Samhain Night

By Lady Dolores

Dance the dance of All Hallows Eve
Round the circle that witches weave
By all the powers of three times three
The Witching Hour
That beckons thee

Stir the cauldron round and round
Prepare a feast of bountiful size
For from the skies drawing near
On Besoms and Broomsticks
They'll arrive
A celebration
This New Year's night

East then North, West then South
Call to them of sight unseen
And set the table with candle light
For spirits who've passed and taken flight

The Sacred Flame
Set afire
And call to Deity
With thy desire

Arms outstretched in moon's dim light
On this our eve of blessed rite
To touch the moment that only lies
In thinnest of veils for our eyes

The time without time
And worlds beyond worlds
The call of our birthright
Our Samhain Night

Copyright © 2000 by Dolores Gameros
