The following even took place in a ward in Salt Lake City in 1974. It happened during Sacrament Meeting and it was told by a representative of the Twelve Apostles who was in the meeting. A young man, wh owas just about to depart for his mission stood up in Sacrament and shared in essence the following testimony:

"Brothers and Sisters, as you know during the last few weeks I have been waiting for my mission call. During the time in which I was waiting I had a dream. I know that it wasn't an ordinary dream. I dreamt that I was in the Pre-Existence and was waiting for my calling to go to Earth. The same emotion and anticipation that I had before I received my mission call filled me."

"In my dream I was speaking with my friend; he was a very beloved friend and I felt a special closeness about him, even more than I had known in this life. While we were speaking, a messenger came and gave me a letter. I knew that it was my calling to go to Earth."

"With great emotion, my friend and I opened the letter. I gave it to him and asked him to read it out loud. The letter said: 'You have been called to go to the Earth in a special time and a special country. You will be born in the true Church and have the Priesthood of God in your home. You will grow with many blessings and advantages. You will be born in an abundant land, a land of Liberty. You will go to the Earth, to the United States of America.'"

"My friend and I rejoiced while we read my calling and while we were rejoicing, the messenger returned. In this occasion he brough a letter for my friend. We knew that it was his calling to go to the Earth. My friend gave me the letter to read out loud. The letter said: 'You have been called to go to Earth in circumstances of poverty and conflicts. You won't be born in the true Church. A lot of suffering will come to pass in your life. Your country will be involved in political and social difficulties, which will hinder the work of the Lord. You will be born in Costa Rica.'"

"We cried, my friend and I, while we read the calling. And my friend looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, 'When we are down there on Earth, you in your chosen land and me in Costa Rica, my friend, please come and find me.'"

Then this young missionary, with tears in his eyes said: "Brothers and Sisters, I have received my mission call. I'm going to Costa Rica."

One year after this Sacramental Service the Bishop of that ward received a letter from the missionary in Costa Rica. The letter had only one piece of paper and written in big letter were the following words...