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Welcome to my Guestbook!

Samantha - 11/10/00 21:47:24

Mamaw, I love your website!! I love you very much and miss you!!!

Gloria - 10/27/00 01:34:08

Dorothy, each page is very pretty and touching. I loved them all. Keep up the good work.

Marilyn (your sis) - 10/21/00 00:31:10

This is a neat site, and cute, too. I'm glad that someone in the family has some talent..love ya

Brenda Wilson - 10/17/00 14:47:36

Relly nice, enjoyed it very much.

Pam - 10/14/00 15:11:27

Aunt Dorothy, you have made a wonderful webpage. The pictures of Tim and Sami and beautiful! I miss you guys so much!

Jean Sharp - 09/23/00 00:32:37

Dot this is a very beautiful site, i will be checking back in soon.

- 09/23/00 00:14:59

You have done a very good job...backgrounds are beautiful, and ok so are Tim & Sami... Shielda

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