Poem Gone to Miami

Poem Gone to Miami



Gone to Miami on the first thing smoking
spending the day in a mall looking
Shopping for bargains not at home
hoping to come ahead all alone


Buying even things not needed
spending money receded
Coming home with loads behind
crying poor mouth all the time


Thinking about the next depart
going next time with his sweetheart
Leaving his wife home alone
the people have disconnected the phone


The bank has call to say a payment is due
his wife told them it's something new
Back in town with his sweetheart
after in Miami pushing carts


The wife spotted them at the airport
she is going off with her sport
Hello honey how are you?
he almost fainted with his sweetheart too!




Copyright ©2002, 2003, 2004

Dennis Arthur Dames

Nassau, Bahamas


E-Mail: dpoetry2002@yahoo.com

Web: Island Poetry Domain