Camp Caroline

It was a little weekend vacation, all that we could really afford given the circumstances. The four of us, Seth, Kelly, Caroline and I rented a cabin in the state park for a few days of no-stress, no-job, no-news, no-traffic recreation.

When we got to the park, Seth and I jumped out to register and get the keys to our cabin. When we got back to the car, Caroline and Kelly were lying on the back seat. Caroline was on her side, her eyes closed, her mouth slightly open, her long red hair gently lying behind her, her right arm under her, her left hanging limply over the car seat edge. Kelly was draped over her, her long blond hair falling gently on Caroline's jeans, her serene face against the bare flesh of Caroline's side below her cropped tee. Kelly's left arm was between Caroline's rear and the seat back, her right lay across Caroline's left, drooping toward the floorboards. Both women had kicked off their sandals, exposing their lovely bare feet.

"Wouldn't you know it?" I asked. "Just when it's time to unload the stuff, they go and die on us!"

We climbed into the car, and Seth reached down by his feet and pulled out his camcorder. The man thinks of everything. Seth taped our wives limply swaying against each other as we bumped down the dirt road to our cabin.

"I want a copy," I said. Stating the obvious is kind of a habit with me.

Upon reaching the cabin, Seth asked, "Should we start with the bodies or the luggage?"

"The luggage," I said. "I want to get a little pumped first."

The cabin had two bedrooms, each holding two metal-frame double beds, and a common room with a table, a small fridge, a sink, a stove, four kitchen chairs, and a three long benches alongside the walls. There were large windows on every side of the cabin, a large box fan in one. The bathroom had a small shower. Outside the cabin, there was a fire circle, a picnic table, two benches, and a number of paths leading in different directions. Not exactly the edge of civilization, but it was cozy and rustic.

We unloaded the stuff, and returned to retrieve our wives. It seems that while Seth and I were busy with the gear, Caroline and Kelly had taken the opportunity to remove their tees, so that now they lay in much the same position as before, but wearing only jeans and bikini tops (Caroline's royal blue, Kelly's dark green).

I opened the passenger side door, and Seth hoisted his rag-doll wife out of the car, lifting her onto his shoulder. Her arms and hair hung down limply behind him and swayed as he walked. I captured the whole thing with the camcorder. I followed him in, and he took her into one of the bedrooms, laying her on one of the metal-frame beds. He positioned her a minute so that she lay on her back, arms limp at her side. Her shoulder was just past the edge of the bed and her head hung back, her long blond hair flowing down and pooling on the floor. Her neck was arched and her mouth was open. She lay very still.

I walked around her, photographing her from every angle, and then handed the camcorder to Seth as I went to retrieve Caroline. She had another surprise: her jeans now lay on the floor of the car, and she wore only the tops and bottoms of her bikini. I took off my shirt, and lifted her out of the car onto my shoulder, and into the house, loving the weight of her, the tickling of her face and hair brushing my back, the feel of her arms brushing the rear of my jeans. Seth followed me with the camcorder. When I reached the bedroom where Kelly lay, inspiration struck.

I lay Caroline on her back on the other bed in that room, then lifted her into my arms, watching her head fall back as I did. I then carried her over to where Kelly lay, and slowly lowered her onto Kelly's form, her hip on Kelly's hip, her back on Kelly's chest, her head hanging off the top of the bed next to Kelly's, her neck arched back, her cheek against Kelly's, her red hair falling next to Kelly's blond and mixing with it on the floor. The ladies' faces turned light pink. The video is difficult to watch since Seth's hand shook so badly, yet he took the time to walk around them, photographing the pile from every angle.

After he was done, Seth handed me the camera. "I see some asymmetry," he said.

He walked back over to the ladies, and lifted Caroline's legs at the knees, bending her hip and rolling her slightly onto her side, so that her hip now lay on the bed, but her shoulders, neck, cheek and hair stayed against his wife's. This allowed him to unfasten Kelly's jeans, revealing the bottoms of Kelly's bikini.

"Just as I suspected," he said, and he lifted her legs at the knees so that he could slip the jeans off his limp wife.

I handed him back the camera, and returned Caroline to where she was, lying on top of Kelly. The women's faces were a bright pink, but they stayed limp and motionless as Seth paced around them again.

