high skool - one long month, senior year

happy b-day to brandon in advance since i probably won't be able to get my hands on a computer on saturday.

on a sidenote, jon, saturday is still on my friend. yeah that's right, you watch yourself. my hair is not girly, silly loh fan.

oh yeah, i'd just like to say my sister rocks for no apparent reason other than she's cool. yes, charis, my REAL sister.

wednesday night i went to our skool's talent show hosted by the interact club. there were some crappy acts and random crap i had to sit through till i got to what i was waiting for, my sexy nico breakdancing. haha it was great. all the other guys did an awesome job too. well, while waiting for them to come on, i sat in front of some gay underclassmen who kept heckling whoever was up there. that was pretty retarded and i was kinda gettin edgy and then one of them drops this note on my lap, from behind and urges me to read it. so i'm like, whatever and open it up. it says, "are you the guy from rx bandits? signed mike, the guy behind you." hmmm i'm assuming he means steve choi the asian guy who plays guitar and keyboard for the band? well let me ask you, do i look like him?:

dexta's twin?

DID YOU KNOW THAT THE ASIAN GUY FROM HOME GROWN, JOHNEE TRASH, IS VIETNAMESE?! yeah didn't think so. i just found that out myself. i remember the last time i saw them he told a joke that was really funny

y0uNg n' D4nG3r0u$, bAbY! hung hing fo' lyfe. yeah i'm jus bored and reliving my memories of my days in HK where i was a hardcore rascal...okay yeah you know i'm really bored, but go watch 'young and dangerous'

What is YOUR Highschool label?

Take the Which Powerpuff Girl Are You? Test.

this morning i remember waking up for a sec at around 7.05 and thinking it was 8.05 and freaked out, but then i realized it was actually 7.05 so i was like, "eh what the hell? i got 25 more minutes." well that 25 more min turned into 60 more min as i actually did wake up at 8.05 the second time! yeah it was great. i jumped outta bed, ran and turned the computer on, got ready for skool, then got my vocab done, and got to skool....late.....again....i betcha ya didn't see that one coming. so i was 3 for 3 in being late for my classes today as well, but the teachers don't really seem to either tell me or give a damn so it's all gravy. in english today we had to fill out these things about the senior class like, "the most likely to ____" or "best____" and i realized that i don't really know a lot of ppl at my skool. yeah, i don't hang out with a lot of ppl from skool and i only have 3 classes so that kinda impedes me from gettin to know a whole lotta ppl. that and i don't really care for most ppl at skool ne wayz. so later we played 'vocab baseball' where you answer questions regarding this week's vocab and then you get a base hit, etc. long explanation, kinda. well it turns out all the retarded ppl on my team decided to prove just how retarded they were by not studying for it, i mean i didn't study at all until i got to class then crammed like mad. then the last girl to go has to spell the word 'choleric' and kinda takes a little while to do it and then someone on the other team notices that she has the vocab words on a sheet on the cover of her binder so they freak out! it was gay like rosie o'donnell! omg! she even spelled it right! oh well, last time we owned them and all that matters is that i actually know the words. i could really care less about everyone else, really i could.

4 more weeks of skool!!!! YAY!!!!!

my current desktop wallpaper...at home! jeez u must be crazy to think it's at work.

today i finished my last chapter of vocab i will ever have to do again! so in commemoration of this day i'd just like to repost the site that has truly helped a brutha out in dire times of need. check it.

mad props to my brutha anurag for what went down yesterday. much luv man. the guy had it coming to him.

arrgh, like a pirate

this is the funniest picture i've ever seen of charlie. hehehe it's so funny!
i didn't even recognize him at first. jeez, well don't go to nau charlie
and leave me here at asu all by my lonesome. where am i gonna
hang out on saturday nights when you're gone man?!?! ai yah...

YAY! today i get to go home an hour early cuz the secretary lady wants me to go to mervyn's and pick up a $100 gift certificate for some reason. how weird. oh well, whatever gets me outta work early!

interesting thoughts that i have entertained in my mind:
  • how far can you REALLY throw a midget in any sort of 'midget-tossing' competition?
  • tongue twisters don't make sense
  • itchy mitsubishi! now say that fast....a couple times....okay i'll stop
  • i like the way black ppl say 'naked.' it sounds like 'nek-kid.'
  • in the wizard of oz when dorothy's house lands on the wicked witch of the 'who gives a damn' those funny little leprechaun ppl sing her this song. boy was that a funny song especially those lollipop kids! "we represent, the lollipop kids! *click* lollipop kids *click* the lollipop kids! we representtttt the lollipop KIDDDSSSS! something something something welcome you to munchkin landdddddd!!!!"
  • what would it look like if i put all my hair up? including the bangs.....would i kinda look like benimaru from all those snk games, except not as gay?
  • i saw a picture of an old asian guy protesting with a sign that said, "yellow peril supports black power."
  • the other day this big black dood in my english class explained how black ppl don't like sharks. he said, "man! black peepoh dun like sharks! hell we dun even like goin in da watah! i mean how many shark attax u heard uf las year dat involve black peepoh?!" my point exactly comrade.
  • saves the day is actually a good band
  • the bloodhound gang was really funny w/ that one mv of them beating up 2 gay french guys. well they were good until that one dirty asiaphile song. no respect there. quite typical of the more 'ignorant' ppl groups in the world.
  • respect is everything
  • i like buffets, but i haven't been to hometown buffet in a long time and chinese buffets all taste the same no matter if you're in cali or az.
  • wasabi is weak
  • i still want that blue 97 nissan 240sx w/ 60k mi and manual transmission. still just $10500!!!
in english right now we're reading 'candide' by voltaire. interesting book with some peculiar ideas on his outlook on the world in general. liebnitz's of 'optimism' that recurs numerously in this book is very....different. i mean, it's a very 'optimistic' (where it gets it's name) point of view, but i doubt everything that happens cuz it was the best possible situation in the best possible world or some junk like that, but those enlightenment guys were full of some crazy ideas. then what's the deal with 'deism?!' freakin nutty i tell ya, it's like a "close, but no cigar"-type of thing to me. okay enough of this wack stuff.

the mail room guy here at my work is the friendliest guy ever

so i'm going through bronx's junkyard and scouring the 177 pages of lee hyori/hyolee?(from finkl) pics. dang...she is soooo hot! omg....yep....pretty freakin hot....damn why doesn't az have anyone like her? oh yeah...i forgot...cuz it's az....fuck az

hehe paintbrush rocks!

song of the moment: nobodys - "i hate your guts"
yeah i'm a little weird like that


woo-HOO! i'm a g-string! YAY!

Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amazing, practical, and always interesting.
someone who is constantly the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head.
They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding,
someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.

