10th Mountain Division
86th Mountain Infantry Regiment
2nd Battalion
Company G


Riva Ridge - M. Belvedere -
M. Della Torraccia
M. Grande - Castel Ditiano
M. Della Spe

"....The 3rd Battalion, 86th Mountain Infantry was north of Gaggio Mantano where they had taken up positions on Mount della Torracia.  The Battalion moved in behind them on 26 February.  The Battalion was scheduled to pass through the 3rd Battalion and attack on 1 March, but weather delayed the move until 3 March.  G Company had the objective of Hills 953 and 952 on the left, and E company was to take Terminale, pass through Iola and continue north and east, keeping its right flank on the highway.  After a 30 minute artillery preparation, the two leading companies jumped off at 0700.  G Company was on the first objective at 1728, E Company reached top of Terminale at 0800, but stubborn resistance in Iola necessitated house to house fighting by E Company until 1400.  The Battalion bypassed E Company fighting in Iola and captured Hill 920 and 921 by 1300 with G Company in the assault.  F Company then passed through G Company and captured Hill 916 and the small village of Il Monte. 
By 1830 of the 3rd March, the Battalion had moved forward to El Monte and movement stopped for the night with F and G Companies in the line and E Company in reserve.  The Battalion had advanced over three miles during the day, captured 200 prisoners, including a battalion commander and his staff and suffered 15 killed and 87 wounded." 
On the 4th of March, all companies were in line in defensive position behind Sassomolare.  The fighting of the 3-5 March had caused heavy casualties, necessitating the 113 EM and 4 officer replacements. 
Gordon E. Randall, 
Capt. Infantry, 
Second Battalion Adjutant

10th Mountain Division Roll of Honor
86th Mountain Infantry Regiment
Company G

*Austin, Jack R.
Carroll, Conrad F.
Cascella, Walter T.
*Compton, John P.
Crandall, Richard L.
*Dmythrow, William J.
*Donahue, James R.
Easley, Merle, E.
*Foust, Ridgway
Freeman, Aaron G.
Garcia, Henberto
*Goodwin, Eugene A.
Graham, Delmar
Ladue, Raymond G.
Larrabee, John W.
Madsen, Gilbert J.
*Peabody, Myron F.
Phipps, Charles R.
Shelby, James H.
Simpson, Donald G.
Vaccarino, Gregorie S.
*Vlasoff, Nicholas M.
  (*) Indicates these men remain interred in Florence, Italy, at the American Cemetery and Memorial.