"The only thing," Seth said as he finished his photography, "is that I kind of like the idea of killing Kelly myself."

I was about to say, "Well, it is a long weekend," but I before I could, Kelly "woke up."

"What?" she asked groggily, and then started to sit up. She pushed Caroline off her, so that my lovely redhead rolled onto her side and then off the bed onto the floor. She lay there on her stomach, her hair covering her face, her right arm under her stomach, her left at her side, her legs spread slightly, bent at the knees.

Seth quickly passed me the camera.

"What's going on?" said Kelly, as she managed to sit up all the way. Then, noticing Caroline on the floor, she let out a little shout, got out of the bed on the other side, and ran around to Caroline's body. She rolled her over onto her back, and sat down beside her, holding her head in her lap. Caroline's head flopped back and forth under Kelly's touch.

Kelly screamed, and then sobbed over Caroline, her hair covering her face and Caroline's. After a few minutes of sobbing, she looked up at Seth. "Well," she said prosaically, "when are you going to kill me?"

Seth pulled off his T-shirt, wrapping it tight between his fists. Kelly looked up at him pleadingly.

"No," she said. "Not me. Please...."

Seth walked behind her, knelt, and looped the wrapped shirt around her neck. "Plea...", Kelly started, and then gurgled and coughed as Seth pulled on the shirt. She tried to reach him, but her arms wouldn't bend at the right angle. She tried to pull on the shirt, but he was too strong. Her legs kicked and rocked Caroline's limp body, my wife's head still resting on her thighs.

After a moment, Kelly's gurgles died out, her eyes rolled up and closed, and her kicking legs twitched, then lay still. Seth loosened his grip, and her head fell back against his thighs. Our wives are really good at this sort of thing.

I handed him the camera. I could tell he and Kelly were in a hurry to be alone, but I said, "Just a minute or so."

With a little groan, he agreed.

Caroline began to moan a bit, and started to pull herself onto her elbows, but I quickly said, "I know you're playing possum, but it won't work." She dropped back down into her pose. She let her eyelids flutter a bit.

I lifted her shoulders off Kelly's legs, watching her head fall back. "You can't fool me," I said, "I'm going to stab you through the heart!"

She lifted her head and looked at me, "Oh yes," she said breathlessly, "do it!"

I plunged my empty fist (holding an imaginary knife) into her chest, and she doubled over, her hands clutching at mine, her eyes rolling up, her breath panting. After a moment, she let go, coughed a couple of times, rolled onto her side against Kelly's legs, and said, "Again!"

I ran my imaginary knife into her chest again, and she arched her back and convulsed, shaking Kelly as she did so. Then, the convulsions became more rhythmic, as Caroline rolled onto her back again and thrust her hips up and down, until she lay still once more, her eyes closed.

When she spoke again, it was almost a whisper, and I'm surprised the camera's microphone caught it. "Again...."

I stabbed her again in the chest with my virtual blade. She grabbed her chest and groaned, rolling over onto her stomach. Moaning, she crawled off Kelly's legs and struggled on the floor, her hips rising and falling in ever slowing pulses, until finally, she pushed her shoulders up off the floor, looked at me, sighed "yours..." and fell, arms and legs spread, eyes closed, hair messily tossed on the cabin floor.

Seth stopped the tape, set down the camera, gently lowered his wife's head to the floor, then lifted her in his arms. He carried her to the other bedroom, leaving Caroline and me alone.

The next morning, I found myself awake before everyone else, so I took a little early-dawn walk around the campground. Even though it was the weekend, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. It was early spring, and it was still a tiny bit cool, so maybe that explained it.

Anyway, there was a path from our cabin which led down to the lake. I say "lake", but it was really just a large swimming hole. I thought I'd gotten lucky and found the lake path first, but then I realized that they all ended up at the lake sooner or later.

The woods were pretty in the early morning, and the air smelled great, flowers and clean air mixing in my breath. I'm pretty good about finding my way around places, so I didn't worry about getting lost. The park wasn't so big that you could easily wander off too far anyway.

When I got back from the cabin, I saw Seth, Caroline, and Kelly at the breakfast table. Seth had apparently showered and dressed, and he sat there casually eating a bowl of cereal.

The girls, however, were still in their baby-doll nighties (Caroline's pale pink, Kelly's powder blue). They were also sitting in chairs, but slumped over the table, motionless.

