// Myoozikq //


I like music. You like music? You like touching? You like touching me? Mmmm.. yea, that feels good huh? I Make music. Just so ya know. I play Guitar, Bass, Drums, Vocals, and program music on the computer. The music I program on the computer is known by the name "MUNT". I have 2 albums completed so far, the first is untitled. The second is my "Dance EP" which is 6 short dance tunes for those with short-attention spans. LIKE ME! I'll post them here or on MUNT.com (if I decide to register that..) for all you A.D.D. ridden freaks out there so you can all email me and tell me what a fuckn' badass I am. But it'll be a while. For more info on what kinda shit I'm into check the bio.

in the meantime here's some songs I wrote when I was bored..
Untitled #1
Girls on Girls