*Take The Gap Toothed Celebrity Test!*



my day has been pretty anti-interesting. random stupid tests i found on aa and other crap have taken up my time at work as of now. i was supposed to wake up early today and get some cardio in, but i woke up late and was late for skool again. plus, i didn't do my vocab so i had to get on the internet before i went to skool and get it done, if you know what i mean *wink wink* cuz seriously, who ACTUALLY does their vocab?! yeah so got to skool late and listened to the usual stuff for 3 hours and left. great fun it was!

lately i haven't done my hair so it's just this non-gravity defying mass of hair on my head and ppl have noticed that it's not "up" anymore. kind've strange. ppl from work, skool, gungfu, and church have been astounded in my lack of 'down-ness' in my hair. oh well i'm making a big deal out of it now, i better stop.

i'm sleepy, i wish i could've taken a nap at lunch today. sux when i only have about a half hour to eat lunch and get ready for work.

i was walkin to my car yesterday and i noticed that the wind was actually pretty nice and cool so i decided to list a bunch of stuff that puts me at ease and is jus plain great.

  • back when i used to live in cali, i remember during the afternoon when we opened all the windows in the house that you could feel that cool, sea breeze blow in. that must be one of the best feelings in the world. i really miss my ol' home back in the bay area now.
  • the other day when the wind picked up it reminded me of those good ol' carefree days as a kid in the bay area and how it was pretty similar to the sea breeze there.
  • the feeling of wind blowing through your hair (when mine's isn't spiked).
  • getting some quiet time alone to think in a nice serene spot like at a park or by a lake.
  • driving around at night with the window down, wind in the hair, and music on. it's great. try it sometime, but don't drive too fast. yeah i kinda lose myself in my thoughts in that type of moment. it's really nice.
  • running my hands through my hair is kind've a new thing. it's even better when someone else does it for you, preferably someone of the 'female gender.' it's jus kinda gay when guys do it to each other.
  • i really like the nighttime especially at my aunt's house in torrance, but it's usually nice and cool like that in az, except summer time, at night. then all the stars are out as well and everything seems to have quieted down to a mild hum of the cars in the distance. then i peacefully doze off to sleep.
so after going over all of that i noticed that a lot of these good things have to do with california, the wind, and my hair. so i guess the perfect combination would be a nice, quiet spot in california at dusk where the sea breeze is blowing gently and my hair is non-hardcore, as to let the wind be able to run through it like a set of fingers.

proposterous is a funny word, funny like haKk guEi

i think i'm going to gungfu tonight, i haven't been to a tuesday night class in a while due to discipleship and random other things. i guess i should look forward to it even though i'm kinda tired right now. i should probably look at it as a way to let my frustrations out in a safe way and when i think of it like that i kinda wanna go, but tomorrow the interact club is having a talent show and i think i know ppl that are in it. i went to it last year and it wasn't too bad so hopefully it'll be even better this year. yeah i'm tired and stuff so i think that's it for me today.

beatdown victim #1johnathan yee currently has 4 days and approximately 20 hours and 28 min as
of now to either go through intense training to prove yourself or be utterly humiliated
in front of numerous people and lose face this saturday. prepare yourself for horrendous
amounts of pain and suffering as all who you hold dear watch in horror. you have been
warned john....you have been warned.....MWUAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

oh btw, you do know i'm just kidding, right?

last weekend was pretty good. pretty good, indeed. saturday was that asian picnic thing hosted by dv or something so brian and me decided to get there early to meet up with some ppl. well we see a big group of asian ppl so we get park and go to meet them. first person to come up was anthony, then andrew, don, richard, etc. until dan shows up and i'm thinkin, "wait, dan's at mcc. what's he doing at a high skool thing?" well it turns out that it's a basketball tournament between some local korean churches. wow. what a surprise. no really i wasn't expecting it at all cuz i thought it was the picnic thing. very awkward indeed. well we hang out with all of them till we can figure out where the hell the picnic is, but our efforts proved useless since no one knew where it was. so brian, phimus, and me decided to drive around and look for it. it took a little while, but we eventually found it next to a big ol' bounce house (man i luv those things). so yeah a decent turnout and enough food for everyone although the drinks got kinda low at the end. afterwards, a hefty sized herd of chinese ppl migrated to my house to graze for a bit. you know, clean up and stuff after a long, hot day in the blistering az sun. gotta luv az. ne wayz, ppl come and go and in the end bobby, phimus and me are left at my house making plans for the evening. on a side note, bobby suggested that we jump into the pool since we were all dirty already and we're gonna take a shower later. so with no regard for the actual pool temperature i jump right in the deep end and to my surprise....the water's freezing! ~oi not one of the smarter things i've done all weekend, but hey i don't give a....yeah. as we meandered around in the pool, not really swimming nor quite stagnant, bobby mentions that brandon and jon are headed out to our side of town that night. i was quite shocked because for the past couple weeks, they've been on our side of town either on friday or saturday. *shocking* yeah i was pretty surprised, too especially when jon called my house (how the hell'd he get my number?! one of the great mysteries in life i suppose). so bobby n me clean up and bobby gets a call from...i think it was dan. they wanted to chill so dan, richard, john, and junnie all came over. so when the grass was all gone from overgrazing, the herd once again migrated to arigato steak and sushi. it's funny how half the ppl at arigato didn't seem like they wanted to be there *aHeMCoUGhDAN!* so ne wayz after causing the usual ruckus of a big group of asian ppl in a restaurant during happy hour (wait it wasn't happy hour when we went) we took our leave and hung out in the parking lot....for a longgg longgg time. some of us were supposed to go see 'van wilder' but in the end only a couple ppl went while the rest of the group jus stood around trying to figure out what to do in the parking lot. well for shits n' giggles, some smartass suggests that we try fitting all 8 guys into calvin's golf. now if you don't know how small a golf is let's just say it was worse than the incident in david's old sentra on the way home from fashion square last year. so calvin drove around the parking lot, blaring the music while all the guys in the back seat kept yelling about how they were losing feeling in random places on their body and how heavy bobby ACTUALLY is. yeah pretty freakin embarassing. when we all got out some guy walking by asks how many ppl we crammed in there. when i told him, he just kinda chuckled. moving right along, after this 'spectacle' we ended up at charlie's house as usual. our stay at charlie's was the same as usual as well, cram everyone in his room when it's getting pretty warm in there. also, there was the usual capcom vs snk action goin on, but after a while moved out to howard's computer area. so we eat and talk for about an hour and then head home. sunday was a little different from the usual schedule. went to service, but skipped sunday skool to go out to lunch and then to golfland. went to del taco since i haven't been there in forever. man, del taco is some good stuff. i should go more often except the serving sizes are kinda small as calvin noticed when he got his 2 'tacos.' i wouldn't called them tacos though. if those tacos were wrestlers, they would've been the midget mexican wrestlers with the flamboyant costumes and funny face masks, can't forget the trademark cape either. after lunch brian and me go pick up wonnie wayyyyyyyyyy out in i think it was still mesa, but it was pretty freakin close to gilbert too. so it was more of a gilbert/mesa area rather than one or the other. we get to golfland and get hooked up w/ some tokens and go for it. the best part was that ddr 5th mix was still on free play so i didn't have to pay for that. man, i haven't played in a while and that was apparent as i like died (in a non-literal sense) on the third song. it was ghey. so i went back to church to catch chinese skool, but jack calls and says that they're going to the 'jeff cox'-thing instead. yeah i went too cuz i didn't do the hw for chinese skool and i heard we had a test and i didn't study so there was no way i was goin. so i listened to jeff cox give out some ideas n stuff about yg and they were pretty good. hopefully, the ppl in charge will take his advice. when that was over i jus headed home. i was kinda on the worried side though cuz i was almost outta gas, the needle was below the last mark and the warning light was on. thank God i made it to a gas station on time. then went home and realized i still had stuff to drop off at matt's house so i went and did that. talked to matt for a while and he gave me brian's backpack which he left over there so now i gotta get that back to him sometime. yeah then jus went home and that was my exciting weekend as usual. better spent than sitting home on my ass doing hw or studying or some ghey crap like that. yeah i guess that's just that second semester senior mentality really coming out now.

