by Tiamath Dracomancer

Astrological signs of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn. (But especially, that of Pisces)
Vibrates to number 3
Soul tone : B (or Mi in European scale)
Chakra affinity: crown, thymus, third eye.
Energy focus: clearing.
Element: Air

Amethyst is a variety of quartz (silicon dioxide - SiO2) which occurs throughout the world in either crystalline or massive form. Colours range from deep purple to palest lavender.(Canadian amethysts from Thunder Bay area have a lot of red and orange inclusions in them, affecting their usage. They can help connect the root and belly chakras to the crown and third-eye.) The presence of manganese in clear quartz produces amethyst, while the iron content determines the depth of violet colouration.

Amethyst is one of the most "spiritually influential" gemstones. In healing, it is particularly associated with the third-eye and the crown chakras. It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into the higher frequencies, and therefore can promote metamorphosis on every level in the user. It balances the energies of intellectual, emotional and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the physical plane and the other worlds. It clears the aura and transmutes any dysfunctional energies within the body. The wearing and use of amethysts brings about stability, strength, and, especially, the state of peace such as present before incarnating.

Amethysts are wonderful to use in meditation, as they are both grounding and stimulating in terms of spiritual awareness all at the same time. Can be used to protect one from any unwanted vibrations. In arguments and conflicts, amethyst can help one maintain one's center, keeping one calm and grounded. Encourages "common sense" and flexibility in decision making. Assists in assimilation of new ideas, improves memory and broadens the outlook. Promotes creativity and inspiration.

Sleeping with one under your pillow can help you access your "higher" self and create a "bridge" for your spiritual guides for enhanced communication. Dreaming of amethysts is a sign of universal love being channeled to you for your use. Pass it on!!!

In healing, amethyst is used in treatment of hearing disorders, to strengthen the skeleton (as in osteoporosis), stimulates and balances the sympathetic nervous system, (helps relieve migraines and insomnia), re-aligns and balances the endocrine system to treat such problems as hypo- and hyper-thyroid dysfunctions, stabilizes mental disorders. Can help in treatment of depression, if used regularly. Very effective in treatment of hypertension and heart disease.

Helps remove unpleasant energies from one's environment. (Large amethyst geodes or clusters are best for that, but even small stones can be very effective).

The placing of amethyst in bath-water is very soothing and relaxing, calming and balancing.

Amethysts will lose some of their colouration if exposed to sunlight, they tend to prefer moon- and star-light energies for their re-charging. If you buy some, question the seller as to the source: some amethysts, especially those from Brazil, have been exposed to high doses of radiation by being placed inside cores of nuclear reactors, in order for their hues to be enhanced. Same principle applies to citrines. Many reputable dealers now carry Geiger counters.