Seth saw me walk in. "You might want to stay away from the orange juice," he said through a mouthful of corn flakes. Kelly twitched -- I think hiding a laugh.

Caroline's hand slid from the table and fell by her side, swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. It was the kind of thing that happens in the movies, but not in real life. Caroline was reassuring me that she was really all right. I mean, I love playing around and all, but if anything were to actually happen to her...

"Did you kill my wife behind my back?" I asked Seth.

"No," he said, and took another spoonful of cereal. "Maybe later. They were like this when I got out of the shower about five minutes ago."

I took Caroline by the shoulders and lifted her face off the table. Her head dropped down as I pulled her back, and then, eventually, she slid off the chair and dropped to the floor in a heap of long shapely legs, arms, and luscious red hair.

"Should we kill them again?" asked Seth. Neither of the girls moved a muscle.

"No," I said. "I've got a better idea."

"Like that pose yesterday afternoon?" asked Seth.

"Yeah, something like that," I said. "Lower Kelly to the floor, get your camcorder and the tripod, and take off your shoes and socks." I began to bare my own feet.

"Uh, OK," he said.

Kelly didn't want to be gently lowered to the floor; she wanted to fall. As soon as she heard Seth's chair scrape on the floor, her head began to slide off the table, her weight shifting in her chair until it slid from under her and she flopped onto the floor, her baby-doll flying up to reveal all of her powder blue panties and a bit of her bare back.

While Seth got the camcorder and pulled off his footwear, I walked over to the shower. Seth usually took very short showers, so I figured there was lots of hot water left. I started it running and turned the shower head so that the water ran down the back of the stall.

When I got done, Seth was taping the girls. The tripod was set up, but the camera was in Seth's hand. I moved the tripod into the bathroom, near the sink. There might be just enough room. I got the camera from Seth and set it up so that it was shooting the shower floor.

"OK," I said when I returned to the party. "Body parade."

I held Caroline under her arms, grabbing a big handful of baby-doll pajamas in the process, so that when I lifted her, much of her bare stomach could be seen. Her head fell forward onto her chest. Seth, taking my cue, did the same to Kelly. He followed me as I dragged my wife into the bathroom.

I lifted her a bit more so that her bottom would clear the three-inch sill of the shower, and then pulled her in the wet shower stall with me. I sat her limp body down on the wet floor of the shower and let her back fall against a side wall. Instantly, her nightie was soaked through. Her head was against her chest again, and her hair was slowly dampening with the shower spray.

"Kelly's turn," I said, but Seth stood still, mouth agape, bent over a bit. I'm pretty sure he was unable to straighten up.

Kelly had been peeking out from under her eyelids, and she took the initiative. "Wait," she said. "Stop the camera a minute and let me do something."

I pushed the PAUSE button. Kelly got her feet under her and walked into the bathroom. Seth managed to shuffle forward a step or two.

Without moving, Caroline asked, "Do you need anything from me?"

"No," said Kelly. "You're perfect."

The blond stepped into the shower next to Caroline's seated form long enough to soak her own nightie and dampen her own hair with the mist, then stepped out. She knelt by the sill, tilted her head back and fixed her wet hair so that it fell behind her. "Roll tape," she said.

I pushed the PLAY button. "Rolling," I said.

After a second, Kelly whipped her hair forward over her head, simultaneously falling into the shower. She landed with a smack on top of Caroline, her hair sprayed against the back wall in a dark yellow brush stroke, her face fell against Caroline's thighs. Kelly's abdomen lay over the shower sill. Her legs were spread. She twitched once, then lay very still.

Neither Seth nor I could move for a little while. When we could, we shut off the water and the camcorder.

Seth got two big, soft white towels. He handed me one, then he rolled his wife over, lifted her limp form in his arms, and laid her on the towel. He wrapped the terry cloth around Kelly's very wet body, lifted her again, and carried her to their bedroom.

I moved the tripod and closed the bathroom door.

That afternoon, Caroline and I walked out to the lake together, just us two, while Seth and Kelly set up a hammock between two trees for their own alone time.

We sat and talked by the water. We talked about her job and mine, my family and hers. We talked about trying to have a kid sometime soon, and we talked about what we dreamed about. We traded jokes. We traded frustrations. We talked about all the things you never get to talk about when you've got commitments and work and a leaky faucet in the kitchen.

