UPDATED 8 - 9 - 02

Currently, I am twenty two years old, and feeling very old, because it wasn't so very long ago that I thought that I'd have graduated from college, gotten a real job, my own place, a new car, and all of that happy junk by the time I was twenty two. Currently I have am a filing clerk and cashier at a car dealership, still in college, still driving my mom's old Ford, and still living at home (you try living on your own at my age where I live: people around here live with their parents until they're thirty or get married, quite a shocking difference from most of the places I grew up!). As of this September I will be a Super Softmore in college (huzza for credits that don't
quite transfer all the way) and majoring in communications. Unlike some of my erstwhile friends of the same or simular majors (you know who you are), I intend to go for my masters in public relations or something and work for a company that will provide me with a real job, the money to buy a new car and hold down an apartment, and all of that happy adult junk that I thought I'd already have by now when I was sixteen. That, and a pile of student loans that'll make your head spin. Ahhh, well. Such is life.

My interests include martial arts (I take Nothern style Kung Fu and am currently studying Long Fist form, see links), video games (which I don't have much time for these days), reading and writing ficiton, and tearing my hair out because nobody can seem to get my name, address, or social right on all of my very important college loan paperwork. My hobbies do not include web design. This whole page was done with page builder and I neglected to update it for over two years until somebody reminded me I had it. I am a fitness and health freak, and my lifelong love and foe is Coca Cola. That said, I think vanilla coke tastes vile, and my best friend will probably pop me upside the head for saying it, too. Bite me, Yume Chan. >=D

I am a big anime fan, my current favorate is Kenshin. Other favorates include Trigun, Escaflowne, El Hazard (The OVAS. Please do not mention the TV series in my presence, it offends my sensiblities), and the Robotech Macross Saga.

That's about it....

Let me tell you about the time I was...hey....where are you going?!