Above, the coastline of Coromandel.

Below, a view of the jagged mountains found on the Coromandel Pennisula

Coromadel is a peninsula located to the east of Auckland. It is known for the beautiful views along the coastline drive. We stayed in Tairua, located on the east coast. Here is the view of Mount Puka from our apartment at Saltwater Lodge.

In the afternoon we did some exploring of the area, including a climb to the top of Mount Puka for a breathtaking view of the ocean and harbor. Tairua, where we were spending the night, is located directly below.


Next morning we headed north, first to the Hot Water Beach where if the tide is right you can feel warm water in the sand below your feet. Then we headed up to Cathedral Cove, where a hike lead us to beautiful bays and stunning beaches, seen below. We continued to drive around the rest of the pennisula, enjoying the views, before heading to Auckland.

(onto Auckland)