"How One Becomes What One Is"

by Eva Maria Francz Lapthorne

To sum up all of the feelings relevant to any musician/artist/performer/novelist/poet, I have to state to any being that is of a unique, individualistic soul (that does mean each and every one of us!!) whether you be someone who is working in a part of the academic/university degree hungry niche, of mainstream society, or just a creative, self-taught traveller within life, the real world, we are often misunderstood by the "powers that be", that which is perceived as being above us, and seemingly "more in control" in many ways.

I think that due to having experienced a life (young as it is) as a spiritual poet/musician, not wanting to conform in any way to becoming another "clone in a square shaped box", I say, to all hell with the idea of playing music under a record company, in the condition that it has to be commercial enough in order for your album to sell, and that it has to be either easily put in a existing genre, or that it has to appeal to the majority of what best-selling pop artist connoisseurs want!!

Whilst there are many talented musicians within this wonderfully broad and talented field, whether their genres may be pop, alternative, world music, heavy metal, or otherwise, apart from The Tea Party and bands such as Tool, A Perfect Circle, all the other countless bands that we all love and admire. I am still utterly dumbfounded by the fact that there are not more spiritually, enlightened poetic (Dead Can Dance....Jim Morrison...Led Zeppelin....etc...etc...), musicians who have become well known, respected artists, those few who create visual images with words, and haunting aural soundscapes, taking the listener into subconsious realms of the "real" existences elsewhere within ourselves that are truly "real", which we are in need of, more often, and for some reason, are being cut off from it, when, at this moment in time "right now", the world needs some inspiration.

People need to know that creativity is really important in getting to know ourselves and everybody else, in a way that loves the world just as it is and accepts differences, and for gods' sake, allows people to feel parts of the ancient Earth, that which speaks to us which we do not listen to very often, for our mind is that jumbled with physical experiences.

There is not just one dimension to exist in, one existence that is truly real. For that is just an illusion...for me, anyway. Other people are obliged to live their lives and experience their reality, and in co-existing worlds, however they see fit. I do not wish to impose my opinions on anybody else, for you are all intelligent and have your own desires! Because integrity means so much to me, and because The Tea Party are the only band right now that I feel really represents the whole of everything in the universe, everything great that has ever existed within music, explaining emotions that human words could never decipher, making one feel so eerie because they are reminded of places long ago, that they once inhabited or places that still are there or unlock dreams of a hidden music, a hidden creation, bringing out talents and powers, making one so happy that they feel music can actually take metaphysical objects and plant them in the soil for them to grow and touch people with emotions, feelings that can be understood consciously without having to speak even one word.

And you can give all of this to the person sitting next to you, and they know, they know what is in your heart...what's important to you, and that, to me, is the fact that deep down we all are important and I like to be reminded that after a long day, alone, in my room, that there is somebody out there smiling back at me, because it doesn't matter what you look like, what personality you have, whether you're a mathematician or a painter with a dis-ability, a spark of dust....a million grains of sand, which I am but only one part of in the reality of being small, and just one.....you can actually touch the stars, and people, be tall, be a part of the world in ways that unlock originality.

People get drawn to others because they are themselves, they're not afraid to be different and in being different, you are becoming more in common with others because there is not one thing in this world that we are exactly the same at. So really we are all of one seed, because we all have a talent, different, within the wheel, to complete the magnificent whole. I know, it sounds completely ridiculous. I am sorry. I'm just frustrated. That's all we need. No more formula. I've had enough with being acceptable. So what if people look strangely at a female with a long eagle feather in her hair? Because I'm going to make a darned difference. And so is everybody else I know and love. Everybody who makes music is special. Anybody who does anything is special, for they are "experiencing" life. I would just like to be able to unlock some more free spirits, people who aren't ashamed to come up with something completely different in the musical genres...for it cannot be definable in it's complete form...so why is music, just that, music????

It could also be the song of a black bird flying under crescent moons, it's shadow dappling over shimmering lakes...the poet transforms himself into a seemingly- in-animate object and makes it come alive. I'd just like to commend the Tea Party for persisting in their vision, and making it become a material, living, and breathing being. It really goes to show that all things unattainable, like the stars and the sun, are here with us, and whether they can be touched with fingers or not, does not matter. Trust in your own intuition. Keep on laughing. Be spontaneous. This existence can be a beautiful thing. We are not prisoners. Loosen your inhibitions. Do what you've always wanted to do, and accept, that sometimes, other people do not want to hear the truth. That doesn't mean you have to stop living because of it. Record companies are very important, but if they don't want you because your alter-egos are not already existing in the music business, it's high time that you move on and keep persisting with your introspective calling, and you'll find somebody who loves you for playing whatever you want to play. I don't know. I've exhausted my creativity. I just hope that people keep a dream in their eyes.....no matter how far away it is.....for when you've finally attained something, you realise that you had it there with you, all the time, from the start, all along. It's not out side of you. It's within you. Imagination. It does create....it's not just a mirage....

Lots of Love, Laughter, And Star Magic Copyright © 2000 by Eva Maria Lapthorne
