While "Striptease," starring Demi Moore, and "Showgirls," starring Elizabeth Berkley, are graphically similar, "Striptease" will be sweetly appraised by Hollywood movie critics because of its star's caliber. Thus, the following comparisons are expected when "Striptease" is premiered.

-"Striptease" raises the social issue of a singly working mother struggling in the world of chauvinism while "Showgirls" was just another movie exploiting the female body.

-With "Striptease," Moore again proves that she is one of the best actors around. On the other hand, Berkley was so bad in "Showgirls" that she may never be able to get another major role in Hollywood.

-"Striptease" affords some worthwhile philosophical mottoes while most lines in "Showgirls" were simply meaningless, if not stupid.

-Although it was quite high, Moore's reported $12.5 million salary was justifiable. On the other hand, Berkley could have been overpaid even if she were paid a dime a day.

The critics' rationale will be that since Moore is a big star, her movie must be good. On the other hand, a virtual unknown like Berkley could only be in a flop.

May 26, 1996