When we got back, Kelly and Seth were asleep in the hammock, Kelly's head on Seth's chest, his arm around her.

"You want to take a nap too, honey?" I asked Caroline.

"No," she said, "but I would like to play gin rummy."

"Usual stakes?" I asked.

"Sure," she said, with a wink.

"I always win," I said.

"I know," she said, and we walked into the cabin.

When Seth and Kelly woke up and came into the cabin, I was seated on one of the benches while Caroline stood before me, swaying her hips, tossing her hair, and unbuttoning her blouse while humming a seductive tune.

"Oh," said Kelly, and she started backing out.

Caroline stopped and looked at her friend.

"He always wins at gin rummy," she said.

Kelly and Seth left us alone.

After dinner, Kelly asked, "Are you game for something new?"

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked. I'll admit I was curious myself.

"I mean, we've done lots of different death scenes, but I'd like to try my hand at killing too." Kelly looked a little nervous. Then she said to Seth, "I mean, I love it when I die for you and all."

"Do you want to kill me?" asked Seth.

"No," she said thoughtfully, even hesitantly, "I have something else in mind."

"Like what?" asked Caroline.

"Well..." she began. "Maybe I shouldn't have brought it up."

"Do you want to kill me?" asked Caroline.

"Well..." she began again. "I don't know. I mean, I want Seth to enjoy it, but I don't want him part of it. I know he doesn't like Amazon warrior kind of stuff, but I'd like to initiate things."

She paused a minute. "I shouldn't have brought it up," she said. "I really don't have it worked out."

"No, no," said Caroline. "Just give me a minute to think."

"Yeah," I said. "Can you tell us a bit more?"

"What do you want to feel?" asked Seth.

"I want to feel..." Kelly started. "I want to feel apart from you, Seth. On my own." Seth looked a little hurt, and Kelly added, "but but like you're watching me. Like a peeping tom or something. And I want to feel Caroline need me, and then I want to hold her as she..."

She swallowed hard, and looked directly at me. "And, somehow, I want you to try to save Caroline and me. You, not Seth. I want him to watch. But it won't work. The rescue attempt, I mean. And... And Seth, I want you to watch. I want to feel your eyes on me. But I want you to just watch."

Kelly looked at her hands, and sighed a shaky breath.

"Kelly?" said Seth. When she didn't look up, he said again, "Kelly?"

She lifted her head and looked at him, and you could tell she was ready to be hurt.

"I want my eyes on you," he said.

Kelly and Caroline lay on the metal-frame bed, just as they were when we first got to the cabin. Kelly was in her green bikini, hands at her side, head back over the edge of the bed, hair spilling onto the floor. Caroline lay atop her, hip on hip, back on chest, shoulder on shoulder, cheek on cheek, her head back as well, her red hair mixing with Kelly's on the floor. Seth and I sat on the other bed, watching. No cameras this time; just our eyes.

In a moment, the women began to moan, softly at first, turning their heads left and right, mixing their pool of hair. Soon, their hips began to sway and their knees bend. Caroline fell over onto the floor and held her stomach, moaning. Kelly curled up in the bed, writhing and twisting.

A lonely cry from Kelly: "Caroline?"

"Here," Caroline moaned, and she tried to sit up, pushing against the floor with her hand. She fell back and continued to moan, louder now.

"This is it, I think," said Kelly. She worked herself over to the end of the bed so that she could see Caroline. "I think this is it."

"It hurts so much," said Caroline. "So much."

"I know," said Kelly, and she lowered herself onto the floor next to my wife. She put one hand tenderly on Caroline's shoulder; her other was still clutching her stomach.

"How long till..." asked Caroline.

"I don't know," said Kelly.

"I just don't want to hurt anymore," said Caroline. She pulled her knees in even closer.

"There's no way out," said Kelly. "No way."

"I just don't want to hurt anymore," said Caroline. She rolled over to face Kelly. "No more pain."

Kelly stopped moaning. With great will, she straightened herself out, raised herself to all fours, and whispered in Caroline's ear. "I'll help you, my friend. I'll take away your pain."

Caroline rolled onto her back and straightened her legs, but still clutched her stomach. "Yes," she breathed.

Kelly straddled her friend, and placed both her hands on her neck. She looked down and her blond hair fell on Caroline's cheek. She squeezed.