yay! only 5 more weeks of skool left!!!

from a certain request i received last night, i thought i'd follow through with it:


then a second request today:



i'm freakin tired right now. last night i stayed up late on aim till about midnight when the internet stopped working, pos. so far this week, wednesday was the only day that i've been able to get into bed on time. anyways, i tossed and turned for a while til about 1.30, i think, and fell asleep. woke up late this morning, got ready, and was late for skool again. man, i'm gettin bad w/ this whole 'punctual' thing. well at least i was on time for third period today. usually i'm not. then fourth period i took a 'bathroom break' that consisted of me missing about a half hour's worth of class and getting lunch, visiting ppl, or whatever. today is the last day of our 'spring week' dilly-o so i thought i'd check out what's goin on. sux cuz they ran out of hot dogs at the bbq today. they're only 60 cents each! man, i had to settle for a 1 dollar hamburger and now i'm hungry, oh wait i have food. nm. brb.

i was so bored today at work that i signed my own guestbook. it's pitiful, i know. click on the 'view guestbook' link to check it out or if you're too lazy click here.

man i can't get that 240sx outta my mind. someone should really go do a really humanitarian thing and buy that car for me. look, i'm a poor, high skool student. on top of that, i'm a minority! woOO!! chinese ppl!!! and according to the majority it makes me disadvantaged. so if any rich philanthropist out there would like to ease the my suffering of an unacceptable mode of transportation then feel free and email me at this email address.

i have till friday to figure out what song i want to play with the powerpoint presentation for the graduation ceremony at church. i've narrowed it down to a few songs now:
  • the wong fei hung theme song (instrumental, mandarin, or cantonese). i have 2 dance remixes to this song, but they don't seem appropriate for the occasion.
  • right said fred - "i'm too sexy for my shirt" and only show pictures of me without a shirt.

let me know what you think about the choices above and any other suggestions

jeez, look at it =>
i mean, sure it's pretty average looking and it's stock, but that's the great part right now. it can be made into a 400hp street monster (for more info check out may 2002 sport compact car)! crazy, huh? especially since the car has the same engine (ka24de) as the nissan altima and that one truck by nissan (i forget the name). the difference however lies in the rear-wheel drive and above-average suspension (stock). that big, block of iron is pretty well setup for some mild boost from a turbocharger. on the other hand, to attain higher levels of boost, which means more horsepower, a stronger set of pistons is required. yeah, but this is all 'book knowledge' i get from reading tons of forums and websites on the subject so obviously, don't take my word as law. i see it like this, the car is 10500 bux, cost of making it into that 400hp street monster is around 10k-15k. so add that to the original cost and it's 20500-25500 bux. you're getting porsche/ferrari-like performance for about a fraction of the cost, hell the car itself doesn't look bad. with a good, clean looking body kit it'd probably be awesome and since it's japanese you're also keeping it real/representing ^_^ so to help compare costs, i looked up the cost of both a 97 porsche 911 turbo and a 97 ferrari f355. the porsche came out to be as much as 134k while i was unable to find a price for a 97 ferrari. therefore i checked the price of a new 2002 ferrari 360 modena and it STARTS at about 130k. the higher-end models reached as much as the mid 200k's. so taking the estimated price of the cheapest high-performance italian sports car and subtracting the cost of simply modding a 240sx as i plan to, you come up with a 104,500 dollar difference. some pretty big numbers, huh? so yeah i kinda went off on a rant there. i'm guessing most ppl who read this could really care less, but i just wanted to give ppl a reason as to why i would do it. not to say that i wouldn't mind driving around in a lamborghini, but the reality is that i don't have that kind of money to throw around. unfortunately, i'm not some 'big-baller' or 'high-roller' as some haKk guEi would say.

hehe today i got some 'important news bulletin' at work. it was titled, "asian rat infestation." yep you heard correct, rats are messing with some of srp's electric systems and they're not too happy. maybe these are the asian rats from HK? naw, most likely not. i believe however it's the ones from taiwan with the bad haircuts.

the perfect 240sx! blue exterior, rear-wheel drive, 60k miles, 5spd! aw man! if only i had 10500 bux and knew how to drive stick!!!!

pic of a s0oPaH gHeTt0 240sx, i think. then there's this mexi 240sx.

so i got into work today and, surprise surprise! no work! not even newspapers! great stuff. anyways, today was an early release day at skool so i got out at 10.40, but ended up having to go get my picture taken with my business internship class at this studio where i got my senior portraits done at. so it only takes about a half hour and we're done. OH! in the parking lot there was a nissan sentra se-r spec v! 6-speed, matching interior, bucket seats, rolling on 17's! the works! oh man! nice nice car. well the whole picture taking ordeal was quite uncomfortable. i was all dressed up and it was hot outside. i had to sit on the ground so that didn't make things any better. yep....no fun at all. the guy like took 7 pictures, but i didn't smile in all of them cuz it's just so hard to smile on command. i mean, i really don't smile unless i have good reason to. i dunno, maybe it's jus me. yeah so i guess i got home for lunch and wasn't in a very good mood cuz of the inconvenience of those pictures and the fact that my mom locked me outta the house. then she kept bugging me to help her reinstall something on the computer and my patience was just wearing down. jeez i'm freakin on a lunch break and i jus wanna take it easy, you know? eat a little and unwind before i go to work, but that didn't happen. on top of that i didn't get to bed early last night so i was kinda edgy as well. oi, i wanna take a nap now.

so i tried checking out how much insurance on that 240sx i found earlier would be. here it is, i think:

i'm not sure if that's accurate, but it sure as hell seems like a lot of money to be paying. man, insurance is gay. screw those greedy bastards.

aw man i can't stop thinking about that car now. so yeah go look at 240sx.org, zilvia.net, or the 240sx/silvia forum. ai yah! it soh goo'd!

yesterday was ghey. i freakin was swamped w/ work so i couldn't write anything in here. OMG! yeah i know. it was the first time in weeks! anyways, i had so much work from yesterday it carried over to today, but i'm just barely finishing it up as of now. well at least tonight i don't have to worry about gungfu. i think my parents are goin to c-fu's tonight. hmmmm well truth is the food isn't that great there, but i haven't had chinese food, from a restaurant, in a while.

