Warning! This site is SPOILER INTENSE! If you want to be Schwarz-ignorant, this isn't the place to be. Flee! Shield your eyes and flee!

About Schwarz
Gundam Spiegel
His Origin
His Mission
His Deeds
The Original--The Man Behind the Mask
Why Schwarz
Past Updates

1-11-04 With DG cells up and kicking, Sympathy has been updated for the first time in over a year, one new wallpaper and a fic. Anticapate a new layout and the completion of His Deeds in the time to come.

This is a fansite. Please don't sue. Schwarz Bruder and the rest of the cast of Mobile Fighter G Gundam, not to mention the show itself are property of Sunrise, the Sotsu Agency and Bandai. Pictures, altered and otherwise, come from artbooks, manga and people nice enough to give me screen caps. Like Grant. Hi, Grant.