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IN RUSSIAN (Win-1251)
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"A monument I have erected to myself..."
A.S. Pushkin
More than 150 years have already passed, as these lines were written. And there are a lot of monuments which have been erected by the poet's grateful descendants. An original monument to the great poet was created by Elen in her new artwork

Aleksandr Sergeyevich
"Pushkin's Bail"-
chess-200-th anniversary
of poet's birth.

Mrs. Elena Vyacheslavovna

On Thursday , 26-th of May (Julian calendar) 1799 Nadyezhda Osipovna Pushkina (born Hannibal) the wife of Sergei Lvovich Pushkin has given birth to a son. This has happened in Nyemetskaya street that joins Yelakhovaya street (the Moskau). The child has been named Aleksandr... “As soon as Pushkin became the National poet he has touched the power of the Russian people and he at once has felt the great future of that power ...’F.M. Dostoyevsky

The Whites.

King-young, vigorous Pushkin in the period of blossom of his talent. "... Where muse gentle to me secretly Smiled.. "
Queen -
A young beautiful woman. She embodies the girls and women whom the poet used to fall in love with.".. As the genius of pure(clean) beauty.. "
Pushkin’s Boris Godunov.
“...I’ve reached the highest power...”
Pushkin’s Balda. An indusrious, sly, patient russian peasant
young vigorous Pegasus “...You wish to saddle the obstinate Pegasus...”
the barrel in which the queen and her son were closed and cast into the sea.
“ the sea a barrel sails...”
a composition- there are the" Goldfich " itself and the broken trough.“...Not a word spoke the goldfich in answer,
It just swish ed its tail, and in silence..”
fabulous warriors coming out of the sea.".. In scales Golden burning... "

King - Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin in his last tragic years (1835-1837)
“...He rose against the high society..."
Queen -
the prototype of that image was the wife of poet - Natalya Goncharova.
“...The God has sent you down to me, to me, oh, my Madonna...”
Officer -
the prototype of the piece is Pushkin’s grandfather -
‘ black uncle Gannibal...”
Officer -
Yes my elyan Pugatshov.".. Here my Pugath with the first sight... "
Pegasus saddled by the poet.
"... Horseman quiet Pegas.. "
the fabulous oak
“ There is an oak at turquoise seaside...”
the living giant head standing on the ground..
".. Deserts a watchman anonymous... "
deuces discussing over the sum of the tribute they had to pay to Balda.
".. There is nothing to do(make) draw have collected (tribute)rent... "

The Board.

I the front - the bas-relief portray of A. Pushkin.
Under the bas-relief are carved:
  • Little Alexander Pushkin listening to his nurse Arina Rodionovna who is telling him a fairy-tale.
  • Fatally injured Pushkin laying on the snow.
  • The hooks - two fairy-tale squirrels.
  • Under the hooks there are lyras carved.
On the another side. There are:
  • Peter the Great.
  • The greedy Knight.
On the another side There are:
  • Meeting of Ruslan and the fairy-tale Giant’s living
  • The Dhadon-tsar, The wiseman, The golden Rooster

The page is, more extended

If you have desire and opportunity, that about this original "monument" Pushkin has learned(found out) maximal people :
- Please, inform your friends about page; - Please, literary translation help to makee on various languages of the world

February, 1999 .108 days till May 26 (old style) Family Uralov , Lviv.

You can contact:

Translated by ALEX.


The Menu!

Basic page | Biography : Siberia Byelorussia Ukraine |
Christian motives:
Jesus |
The Child's Birth | Sermon on the Mount | Way to Golgotha |
Christian themes | Bas-reliefs on motives of icons (miniature) | Unity of Purposes of the Christians |
"Mini - monuments" of late 2 nd early 3-rd Millenniums:
" Old Hop" - 400 | Russian Navy - 300 | Moscow's history | Pushkin - 200 | |
I.Il'f and E.Petrov
| Perejaslav-350 | Galich-1100| Unity of Purposes of Christians |
St.-Petersburg - 300 | The Tragedy of the Twentieth Century | Great Domestic |

Art Chess-Set:
Fairy-Tale Chess - Set | Knights and Bohatyrs | Unit |Russians of Kiev and Polovets |
Russians and Knights| Knights and Tartar-Mongolians|West and East |Kossacks and Knights|

Ukrainian National Subject:
The Chess-set , dedicated to the 400th anniversary of B.Khmelnitsky. | Quartette of Hutsuls. | Galich-1100|
Odarka and Karas. | Ukranian kossacs tales to a japanese writer | Hutsuls in the Mountains- Miniature. | Perejaslav-350 |

Dear Collection Fans:
Super Miniature | Soldiers| Caskets. | Sudarushki--Chatting Monkeys |
A Forest Clock-House with the Feasting Gnomes | Three Piglets | Soviet Intellectuals AfterthePerestroika 1988-1991 |
Kossack with a Dagger | Zaporozian Kossack Tells Tales to Japanese Writer | Art - Knife |

SOS!...SOS!...If you are interested topic of problems on drug-narcotic and aggression among young people(children),look pageS.Uralov.

The Blacks.