last night i was on the computer till 12.30 and didn't fall asleep till 1. it was weird cuz i don't normally do that and when i woke up i wasn't THAT tired! whoa! amazing. yep.

i'm really hungry right now and i already ate my apple AND banana. an interesting combination indeed. i guess i could go scour the meeting rooms for left over food like some sorta scavenger, but hey it puts food in my stomach so it's all good. ah i remember last time i jacked 2 sandwiches. yep, a full 2 sandwiches and let me repeat that once more, 2 sandwiches. mmmmmmm.....

tomorrow is an early release so i get out at 10.40, but the crappy thing is that i don't get to go home and chill. rather, my business internship group is going to take the annual group picture so i gotta dress up for skool and then leave immediately after to go to the studio and get it done. this should be great.

let's see, my wonderful weekend...what happened? alright, friday night went to yg and then afterwards a big group of us (including hong2 and jme who were visiting) headed out to e-ba to go check out the karaoke night held by asu's HK student assoc. so there was a buncha 'chinese' ppl running around e-ba singing some 'chinese' music (not very well i might add. remember rush hour 2? my point exactly) drinking their 'chinese' drinks, speaking their...okay that's enough. so yeah ran across some of corona's finest doh ma's (ghetto asians) however keeping the distance is the key thing here. so we chilled at e-ba for a while and got some boba. then headed over to jack in the box to grab some food. as we were leaving this blaxican (black+mexican=blaxican) dood comes in and starts spouting off the weirdest questions. i'm guessing he was very, very high. so brian and kanyon went along w/ his little charade, but ditched him eventually due to his inebriated nature. typical. so yeah headed back to e-ba to get our cars and called it a night. saturday i ran around doing errands for the first half of the day then went to the mall w/ brian and phimus for a bit. we visited matt and bought random crap all the while trying to figure out how to return brian's bookmark he bought. giving up on the entire 'bookmark' incident, we went to charr's to meet up w/ him and calvin and go out to dinner. well charlie and calvin just leave w/o us knowing so we're left to decide where to go. well we wait for bobby to get there and pick up some pizzas at papa johns. while waiting for those pizzas to cook up, we ran on over to fry's to get a couple sodas. while we were there we ran into dan and andrew. they were trying to escape the wrath of ellie (i think). either way they just wanted to get the hell outta there. so we tried making up an excuse, which i think didn't work, but they left anyways. so we picked up some movie called 'brother', some yakuza movie, at blockbuster, but when we got back and popped it in it turned out to be 'the brotherhood II' which was pretty gay cuz that was some occult movie. two very different things, the yakuza and the occult. so yeah we jus chilled at charr's for the rest of the night till we got too rowdy and got booted out. so the next day i wake up for church, do my daily get up and go deal, and i'm off. at church, a lot of ppl were in town for dan and kristin's wedding and/or spring break. let's see warren and cindy, nono, other assorted ppl i can't remember. so yeah then lunch that consisted of extremely sweet and/or sour breaded meat of some sort, i'm still trying to figure out what it was. during chinese skool, i was supposed to have some 2 min speech prepared, which i didn't have, for the speech contest-thingy. however, the chinese skool student council thing got me out of it, but the meeting didn't go all of the first half so eugene's nazi mom (she's so mean!) forced us all back into class. i came right as the last person was finishing up. sad part is that there was still 15 min of class left, just enough for me to get my speech in. well considering i didn't have one i had to bs one. so i spoke about what i did on saturday. oOo very exciting! not really, but it was something to talk about. well i think the judges laughed at my funny chinese, you could even call it chinglish for all i care cuz my vocab for chinese sux. so yeah after chinese skool charlie and me headed over to wei's to check out his new CELICA GT! yeah it's black, not blue. then for dinner, since it was phi's b-day, we all went to TODAI! yay! well it was pretty good, but definitely not worth the 10 bux extra compared to lunch. still, all-you-can-eat lobster, shrimp, crab, sushi, etc. OH MAN! so good. well only good right now cuz i'm freakin starving, but still it was good. dang now i'm down 26 bux, but hey that's why i'm here right now, writing this up. cuz i'm at work! making back all that money i busted on food this weekend.

internet iq quiz i jacked from jim's profile. sadly i only got a 123.

how to get out of a traffic ticket?

so i've been on fresh alloy, a nissan enthusiast website, all afternoon checking out the forums. man a lot of those guys on the forum have those new se-r spec v's. 2.5L 175hp, 180ft/lbs. not too shabby. then i read some of the kill stories they had on the board. freakin civics, integras, wrxs, mustangs...on and on. which reminds me, remember on 'the fast and the furious' when toretto and spilner break into johnny tran's garage to check out his cars? well when johnny tran beats on the one white dood for not being able to supply him with his parts he says something to the effect of, "you see those hondas over there? where are those sr20's for them?" well something along the line's of "hondas" and "sr20s." now the funny thing is that sr20's are the engines in the nissan 200sx or the infiniti g20. hmmm now wait a second? nissan? infiniti? HONDA?! that doesn't match up. haha gotta luv the accuracy of the terminology used in that movie. okay yeah i'm a nerd, sorry.


i drew on my forearm today in skool cuz i was so bored. it's pretty now. too bad it's ink and would come off with any water and soap. well, does that mean i should get a REAL tattoo? i wonder. now that i think of it, it'd sound kinda cool except for the whole hurting and pain part of the whole process.

my department at work has decided to keep me on for next year on top of the summer job as well. that's freakin great! i haven't done much work for the past couple days. most of my time was spent...well the decision was obvious ^_^ so i think i get a raise sometime next year. i heard it's a big one too so i'm looking forward to that and getting a new car with the extra money. yes, planning ahead is a good thing.

hey! david0u is coming back this monday! ai yah! wonder if he looks, talks, acts like a fob now? that should be intersting to see when he gets back. man, it's been like...a month and a half already. sux that he has to come back early, but at least he won't miss corona's graduation now that being if he decides to go or not. either way, it should be good having him back now. it's been getting kinda quiet w/o him ne wayz.

delta airlines, ghetto style. (flash cartoon)

i just went to the bathroom and as i was leaving i saw some guy brushing his teeth. well you just don't see that everyday now do you? yeah that was kinda random.

song of the moment: the ataris - "between you and me"

this week i have become a true bum. i don't wear shoes and socks unless i have to and my hair...omg. it's like an afro for chinese ppl now. it's crazy what hairspray can do, but my hair is done in like a minute or two which is the only reason i still choose to do it that way. besides that, shorts and t-shirts everyday! yay! so comfortable!

type-r jetta game?

last night at gungfu i saw that ESCALADE again. sadly, i found out that it WASN'T rolling on twenies', but rather "seventeens." then i saw an es300 with the ugliest, super-ghetto chrome rims. it was pretty bad (in a bad way).

