Circumcise Moon Landing

 Chapter 4
Van Allen radiation belt
Link Back to Chapter III: Gagarin Was Not The First Cosmonaut!

Prior to the Apollo program, a vast amount of research was done to determine the state of the environment of space.

Between 1949 and 1957 the rocket-aided studies of the pre-Sputnik era, gathered high resolution data at all optical wavelengths, of the solar spectra. The data collected revealed that UV and X-ray radiation from the sun was far more variable than the accepted norms.

1962 saw the launching of the first of a series of eight OSO (Orbital Solar Observatories) missions, to cover a span of seventeen years, the prime reason being to observe the discharge of particles from the sun through the peak of a sunspot cycle, the largest of the OSO's being Skylab, a manned observatory equipped with no less than eight large telescopes, one of which was fitted with a coronagraph, this vehicle was sent into orbit at 250 miles (approx.) above the surface of the Earth. Three missions were conducted on Skylab from May 1973 to Feb. 1974, providing thousands of photos.

It had already been observed that the space environment outside the Van Allen belt was too hostile for human life, ( numerous tests had been conducted using dogs and primates), and no live animals had been recovered from high altitude missions (above 15,000 miles) that had taken the animals outside the Van Allen belts, but live recovery was common from the low (250 mile) orbit.

It has been rumored that Yuri Gagarin, was not in fact, the "first" man in space and that the Soviets had actually blasted 3 men into deep space - but these tests resulted in the deaths of all 3 of these pioneering hero Cosmonauts . (Since this was written the Russians have indeed released the news that this was an actuality - the names of the 3 heroes have now been published - it just goes to show that conspiracy can and does exist!!!!)

In 1980 another satellite SMM (Solar Maximum Mission) was sent up to observe the sun during the peak of a cycle, this was supplemented by another satellite called Solwind in 1981, the two satellites were to work in tandem to provide readings of the intensity of the charged particles during the solar maxima, these satellites started to provide some startling data, for example the discovery of five comets that came so close to the sun that it was thought that they actually passed through the suns solar flares. In fact the data being collected by these satellites was starting to become an embarrassment to the US agency that was responsible for the so-called manned moon missions and the satellites were destroyed half way through their mission, on the pretext that they were needed as targets for the Starwars project, (ASAT) in September 1985, all data collected has mysteriously disappeared.

Why was so much money expended on these missions between 1973 and 1985, when the Apollo missions could have collected the data from a much higher altitude, unobstructed by the outer atmosphere, in fact why wasn't a lab set up on the moon for the project, the reason is because there were no manned moon landings period, it was a cleverly contrived hoax at the peak of the "Cold War" period of insanity, why would so much money and effort be spent to find out if the outer space environment was survivable if man had already been to the moon?????

Link to Chapter V: Why This Matter?