Botany Bay Family History Society inc

submission form information

please study and understand the following instructions prior to completing a Members Interest Submission Form

only members of the Society may submit entries for inclusion in the Members Interest Directory Online

print and then complete sufficient copies of the form and submit them on a meeting night or post them to the Society, marked for the attention of the Web Administrator. There is no provision for emailing your completed forms, please hand them to a committee member or to the web administrator directly.

when filling in the form, avoid transcription errors by using BLOCK CAPITAL letters and print VERY CLEARLY.

if you agree to your email address being published in the Members Interest Directory Online website then sign the authorisation segment of the form and advise us of your email address (again, print VERY CLEARLY, please)

if you have a privacy concerns and you do not agree to have your email address published then don't write it on the form! If you choose this option then any person/s seeing your entry on our website and wishing to contact you will need to write to the Society and their letter will be passed on to you. The system works so don't be intimidated into having your website published if you have any privacy doubts

time period entry

  • a + symbol after a date means anytime after that year
  • pre means anytime before that year
  • C before a year means circa or about that year
  • any means that the submitter is interested in hearing of any occurrence of that surname

place (of interest) entry may be a village, town, parish, city or area.

the State/County and Country part of your submission should be submitted in the Chapman Code format. Please note: the largest source of errors on submitted forms is incorrect or missing Chapman Codes! Please, please, check for the correct Chapman Code for your each individual entry

print out one or more submission forms

 return to Members Interest Directory Online Welcome page