I Will Die of Natural Causes.
Your choice of life style has enabled you to live a nice long life.. To eventually die of a stroke, or was it a heart attack.. Either way you out lived just about anyone that gave a shit about you anyway.. Congrats
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

thank God today is thursday which means tomorrow is friday (which means i get paid) which means the weekend is almost here!

turbo civic si owns c5 corvette
forum #1
forum #2

a friend from skool today told me about what happened on his b-day yesterday. it was one of the better stories i've heard in a while. so him and his family go out to dinner for his b-day and they give him some of his gifts at the restaurant. then they pull out this 'one' well he opens it and there's a watch box inside and he just assumes that it's another watch. it turns out that there is a five dollar bill inside it and it's wrapped around something. that thing was a valet parking slip/ticket. so he was like, "wtf?" well ne wayz he goes outside to the valet parking guy and gives him the ticket. the guy goes out and comes back with a 2002 2-door 5-speed accord!!!! how cool is that?! man, i wish my parents got me a decent car like that. see my take on it is that an accord has the potential to be good unlike my pos corolla. my corolla's not even stick! stupid automatic. that and it's a 1.6 liter, 106hp 105ft/lbs 4-door pos. heck my friend went from a 2000 toyota tundra to a 2002 accord. i'm not sure which one really is better cuz man tundras are pretty badass for trucks. big ol' v8 then throw in the trd supercharger and *BAM* okay enough ranting now. so i've learned i can't depend on my parents and that if i want something done right, i'll just have to do it myself. that and my parents won't buy me the car i want anyways cuz they're freakin paranoid about me doing something horribly wrong. crazy crazy ppl....

only 6 weeks and 1 day left of skool....about freakin time

bleh so obviously i decided to take down the april fools deal. yep, no one figured out how to actually get in. key thing is to highlight the entire page, then you'll see a link...aw who cares i took it down and i didn't have the one that screams at you from the start which would've been perfect.

hmmm tomorrow during the end of 4th period, my business intership teacher wants me to speak to the students that are signed up for next year's business internship class. this should be fun especially because of the fact that i hate speaking in front of a large group of people. oh well i guess i better not tell them about what i ACTUALLY do at work, rather a whimsical tale of hardwork and team-spirit is more appropriate. dang i remember the kid who spoke about srp last year. he said, "yeah i work underground and with computers and they don't let me wear shorts no matter how hot it gets down there." so i was like, "grreeattt. srp..." and now i work for them! haha luckily no underground, non-a/c computer rooms cuz that would've sucked.

i went to charlie's for dinner last night, but i forgot to tell my mom about it so when i got home she already cooked something up and it looked pretty good. so i thought it would be best not to tell her i wouldn't eat at home after she cooked all that good food. instead i said, "yeah i'm going to gungfu tonight" and ate a decent plate full. then i left and went to charlie's and ate some more. i was pretty shocked at how much i was able to pack down. then after dinner charlie and me hung out in his room and talked for a while. on my way home i checked my phone cuz i'm pretty sure my would've tried to call (it was 11 when i left) and sure enough, she had. she left a message so i figured i'll just talk to her when i get home. so i tell her that i stayed late at gungfu and talked with some guys out in the parking lot. yeah i didn't want to worry her with everything so yeah. blah blah blah blah. btw thanx again for the food and everything charlie.

random funny car pics at golders.

native americans sure are a funny group of people. ii was reading through the 'fort apache scout' (because of work) and one of the articles was titled "learn your street signs" like it was a command. hehe.

OH! i've been meaning to write this for a while, but i keep forgetting to. a couple weeks back at gungfu, i was walking in from the parking lot and i notice this ESCALADE parked out front. i get up for a closer look and notice it's got some large, shiny chrome rims and blacked out/carbon fiber altezza lights on the back. so i kinda chuckle and go on my way. when i come back out after gungfu i was walking to my car and then i see the owner of the ESCALADE get in. yep, you guessed it haKk Gui! hahahahah. then a week later i see this big, black suv (not an ESCALADE, but pretty close) and the license plate said, "ON DUBZ." man, you gotta luv black ppl.

i want a silvia:

i have absolutely no work as of now. today i get to my desk and there's nothing. no newspapers, nothing to send out, no papers to copy. nothing. absolutely nothing.

this morning when i woke up and went to brush my teeth i saw my sister's retainer. guess what was on it? a picture of ren and stimpy. i remember when i had a retainer. it glowed in the dark. it was kinda cool, but then again it WAS a retainer. the funny thing about retainers is that when you first start wearing them, it causes you to slur your speech like you can't talk right. pretty funny.

song of the moment: the ataris - "broken promise ring"

s13/s14 240sx drifting videos
video #1
video #2
video #3

i've been sleepy all afternoon which isn't a good thing. i really considered taking a nap in my cubicle, but there'd be a problem if a co-worker came in asking for some work done. even if i do it the same way i do it at skool, put hand to head and rest elbow on the desk, i don't think that'd float too well with them when they find me sleeping. anyways, all i did today was read newspapers. in other words, i had a lot of internet time today. yeah so last night i went to gungfu and got the usual bruises, from senior students though so don't worry. so if u wonder why i always get beatdown remember, they're my seniors for a reason. yep so the big ol' bruise from before got re-bruised. i betcha you don't see that very often. it was almost gone now it's a decent shade of purple now. on top of that there's some sorty of cut/friction burn thingy on my left forearm.

found a fun new way to do my hair. when it's all down w/ no gel, etc in it, spray hair spray on and blow dry till it stops moving. it looks...fun...?

song of the moment: antifreeze - "is he your boyfriend?"

not sure if many ppl made it past the april fools thing, but if you did w/o clicking on the link, i commend you. so ne wayz i'm kinda tired right now, must've been all the food i ate at lunch. ~oi and i had to pick something up earlier at 28th and camelback so the car drive there made me sleepy too. so right now i'm trying to listen to music to keep me awake. so lately my phone's being a real pos and it's pissing me off. ppl call it and it'll take them straight to the voicemail even though i don't have it set to do that. i am on the verge of smashing that stupid thing. anyhow today's been anti-exciting. my bruise is still there, but it's pretty light now so i guess that's good.

looking for fcbc on friday was freakin annoying as hell. it was so dark in that neighborhood and the speed limit was like 25mph. we went back and forth 48th ave for about 20 min till we found that street 'earll.' then the drive to in-n-out was even more fun, going through the twisties at 40+ mph or the big, circle on-ramp to i-10 from 143. then at in-n-out kanyon eats an 8x8 (8 patties of beef) cuz we paid for it. ai yah 2600 calories! only 5x5 for me that night and sadly a personal best as well. it was no 8x8, but i wasn't even that hungry when i got there so it definitely wasn't the day to do something crazy like an 8x8. then saturday brian and me finally see blade 2. it's been like 2-3 weeks we've been putting it off. so yeah, it was a pretty cool movie. way better than wesley's snipes' other movies *ahem* "art of war." then went to mike angeles' b-day party that night. good times, good times and lotsa food. probably too much food for me actually, but it's all good. then sunday i got baptized. yay! the water was pretty warm, but smelled like chlorine 'big-time.' it was kinda funny cuz during the baptism class p larry asks me how i'm gonna do my hair and i wake up late the morning of the baptism so i jus throw some stuff in my hair and get to church fast. so basically it wasn't up-to-par. well when he dunks me in, he stopped at the top of my forehead so my hair didn't get wet. hmmm how weird. well after that baptism charlie and me get some coffee and chill at coffee plantation for a while and that pretty much is the end of my weekend. indeed it was crazy.

