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No1 London Bridge This building is crouched on the southern end London Bridge and is arguably,
one of the most photogenic (and most photographed) of London's modern buildings.
Minolta TC1.
Statue in Berlin
I shot this statue in the old part of Berlin by the river in October 2000.
Nikon Pronea S APS SLR with 24-80mm lens at 24mm (Some image manipulation has been used on this image).
Statue in Berlin's old city
Another neat bit of statuary in Berlin's old city by the river front.
Nikon Pronea S APS SLR with 24-80mm lens at 24mm.
Trafalgar Fountian
One of Trafalgar Square's fountians in full flow.
Canon EOS 10 and 28-200mm Tamron lens at 35mm.
Sunset over London
I took this image of the sun setting over London from a roof of a building at Guy's Hospital looking West. It was shot before the Tate Modern was built and before the Millennium Tower was constructed which now obscures this view.
Canon EOS 10 with 28-200mm Tamron lens at 200mm.
Old Berlin
Another Berlin statue in the old part of the city.
Nikon Pronea S APS SLR with 24-80mm lens at 24mm.
Statue Detail: Berlin
Detail of the picture (left) showing the intricate detail of the statue.
Nikon Pronea S APS SLR with 24-80mm lens at 24mm.
Chicago's Waterfront
A 'Great Lakes' ship docked at the quayside in Chigago.
Canon EOS 10 with 28-200mm Tamron lens at 200mm.
Southwark Cathedral
The imposing main entrance doors into Southwark Cathedral on the South Bank of the Thames in London.
Canon EOS 10 with 28-200mm Tamron lens at 50mm.