
Dreams may seem no more than a reality we see when we sleep. But it is so much more. I believe dreams exist in a reality that is in complete control of itself. In our everyday lives, we have limited or almost no control of how we end each task, failure or triumph; hit or miss. In our dreams, lies the answer to all our ambitions, our wishes, and ourselves.

Acetlyne wrote "Reality feels like wasted time, because only in my dreams can I live out my hopes and desires. Nightmares occur when I wake up." I believe what Acetlyne says when she describes the reality of dreams. I believe dreams to be the reality, superior over the waking reality we live in our daily lives. Sometimes, I yern for the moment when I can return to my natural state of mind(dream state) and live the last days of my life in complete harmony.

The imagination is closly related to your dreams. Without the drawing board to the human mind, the imagination would have no use. It is the building blocks of ideas that fill our mind with pictures, sounds, and emotions. Our memories are greatly affected by the size of our imagination.

Mind| |Body

..sisters of separate energies..

There have been many theories on the Mind/Body Problem. Philosophers have asked these questions for centuries and I don't plan to solve everythin with a single line of reasoning. I only offer an explanation that I see as truth. My hypothesis for the Mind/Body Problem is that these two energies form a parallel system of interaction that may exist independantly from each other. The evidence for theory lies hidden within our unique dreams.

Dreams are a gateway to the mind. When you are dreaming, you are not conscious. But as soon as you know that you are dreaming (lucid dreams), you are conscious and you have the option to alter the dream to your wishes, if you know how to. I feel that the mind tells you the information that you do not know; information of more common sense than facts on events in life. This is where in dreams, you learn new things. For example, a dreamer may realize the solution to their everyday problem such as how to once-and-for-all stop the family dog from escaping the back yard.

Strongest argument {12/00}
When you dream, your mind is in control, until you gain that control. Have you ever been in a dream where you knew exactly what to do and where to go? But you don’t know how you knew? This is the scenario that your mind has created. It tells you all you need to know. The mind sets up the dream and you and your imagination lives the adventure.

Depending on how open your mind is, your dreams can show you places you’ve never seen before. While other times will take you back to revisit common places of meaningful significance. The mind and the imagination are so closely related. They are both on the borderline of being similar but their characteristics separate them completely. A word analogy is a perfect example to backup my claim. When I say the word "Cat" and supposing your immediate response is "Dog", then that was your mind’s answer. The answer was more of a reflex than a thought. But as soon as you placed a picture of a cat in your head (visioning a cat) then your imagination takes over. In order to control your dreams, you must learn to distinguish between knowing the truth and thinking the truth. The art of dream control is equal to the strength of your mind and imagination. Through the acts of meditation and OBE (Out of Body Experiences) techniques, the human mind can reach the boundaries of the imagination and beyond.

Lucid Dreams are dreams with a conscious level of participacion. This is the point of your dream that you realize that everything happening isn't real. It's all in your head. Many people never reach this state of lucid dreaming because of their clouded mind. Some will claim to reach lucidity but fail to perform any task they desire. This lucid state is your only oportunity to control your dreams. There are many techniques a dreamer can use to control their dreams. Their techniques are used to strengthen the will and broaden the imagination to its full capacity. Imagine a world created by your rules; by your colors, by your intentions. This world is your paradise and no one else can claim it.

I try to see nightmares as safe ways to understand my feelings. While no one likes to experience them, and would sooner forget them once awake, the quickest way to ensure they don't return for a repeat performance is to understand what is being expressed. What frightens the dreamer? Where does one feel the most insecure? Consider these questions and probe for general answers. Fear, pain, and anxiety are the most common ingredients of a real cold-sweat nightmare.

If you have any questions about lucid dreams, dream control techniques, out-of-Body experiences, etc., don't hesitate to contact me. I welcome your dream questions and experiences. I have had many people come to me for dream advise and I hope to inspire a new breed of lucid dreamers.