Caroline gasped and, at first looked almost grateful. But then, she started to fight for her life, her hands leaving her stomach and grabbing Kelly's arms, her legs kicking as she tried to buck her off. The struggle became more and more intense as Caroline kicked and pulled and bucked, but Kelly held on, her hands tight around my wife's neck. Then, Caroline tensed up, raising Kelly an inch or so above the ground, and, with a sigh, collapsed, arms out, legs spread.

Kelly held onto her neck for a few seconds more, then released her. She turned Caroline's face back and forth, and smoothed Caroline's hair gently with her hand. "Goodbye," she said.

Then, she grabbed her stomach again and let out a little shriek. Still straddling Caroline's still form, she shook convulsively, Caroline shifting like rags beneath her. She bent forward, still clutching her stomach, and she lay atop Caroline. "Aaah," came the small cry, and then a slow outward breath, and then Kelly was still. A small bit of drool left her mouth and ran down Caroline's face. Kelly jerked once more, and Caroline flopped with her. Then, they each lay very still, Kelly and Caroline.

"You're on," said Seth to me after a moment.

"You're sure you're OK with this?" I asked.

"I'm looking forward to it," he said. "It will make Kelly happy."

I walked over to where the ladies lay, and took Kelly's shoulder and hip, rolling her off Caroline. Her hair fell across her face, and I decided to leave it like that a moment. I grabbed her legs and dragged her a bit down the dusty floor, until she was clear of my wife, and raised her hands over her head. I then felt at her neck for a pulse and tapped her shoulder. "Kelly," I said.

She lay still and flaccid.

I put the heels of my hands on her chest and pushed gently, bending my elbows so that it looked like I was being more violent. I brushed the hair from her face.

I put my hand under her neck, tilted her head back, and covered her mouth with mine. Unlike Caroline when we play this game, Kelly drew air from me to inflate her chest. When I removed my mouth, her chest fell again. I repeated it a few times, one eye on Seth (and Caroline) for an indication I should stop. Neither ever moved, Caroline still and limp on the floor, Seth wide-eyed and attentive on the bed. Seth's hands were in his lap.

So, it was my timing that mattered, and after a few chest compressions and breaths of life, I decided to call it quits. I rolled Kelly onto her stomach, for no good reason except that it felt right.

As we agreed beforehand, I found Caroline already beyond resuscitation. I felt her pulse at her neck, and then tenderly touched her hair in parting.

I dragged Caroline by the feet over to where her friend lay. I rolled Caroline onto her stomach and partly onto Kelly's back, Caroline's arm flopped over Kelly's shoulder. I looked at them for a moment. I covered them both with the same sheet from the bed.

Seth and I walked out of the room.

A moment later, Kelly emerged, walked over to Seth, and kissed him passionately. They walked arm-in-arm into their bedroom, and I returned to my lovely Caroline.

We all woke up pretty late Sunday morning, but we decided that we couldn't leave without getting a little swimming in. We ate a quick breakfast, changed into our suits, and charged out to the lake. We fooled around for a little while. Seth and I raced each other across and back. (I won't tell you who won, which should tell you who won...)

The water was actually pretty clean, but there was this little shower thing on the shore where you could rinse off. When we got back to the cabin, where, I guess, we could have rinsed off in our own shower, we only had an hour or so until we had to leave.

We grabbed some towels and started to dry off, and I said something about packing up.

"Oh!" cried Kelly.

"Oh! Oh!" cried Caroline.

"Oooooh!" cried Kelly and Caroline as they fell into a pile on the floor, towels, skin, green and blue bikinis and wet red and blond hair all heaped together into a limp mass.

"We're not going to get any help packing, Seth," I said.

"I can see that," said Seth.

Seth and I packed up the stuff, taking a moment here and there to pose our damp damsels in humorous ("Look! A letter 'P'!") and alluring ways.

At any rate, after we loaded all the stuff back into the car, we loaded our limp ladies in too. We decided on two man carries this time, Seth holding Kelly under her arms and me holding her legs, then reversing rolls for Caroline.

They "woke up" after a while on the road, claiming with a smile that they couldn't remember anything after they got back from the lake. We had taken a few snapshots to remind them....

Please write me if you have any comments about this story.

Copyright 2004.

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