The question raised is "who are the Turks?"  The past year and one-half has been invested in tracking symbols, evaluating petroglyphs, and comparing different languages that includes Turkey.  The following table tells the same story found with archaeological evidence, meteorological evidence, linguistic evidence from Anatolia as well as from Europe, Africa, and Asia, literature including the Bible.  Minoan civilization on the island of Crete seemingly sprung from nowhere and the earliest writings began about 2000 B. C., the same time Abram left Ur.  Interestingly Mycenaean writing began as hieroglyphics and this may indicate that the Phaistos Disk is important.  Supposedly the Phaistos Disk was produced by using stamps according to scholars.  This means that the message was produced for what then was mass distribution.  It was distributed to people groups in Anatolia. The Turks during this time were a combination of people fleeing from famine and the indigenous people of that region.  Mycenaean civilization spread to the mainland to the west of Anatolia eventually.

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