Charmed1's Place
Hi all Charmed1-Flint here.  A bit about myself.  I am a gay white male, single and waiting for Mr. Right.  Born and raised in Flint, Michigan.  I am a Scorpio, born 11-12-72.  I am employed as a mental health manager for a community residential home for the mentally ill.  Background in Psychiatric Nursing.  I have many friends on the web and to you all I say I love you for helping be the person I am today.  You all add so much to my life, thank you all.  I stand 5'8", weigh 165lbs, I have brown hair and eyes.  I enjoy theatre, music, outdoors, romance, travel, some sports, and living each day to it's fullest potential.  I do use yahoo chat,, VPlaces chat, ICQ, AOLmessenger, & Yahoo messenger. So if you want to find me it should not be too hard to do.  Leave me a message if you want to get to know more.  Peace, Love, And Light. -------Charmed1 (DougieJohn)