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Dave's Page - Dave is cool, smooth, and suave. And, no, this opinion was not mared upon learning of his love for the Bee Gees.

MAGNET - The best music magazine going.

Pitchfork - An online music news source.

The War Against Silence - Some of the best writing I've ever read. Updated Thursdays.

All Music - An exhaustive music resource.

James Howard Kunstler - I have always loved the look and feel of towns and cities, and always found suburbia and its vinyl-sided overpriced shacks to be deplorable. But only recently have I been getting truly interested in the subject of landscapes, urban planning and the way people live. James Howard Kunstler has written three books, one of which I've read (Geography of Nowhere). I'm in the early stages of another (The City In Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition). His web site features a lot of his writing. He is funny, insightful and unsparing. I recommend reading some of his stuff. I think the thing that is keeping people from revolting against the way our topogrophy looks is that they don't realize that a lot of the despair, gloom and malaise felt in their lives comes from their surroundings. Lives lead in front of TVs, in houses impossible to leave without a car, in isolation. Hopefully things will change. Kunstler is definitely trying to help.