From the Houston Chronicle, November 5, 1998
Written by Jackie Horgan, with assistance from Leah McGrew
Thanks to Linda Sparr for sending me a copy!

ANN ELAINE MCKANNAN lost her fight against Ovarian Cancer on November 4, 1998. She was the Juvenile Librarian at the Morris Frank branch of Houston Public Library, a member of the choir at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany. A gifted storyteller, puppeteer, and singer, Ms. McKannan published many stories in amateur magazines, and was working on two novels at her death. She will be greatly missed by friends around the country, as well as coworkers and patrons. "Ms. Ann" was a favorite with the children. Visitation will be 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thursday, November 5, 1998 at Forest Park Westheimer Funeral Home, 12800 Westheimer @ Diary Ashford. Memorial services will be 11:00 a.m. Friday, November 6, 1998 at Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, 9600 S. Gessner. In lieu of flowers, the familiy requests donations be made to the Houston Public Library, your local public library or the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 570127, Houston, TX 77257-0127.

From the Prydonian Renegade, a fannish newsletter, December 1998
written by Anne Collins Smith

Ann Elaine McKannan, co-editor of the Blakes 7 fanzine Standard by Several and founder of Lindberg's Legacy Press, passed away November 4th of ovarian cancer. She was 48.

Ann (known to some Texas friends as Elaine because of the preponderance of people named "Ann(e)" in Austin fandom) was a writer, editor, filker, and costumer. She brought her love of performance to fandom at many costume contests and cabarets, and to her job as a children's librarian where she was an indefatigable reader, school visitor, and puppeteer. She was also a member of the Houston Storytellers' Guild.

A webpage of fannish memories of Ann, including a lovely eulogy by Connie Crouch and an awesome recipe for chocolate truffles that Ann used to make may be found at: (That's us, folks--you're already here).

Program of the Memorial Service:


NOVEMBER 6, 1998

The Book of Common Prayer

The Prelude: O World, I Now Must Leave Thee (J. Brahms)
The Book of Common Prayer 469: The Solemn Sentences
The Collect
The Lessons
The First Lesson: Isaiah 61:1-3
The Psalm: 121
The Second Lesson: I Corinthians 1-13
Psalm 23 (The King James version)
The Sequence Hymn: Savannah
The Holy Gospel: John 14:1-6
The Homily: The Reverend James T. Tucker
The Prayers of the People
The Peace


(All who are baptized Christians are invited and welcome to share the Lord's supper)
The Offertory Anthem: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (J.S. Bach) - The Chancel Choir
The Great Thanksgiving: Eucharistic Prayer II
The Proper Preface
The Lords Prayer
The Breaking of the Bread
The Communion Hymn: Middlebury
The Postcommunion Prayer
The Blessing
The Closing Hymn: Victory
The Procession out with Solemn Sentences
The Postlude: In Thee is Joy (J.S. Bach)

Since Elaine was particularly fond of purple, each of these pages uses a different purple graphic design. The marvelous Celtic knotwork on this page came from Fairgrove Conjureworks

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