dang i couldn't sleep last night and i woke up 45 min late today so i was late for 2nd period. then i was late for all my other classes today, but that's actually pretty normal. i considered just not getting out of bed this morning, but i needed to go to work so i got ready in 20 min, flip-flops, messy hair, and all. gotta luv being a 2nd semester senior w/ only 3 classes.

oh yeah and pomade sux balls.

what the minds of ghetto asians come up with. asian pride the music video.

jim's quiz if ur bored.

let's see, what'd i do at work today? got in and finished up everything i needed to do in about 1/2 an hour and i've been wandering around asianavenue for a while. i stumbled across some very interesting sites. here's yellow truth's site. yeah lotsa angst, but it's all gravy. i agree with what this guy's got to say. at the bottom of his page he's got a big group of pics. one of them has an asian guy holding a sign saying, "yellow peril suppors black power." haha that was funny! it's like the "me colored too" story that evan loves to tell. then here's another site bashing those stupid bai ren that have those sicko asian girl fetishes, asiaphile watch. they have examples of some of these 'asiaphiles' on the site and man are they some of the most retarded white ppl i've ever seen. oh well whatever. here's a random one that made me chuckle by sellouts_suck. wow i have even more links! here's a little thing called "the whiteness studies." now onto a link where the average white guy is the mascot for a team called the fighting whities." okay i think i'll just list them now

bigot alert
the killing of kuan chung kao

wow i'm pretty angry now, i better stop reading all this. yeah so ne wayz, moral of the story is 'romper stomper' was pretty bad, but all this stuff is much worse.

okay i think i'm not so angry ne more. checking out cars always makes me feel better. so yeah, top 2 contenders for my next car: 91-95 toyota mr2 turbo or 95-98 nissan 240sx (s14). the problem is that i don't know how to drive stick so i have about 2 years to learn. then insurance for both cars isn't going to be pretty either. also, finding a decent one for sale (especially in az) is pretty freakin hard. i've been checking the newspaper, autotrader, cars.com, and yahoo for a couple weeks now, but i haven't really come up w/ one that really stands out. so hopefully by the time my sister starts driving and it's time for me to get a new car, i'll have all these things worked out. well to throw in a third car, maybe a 300zx cuz they're pretty easy to get a hold of down here, but like i said earlier insurance for it is gonna kill me, especially since it's a twin-turbo (n/a is ghey, haha that rhymes).

a beautiful 300zx

the weekend is here. oh joy! now it's just a matter of finding something to do. oh btw i'm getting baptized sunday so everyone should come watch. 1:30, gpccc sanctuary.

a 300zx with ferrari body kit and supra tail lights. check it out.

yesterday on my way to gungfu, just as i was getting onto chandler blvd, what do i see? aw man a red ferrari 360 modena. it was beautiful and the sound it made when the guy stepped on the gas....awwwwwwww! it was pretty dang cool, well until this stupid minivan merges inbetween me and the ferrari. stupid minivan.

a neat picture of a mitsubishi eclipse's interior at night.

today i saw more awesome cars. as i was going to work, just before the i-60 overpass on 101, i saw a jade green supra, but from what i could see, it was stock. however, it was still hard trying to follow it cuz it was going like 80+ mph and my corolla just can't handle that type of speed. then when i got off 202 onto scottsdale rd, i saw a blue svt mustang convertible. not too bad...for an american car.

and for old times sake

ai yah i'm getting pretty impatient for this weekend to roll around. well at least today is thursday which makes tomorrow friday. i don't think i should be doing a whole lot tomorrow especially since it IS good friday and all. well i do have a quiz in math, but other than that i don't think there is anything really major going on tomorrow so that should be good. then work as usual where i do my usual schpiel for a couple hours and then i'm free!

here's an entertaining pic

the most awesome 2002 sentra se-r spec v ever! go see more nissan news at fresh alloy

man, got some weird ppl signing my guestbook. btw i like your hair too jim. it enhances your masculinity.

i'm sleepy right now. i've been sitting in front of the computer at work for a while now. today they didn't have any work for me to do except read the newspapers as usual so i'll probably get a chance to do my hw here before i go. anyways at skool today we got a letter from the office (2nd one this month) about some kid who tried to kill himself at skool earlier today. it said he's in good condition and is being take care of and that if anybody needs to speak to someone that they should see their counseler. jeez what's up with all the crazy people lately? our last letter home regarded some graffiti in a hallway that said someone is going to bring a gun to skool blah blah blah. how ghey is that? first of all, why would you warn ppl in advance that you're going to bring a gun? so i guess that means that crazy ppl are retards too. well at least a majority of them cuz there are smart crazy ppl like....well you know evil genius' n stuff.

friday is good friday and i'm still wondering if i should stay home or not. i overheard today that if enough ppl stay home then the skool would consider just making it a half-day. the problem is that i'm not sure if they have that kind of power to just say, "hey not enough ppl at skool today. let's have a half-day!" so ne wayz if i don't go to skool, i don't go to work which is kinda ghey cuz i don't get paid, but kinda cool too cuz then i get the day off. hmmm...decisions decisions.

this is not brian or is it? in contrast to evan's page, which was recently updated, brian's site has been left
to age to perfection since wednesday, july 11, 2001. that's right. 8 1/2 months of
inactivity. no biggie though, with an enticing welcoming page image and tons of
meaningful material, brian's page is definitely worth 2 thumbs up. go visit it now!

i've been copying papers for an hour and a half now and decided that i better take a break and i still have about 2 more folders worth of papers to copy. i hate copying, but only because most of it involves me unstapling a packet, copying it, then re-stapling it. to sum it up, staples are evil. why don't ppl just use paper clip? sure they don't hold as well, but at least they're reusable and can be bent into tons of fun shapes. jeez such inefficiency i have to put up with on a daily basis.

recently i saw a commercial for "the hunchback of notre dame II." as i sat and watched that, i wondered, "isn't it about time disney came up with NEW stories instead of making sequels to old movies?" lately i've heard that peter pan 2 and cinderella 2 came out and going back a little bit, disney has also released lion king 2, 2 aladdin sequels, the little mermaid 2, and i think a sequel to pocahontas (not sure though). for such a big, successful company you'd think they'd actually come up with new ideas instead of dragging out old ones. not to say that what they're doing is necessarily bad, just very predictable or just a sign that they're NOT coming up with any new and great ideas. however, it's not like they're the only ones doing it. i mean, just look at the entire HK movie industry. sequel upon sequel upon even prequels, but it's not like a majority of the movie series' in HK are bad (Young and Dangerous, A Better Tomorrow, etc). so it all goes to show that the "good ol' american ingenuity" is failing . . . miserably.

