Microsoft C++; Rober Lafore, Galgo- tia Book House, 1994.

  • 533. DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (Syllabus common with other branches)

  • UNIT I:LINEAR SHIFT-INVARIANT SYSTEMS: Review of the theory of linear shift-invariant systems. Fourier transform of a sequence (Dis- crete-Time Fourier Transform-DTFT). Frequency response or Trans- fer function of an LSI system. Frequency response of first and second order systems. Realization structures: Direct forms-I & II, cascade and parallel forms
  • UNIT II:DFT and FFT: Discrete convolutions - Linear and circular. Sec- tioned convolutions. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties. Relationship between z-transform, DTFT and DFT. Introduction to radix-2 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Decima- tion-in-time radix-2 FFT. Decimation-in-frequency radix-2 FFT. Computation of Inverse DFT through FFT. Fortran programs for FFT.
  • UNIT III:FINITE-IMPULSE RESPONSE (FIR) FILTERS: Magnitude response and phase response of digital filters. Linear phase response. Design techniques for FIR filters - Fourier series method and Frequency sampling method. Linear phase designs. Windows - Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning and Kaiser.
  • UNIT IV:INFINITE IMPULSE-RESPONSE (IIR) DIGITAL FILTERS: Review of the properties of Butterworth and Chebychev filters of the continuous -time type. IIR digital filter design from continuous-time filters using impulse - Invariance technique and Bilinear trans- formation.
  • UNIT V:FINITE WORD-LENGTH EFFECTS IN DIGITAL FILTERS: Fixed-point arithtmetic. Effect of quantization of the input data due to finite word-length. Coefficient inaccuracy. Product round off. Need for scaling. Zero - input limit-cycle oscillations. Limit cycle oscillations due to overflow of adders. Table - lookup implementation to avoid multiplications.

  • TEXT BOOKS:1. OPPENHEIM and SCHAFER: Digital Signal Processing (PHI) 2. RABINER and GOLD: Digital Signal Processing-Theory and Applications. (PHI)
  • REFERENCE BOOKS:1. ANTONIOU: Digital Filter Design, TMH. 2. STANLEY: 'Digital Signal Processing', RESTON.

  • 534. DATA COMMUNICATIONS (Syllabus common with 75A of Computer Science & Engg.,)

  • UNIT I:Introduction: A communications model - Data communications - Data communication networking - Standards - Making organizations - Data transmission: Concepts and terminology - Analog and Digi- tal Data Transmission - Transmission impairments - Transmission media.
  • UNIT II:Data Encoding: Digital data, digital signals: Encoding schemes - Evaluations factors - Digital data, analog signals: Encoding techniques - Performance comparison - Analog data, digital signals - Sampling theorem - PCM - Delta modulation - Errors - comparison - Analog data, analog signals - Need for modulation - Modulation methods - Amplitude modulation - Angle modulation - Com- parison.
  • UNIT III:Digital data communication techniques: Asynchronous and synchro- nous transmission - Error - Detection techniques - Parity checks - Cycle redundancy checks - Error - Correcting codes - Forward and backward error corrections - Interfacing between DTE & DCE - Characteristics of interface - Interfaces: Rs-232-C - Rs-449/422-A/423-A X.21, V.35 .
  • UNIT IV:Data link control: Need for data link control - Line configura- tions: Topology, duplexity and line discipline - flow control:- Effect of propagation delay and transmission rate - Sliding window protocol - Error Control: Error detection - ARQ - Bit - oriented link control - Necessity - Protocols - HDLC, ADCCP, LAP-B, SDLC - Charac- ter-oriented link control - Binary synchronous communications - Their categories - Limitations, Serial Controller 85C30.
  • UNIT V:Multiplexing: Advantages - Types of multiplexing - FDM - Synchro- nous TDM - Statistical TDM or Asynchronous TDM Study of their characteristics and carrier systems.

  • TEXT BOOKS::1. Data and Computer Communications - William Stallings Macmillan Publishing Co., Second Edn. 1989.
  • REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Digital and Analog communication systems - Couch L. - MacMillan Publishing Co., 1990. 2. Principles of Digital and Analog Communications - Gibson, J.D. - Macmillan Publishing Co., 1990. 3. Digital Communications - Proakis, J.Q.-Mcgraw Hill, 1983. 4. Data Communication - Schweber - McGraw Hill.


