You should have to look it in time!!!Click Here.
RUSSIAN (win-1251). /////You can contact:

Virtual Gallery:
Art - Chess-Set


" Knights and Bohatyrs"
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The Fairy-Tale Chess-Set.
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The Forest Fairy-Tales
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"Russians of Kiev and Polovets"
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"Russians and Knights"
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"West and East"
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"Knights and Tartar-Mongolians"
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"Kossacks and Knights"
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This is the unique author's work. It is impossible to begin their massive production. After the wooden board that was produced with no use of any up-to-date technologies.
Namely this kind of chess-field is in harmony with the carved edges of the board and the chess- pieces.
We aim to create the final impression of old restored work.

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Translated byALEX.

The Menu!

Basic page | Biography : Siberia Byelorussia Ukraine |
Christian motives:
Jesus |
The Child's Birth | Sermon on the Mount | Way to Golgotha |
Christian themes | Bas-reliefs on motives of icons (miniature) | Unity of Purposes of the Christians |
"Mini - monuments" of late 2 nd early 3-rd Millenniums:
" Old Hop" - 400 | Russian Navy - 300 | Moscow's history | Pushkin - 200 | |
I.Il'f and E.Petrov
| Perejaslav-350 | Galich-1100| Unity of Purposes of Christians |
St.-Petersburg - 300 | The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century | Great Domestic |

Ukrainian National Subject:
The Chess-set , dedicated to the 400th anniversary of B.Khmelnitsky. | Quartette of Hutsuls. | Galich-1100|
Odarka and Karas. | Ukranian kossacs tales to a japanese writer | Hutsuls in the Mountains- Miniature. | Perejaslav-350

Dear Collection Fans:
Super Miniature | Soldiers| Caskets. | Sudarushki--Chatting Monkeys |
A Forest Clock-House with the Feasting Gnomes | Three Piglets | Soviet Intellectuals AfterthePerestroika 1988-1991 |
Kossack with a Dagger | Zaporozian Kossack Tells Tales to Japanese Writer | Art - Knife |

SOS!...SOS!...If you are interested topic of problems on drug-narcotic and aggression among young people(children),look pageS.Uralov.