Poem Hubert Ingraham

Poem Hubert Ingraham



Former Prime Minister and Party Leader Bahamas



Hubert Ingraham party leader
He is a skillful political reader

He says what he means
and means what he says
but sometimes too bad is his days


He was a PLP
and now he is an FNM
to be brief
He is the chief


A third term he would wish
But others want to be the big fish
So as the deal is
A deal it should be
Hubert Ingraham will not go for three


He has served well
and only time will tell
if his successor has really jelled


To take the nation to higher heights
and to protect the people inherent rights
The Bahamas watch as Hubert Ingraham takes his flight




Copyright ©2003, 2004 Dennis Arthur Dames

Nassau, Bahamas 

E-Mail: dpoetry2002@yahoo.com

Web: Island Poetry Domain