Introduction to Jeri's Webpage!!!!!
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I am your host, Sammy the Robot. I am a robot. My name is Sammy. Hence, my name is Sammy the Robot. That is what it is. Because I am a robot named Sammy. It is unusual that a robot would be named Sammy. But I am. I am named Sammy, which is unusual. Because I am a robot named Sammy the robot.
Now we will start the tour through Jeer W. Sterns WebPages many failed projects and also see some of the site's history, starting from Y2K.
I am your tour guide. My name is Sammy the Robot. I am a robotic tour guide.
I am Sammy the Robot the robotic tour guide.

My Favorite Links:
Jeri W. Sterns Webpage!
Jeri W. Sterns Webpage!
Jeri W. Sterns Webpage!
Jeri W. Sterns Webpage!
My Info:
Name: I am your host, Sammy the Robot. I am a robot. My name is Sammy. Hence, my name is Sammy the Robot. That is what it is. Because I am a robot named Sam
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