Welcome to my Guestbook!

tim alt - 02/24/00 04:14:02
My Email:jtalt@aol


Kimberly - 08/26/99 06:10:12
My Email:jkcacho@aol.com

I visit this site in honor of my father in law. He is the bravest man I know and my heart bursts with pride knowing he was willing to give up everything to protect our freedom and the things we take for granted everyday. For all the POW/MIA's may God ke p his hand upon you! He knows where you are and has not forgotten you! God Bless America and our brave soldiers and veterans! To you I say THANK YOU!

Dan Jacobs - 03/07/99 19:52:47
My URL:http://www.capecodmouse.com/jacobs/vets/
My Email:jakethesnake@capecodmouse.com

Thank you for this site to the MIA's, may we NEVER forget them.

Deb - 12/07/98 04:08:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/BR5469/DebsPlace.html
My Email:wheat@stc.net

You have a really nice page!

Rosebud - 11/09/98 03:54:31
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/6702

Thanks for caring about our Missing Heros. I found your site while doing a search for MIA's from Minnesota. I am adding a link to your pages from my Minnesota's American Heros site, under Lt. Forman's name. Thanks again, you have done a great job on your ite. God Bless ..... Rosebud

Tim Steward - 11/04/98 16:55:14
My Email:thefaith24@juno.com

I love your web site i am very grateful that you design this web site. It has lift me up in a spiritual way and i won't to thank you for that. Always remember God loves you and your family. Romans 8:28

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