speeding tickets suck. wanna know how to not get them? check this out, radar test. stupid po-po.

this weekend went by too fast. i can still remember friday night pretty clearly so that's probably attributing to that fact. no, i don't drink, silly goose it's just that whenever i reminisce about it it seems so crystal clear about what went on. uh yeah so ne wayz that was a really odd explanation of the hastiness with which my weekend went by. right.

although my weekend passed with light-speed, i at least enjoyed it while it lasted for all good things must come to an end. well at least that's what the tv tells me. ne wayz, saturday. oh man looking for a place that would cut my hair was pretty...yeah. well i leave the house around 11.30 to go to the place i normally go to (next to the old lee lee's), but they were closed for some reason so i checked out the place next to the new lee lee's. the lady there couldn't fit me in until 5.30 and i sure as hell wasn't going to wait until then. so i drove to rural and ray and went into the burger king plaza cuz i remember that there used to be a haircutting place there. however, the key phrase is 'used to be.' when i got there i remembered that they had closed down a while ago. by this time i was pretty disgruntled and my last resort was the place next to my house, which is also next to yamakasa's. i went in, got my haircut, paid, and left. unfortunately i was pretty uninformed on how the whole tipping ritual went so i jus walked out. i felt kinda awkward afterwards, but that's okay cuz i'll probably never go back there ne wayz, well at least not in the near future. finally i got my haircut and was ready to go home when all of a sudden when i step outside, chris chelpka caught my attention. apparently he had been waiting for brandon suhargo to show up because they were meeting up for lunch at, none other than, yamakasa's. we talked for about 10-15 min till brandon showed up. don't worry, tardiness is a characteristic/personality/social/i don't know-trait of chinese ppl. so we go in and order our food and brandon keeps checking if his friend bobby (from asu) had arrived. we eat lunch and talk for a while then i go home and bum around till about 5 and go to the mall and get a b-day present for a friend and then head off to his party. i stick around there for about 3 hrs and then head out to meet up with some ppl at e-ba. i get there and they stand around outside for a couple minutes then decide to go allllll the way back to arigato steak and sushi which was right next to my friend's (b-day boy) house so i wasn't too thrilled about that. what was even worse was the fact that after everyone said they'd follow either me or brian is that they don't and end up all over the greater phx area. as bobby, jenn, and me are waiting for everyone outside arigato we have to call everyone up and tell them where to go, etc. well we go in and are pretty loud until the waiter tells us to pipe down cuz of the other customers, all 2 bai gwei who were stupid-drunk from all their sake bombers. ne wayz, things settle down and after getting a table for 15, about 5 ppl leave and we're left w/ more than enough room at our table, which was a bad thing. having ppl leave ur table after the waiter sets it all up and then half your group doesn't order ne thing doesn't speak to well of urselves. oh well we still order food and get out by 11. that night i came to realize that "japanese food is really expensive." well at least for how much you get, it is. and thus concludes my rOcK 'eM, sOcK 'eM adventures from saturday, now onto sunday. as for sunday it was the typical church and chinese skool deal. service and sunday skool went off w/o a hitch and then for lunch we got free pizza from the church as long as we voiced our opinions on what is wrong with our youth group. well we all ate our pizza and then further proceeded to get our complaints across to whoever is coordinating the youth group. well ne wayz free food is always a plus. yum. the meeting ended just in time for chinese skool, yippee...right so we shuffle off to our clase de chino and get our weekly communist brainwashing (woo HOO!). when we get out during break my mom tells me she talked to my chinese skool teacher, later on back in class my teacher tells me that she told my mom i ditched last week! whoa that's a big bu hao. oh well my mom wasn't too pissed ne wayz, but she told my teacher to tell her if i ditch ne more. aw no more sunday afternoon kick-backs. well back to chinese skool. during break, robin (short kid, i think he's like...8 or something) starts throwing a ball at us while we're standing up on the balcony. after a while he manages to hit me in the head as i wasn't paying attention. after that i'm slightly agitated, but i refrain from doing ne thing about until he starts shooting his little squirt gun at me and some friends. so bobby, kanyon, victor, and david tai (not too sure), and me run down and grab him. we pick him up by his arms and legs, take him to the bathroom, and give him a swirlee. haha unfortunately his head wouldn't go into the toilet so bobby had to use his hand and throw toilet water into his face. it was pretty gross. after that he apologized and we let him down. haha yep, that was the highlight of my day, giving little kids swirlees. so then it was back to class where my teacher made us all write a story in chinese. jack, as usual, wrote about his dog 'brownie', which is also a family tradition of his when it comes to chinese skool. so i finish my story and even draw a little picture to go w/ it! hang around outside for a little while and then head home and write up my testimony for the baptism class that night. i finish that up and go back to church for the class. i sit and chill for 2 hours and go over some key things regarding baptism and stuff. after that i head home and bum around on the computer till about 10.30 or so and lights out which pretty much wraps up my pseudo-awesome weekend.

this morning i counted the days left of skool and the total seems to be 39 more days for me(approximately 8 weeks). finals are on may 16 & 17 and graduation is may 23rd (i think).

sad, but touching story i read. it's kinda on the long side though.

evan jus sent me a link for this thing called the paper generator. it works pretty good cuz the paper it made for me didn't make sense so i figured the teacher won't understand it either so it seems like it would work...well as a last-resort type of thing.

hahahhahah!!!! the asian dr. dre!!!!!

an interesting thread i found in a zhang zi yi message board. it's kinda weird to find this in a zhang zi yi message board though, but altogether it is still young and dangerous.

as i was wandering through the mr2 message board, i found this cool link to a company called g-net that produces in-car computers. it's pretty freakin tight. check it out.

also on the mr2 message board is this project one of the members is doing. it's his own on board computer for his mr2. check out the thread. furthermore, here are some movie clips of it in action. man, there are some talented people out there.

boring boring day. skool as usual. nothing special. then work where i've been perusing the mr2 message board and other randomness. man i'm still sore from monday. ai yah and i'm going to gungfu tonight for the first time in a week or two. this should be fun i guess. hopefully i'll get a chance to work out afterwards cuz they're closing up the skool a little earlier now so i gotta pick up my pace when i work out now. ne wayz i can't wait for the weekend to get here. i guess i got too used to spring break. although on saturday i'll have to go attend to something i'd rather not for a couple hours so that'll eat into my weekend. guess i gotta make the best of it. ~oi and chinese skool on sunday. man i hear my teacher's pissed cuz bobby, jack, and me all didn't show up on sunday. jeez. argh i can't wait till this summer.