  • UNIT I:What are Expert systems-Expert systems as a major faculty of Artificial Intelligence-Definition-Characteristics-Architectural description-Description of various modules.
  • UNIT II:Knowledge base-methods of representing knowledge in knowledge base-production rules-semantic nets-frames. Inference engine- Brute force search techniques-depth first and breadth first search-Heuristic search-Various Heuristic search techniques.
  • UNIT III:Stages in the development of Expert. systems-characteristics of problem chosen for Expert system development. Application areas of Expert system-Advantages of using Expert systems-Problems in present day Expert systems.
  • UNIT IV:Certainty factor culculations in Expert systems-MYCIN'S & PROSPECTOR'S certainty factor calculation methods-qualitative study of a few Expert system shells like EMYCIN.
  • UNIT V: Study of Expert systems like MYCIN, RI, PROSPECTOR.

  • TEXT BOOKS:1. A Guide to Expert systems-Donald A.Watermann.

  • REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Building Expert system-Hayes-Roth, Lenat, Watermann (eds) Addison Wesley, Reading.


  • UNIT I:Introduction: What is Multimedia? CD-ROM and Multimedia. Multime- dia in Business, in School, at Home etc. Stages of a multimedia project; The Multimedia Team.
  • UNIT II:Multimedia Hardware Macintosh and Windows Production Platforms; the Multimedia PC Platform. Hardware Peripherals; SCSI, MCI; Memory and Storage Devices. Input Devices; Output Hardware; Communication Devices.
  • UNIT III:Multimedia Software : Basic Tools; Word Processors and spread- sheets; Presentation Tools. Authoring Tools: Card-and-page based authoring tools; icon-based and time-based authoring tools.
  • UNIT IV:Multimedia Building Blocks: Text; Sound; Midi versus Digital Audio; preparing MIDI files; audio file formats; MIDI under Windows; Audio Recording. Images: Multiple monitors; bitmaps; vector drawing; 3-D. Drawing; Colour; Image file formats. Animation; Video standards; recording formats; video compression.
  • UNIT V:Project Planning, Estimating; Proposals; Designing multimedia; delivering multimedia; producing a CD.

  • TEXT BOOKS:1. Multimedia; Making It work. 1994 Osborne McGraw-Hill. TAY VAUGHAN. 2. The Winn L.Rosch Multimedia Bible. Sams Publishing 1995.


    The following experiments are suggestive experiments. Simular experi- ments can be designed by the faculty member who handles the laborato- ry. 1. Develop a data structure for trees. Include addition, deletion, access procedures. Apply this to problems like students list, passen- gers list, polynomial representations 2. Write an algorithm for balancing a B tree, B+tree and B* tree. 3. Develop data structures for multilevel indexing to store records. Write procedures for insertion, deletion and accessing a record. Calculate access times. 4. Develop file structures for a direct address calculation method (Hashing). Assume a proper disk size and hashing func- tion. Write procedures. Simulate a large number of accesses and calcu- late average access time. 5. Write an algorithm to convert a tree into a binary tree. Also traverse the tree. Write a search algorithm using an ordered binary tree. 6. Write algorithm to sort a list of records based on a key using a tree data structure. 7. Sort a file containing records using quick sort. 8. Merge two sorted files. 9. Write algorithm to access records based on a nonkey value (inverted list-approach). 10. Insert a large file (of 1500 records) into disk using (a) contiguous allocation approach (b) linked blocks approach. 11. Given a graph, suggest a suitable data structure. Devel- op an algorithm to detect a cycle. 12. A dictionary has words in two languages. Write search algo- rithms to search for a word that may be in any language.


    1. Exercises to demonstrate the following facilities of C++. I/O streams, Default function arguments and overloaded functions, References. Do the Object-oriented design and code it using C++ for the following problems. Use the concepts like dynamic memory alloca- tion, `this' pointer, friends, inheritance, polymorphism, virtual functions, operator overloading, file handling in C++ etc. as far as possible.

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