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i suppose this is where i'm supposed to write a short intro as to help everyone understand what exactly is the purpose of this site. basically, all it is is just a daily vent/random thought/journal-type of place to serve the purpose of giving others a peek into my "action-packed" life.

what's new?

* uploaded pics from sunday's hair dying mishaps and last thankgiving's cali trip.

* updated links section. let me know if you want me to add any sites there.

* uploaded pictures from spring break trip to cali and pictures of what's left of my car.

* cleaned up all the older entries and put last semesters entries in the old news section.

* got rid of the page before this cuz the cool trasition effect never really worked consistently
* updated guestbook questions ^_^

* added this page (duh)
* updated 'good stuff' page, it's been a while