today at work i went to srp's 27th st facility which does all the advertising, art, printing, etc with my business intern group. man that was pretty boring stuff. i kept zoning out and i don't remember much of what they said. it kinda reminds me of charlie brown when his teacher talks to him "wah wah wah..." then the coordinator for the intern program here kept calling me sam. for those of you who don't know, sam is THE OTHER asian guy in the intern group. heh kinda funny though cuz i don't even look like him. i'm not sure if that really was worth getting an hour off of work. it was soooo boring. at least if i were in my cubicle i could be on the internet. oh well.

here's a sweet clip of a supra burning out. check it out

last night the shaolin monks thing was pretty tight even though they did the same exact thing as last time. they started out with the whole "sifu-student" conversation and then the entire show was divided up into 4 seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter). yeah lotsa gungfu fighting goin on as well as the awesome display of chi gung. hehe while one of the monks was attempting to break a metal bar on his head, it took 3 tries for it to work. ~oi i can imagine what he was yelling after he got off stage. other than that the entire show was pretty cool and the best part would have to be the theme song which is in chinese. it sounds kinda like a 'wong fei hung' rip-off, but it was all in mandarin and they emphasized the word 'shaolin gungfu' in the song a lot!

oh btw, the music on evan's website IS working now. sounds pretty good evan.

charlie got me hooked to jay chow. it's crazy, i haven't listened to this much chinese music since...LMF? haha yeah his music is quite melodic, catchy. all that good stuff. could he be the yoo seung jun of chinese music? aw who cares, mc hotdog says kpop/cpop is bad in general! yuki, ah mei, coco lee can...you know the rest.

fear evan's head look! it's grandmaster-berzerker evan's head!
go see more of his head here at his website.

as you can tell, i'm bored again at work. since evan (or as dan liu says, ekinssss!) added pics and supposed 'music that doesn't work' on his website then i thought i'd put up a link to his website. it's actually quite funny, but in a more simple, direct manner. you'll understand it when you see it.

more of how i spend my time at work:


eh yeah. it's kinda crappy, but that's due to the fact that my computer at work lacks a decent picture manipulating-type program.

tonight the shaolin monks are performing at asu's gammage auditorium so that should be fun. the last time they were here i think it was oct/nov '00. yeah it was pretty tight last time, they had little bald-headed kids doing gungfu, the monks were breaking metal bars on their heads, so many different styles of gungfu, etc. it was an awesome display of their skill. so yeah good stuff.

here's a link to some guy on yahoo who has the same name as me, but the guy is all messed up and is a disgrace to my name. dirty bastard. here's another guy from singapore. then there's this person who lives near my old hometown. man all those other dexter lee's are losers or old guys. what a shame...

and this is not an IS300.

i was looking back at all my old entries and realized that i started this thing spring break of last year. wow one years old. i'm surprised that i've kept up with it for an entire year now. the funny thing is that i said "right now it's not any good, but you just wait and see. i'll show you" - (03.11.01 : 1st entry). well it is a definite improvement from the crappy previous layouts and i'm planning to change it again sometime soon, probably over summer. i consider using flash, but i have no clue as to how it works. well i have all summer to do that so it shouldn't be a problem. ah i can't wait for skool to finish and i graduate. unfortunately i can't say i'm getting out of this crappy state, but at least i will have a better schedule (so far) than the one i have right now and then i won't have to see ppl i don't like from skool cuz...yeah well i jus hope that i won't cuz they suck. hmmm 8 more weeks to go.

~oi my last spring break of my public school career. it was pretty fun even though i had to work 2 1/2 days of it. let's see monday i worked all day and then went to gungfu. tuesday worked all day again, but went bowling that night. wednesday, bobby, calvin, christine, david, dan, andrew, ellie, sam (from sd), junnie (?), stephanie, and my sister went to lake pleasant to bbq, jet ski, etc. ai yah we had 4 ppl decide to go at the last minute so we left an hour and a half late, but that's all good. then we brought a whole bunch of stuff we didn't end up using. also, it took an hour to get there and another hour for calvin and bobby to find out what camp site we were at. they were the ones who went to rent the jet skis so they had to keep calling us on our cellphones and trying to find us, but they finally found us. hmm...what else? oh when we were trying to start up the bbq, the wind was blowing pretty hard so the matches wouldn't stay lit for very long so after we drenched the coals in lighter fluid, we had to put a napkin on top of the coals and light the napkin. once it caught, the bbq went up fast cuz of all the lighter fluid in it hehe. ne wayz after all the bbq'ing, we all went jetskiing some more and during the last run dan, david, and me fell off the jetski...twice. just then i thought about the guy who had drowned there a couple weeks back. ugh bad thought, but we made it out after david saved us ^_^ but at the cost of one of his flip-flops which we didn't go back for cuz it took forever to get back on and gather all our stuff that was floating around. so we went back to shore and calvin and bobby returned the jetski while the rest of us packed up our stuff and left. that night we all went to red robins and chilled there for a while. mmmmm they have good french fries. yeah okay thursday i worked a half-day then went home and rested till about 7 when bobby, my sister and me went to gameworks to meet up with my sisters friends. surprisingly the hei ren and muo xi ge ren population dwindled down so no fights broke out, thank God. jeez and a lotta ppl jus showed up. after i finished playin ddr i saw sam (from corona), nico, and matt in the window trying to get my attention so i opened the back door for them (it's locked). then mike angeles, amelia, wei, wadj, harry, *guy with harry who supposedly knows me, and phimus were all there too. haha later on when nico was trying to play that virtual arena tekken 3 game, he somehow managed to make the little girl on it cry. it was weird. i don't know how. it was jus funny as hell. then friday i had to go to the asu orientation/registration thing. i got all my stuff done for next semester there by 4 and then went home. later that night went to the korean church's yg which consisted of 10 or so ppl cuz most of them didn't come or were in cali. afterwards, andrew, sam, and junnie (?) showed up and we went to drop sam (from sd)off at the airport. boy was that fun. i thought security was gonna be really tight, but it was pretty lax. after the airport we went back to church and got my car, talked for a little while and then figured that we were all hungry and went to applebee's. saturday was great. i went to the idrc import drag racing thing at firebird raceway with jeff. it was my first time at some import-type show/race thing so it was pretty fun. to sum it up i saw skylines, supras, nsxs, wrsx, 300zxs, rx-7s, an mr2, civics, integs, and on and on and on. the crazy thing was that some of those vw bugs were fast as hell. i was impressed, but i'll still never want one. after that went home and ate then chilled with mike a, wei, phi, and charlie when charr got back from mexico. then yesterday it was the usual church schpiel, then lunch at peiwei's which was so-so, but what do you expect out of a restaurant owned by pf chang's? so ne wayz went to go see 'resident evil' after that, but my sister called me in the middle of it and said i had to take her home from church so i left to pick her up. later on i went to the 5.10 show with brian. it was a pretty tight movie. gotta luv killing zombies...well they're already dead, but u know what i mean. so yeah back to the entire skool, work, etc routine. ai yah. 8 more weeks...