The Slipstream Top 250 Star Trek Sites-vote for my site

I havent spoken to the webmasters of this website and they will been bringing the website back online as soon as they have completed all server updates, and will let me know...


stfederation top list, Vote for my site

Vote for me @ WebTrekkie's Top Star Trek Sites--Vote for my site

I havent spoken to the webmasters of this website and they will been bringing the website back online as soon as they have completed all server updates, and will let me know...


Region 20

Region 20 Website icon

The Star Trek (SFI) Group I am with but just a vistor but helpful vistor...

if u would like to email the admin please send an email on  my nickname on the forums is startrek.


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  My Other Links Page

Come and Join Federation Elite Force. A Online Sim game, where u create a character and join in... no online games needed, this is just a texted bassed game created by members who join, you to could be in this aswell. ever click the image below for more information about us or click Enlist to join



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